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  1. With the US's worshiping "Coolness" and hating "geekyness," I don't think that our population is rational. Also I can't see how massively traumatizing people will increase rationality and reduce emotional reactions what happens. Also, any dramatic splitting of the states while other countries have relatively the same power will set up for foreign intervention to enhance the Chaos, Death & Destruction. I think the best collapse is one where the fed gov turns over responsibility for internal governing to the states, and only uses its funding to support military that is gradually withdrawn around the world to defensive positions for U.S.A. Is it possible, yes, my guessed likely hood of it happening <1%.
  2. the H1B program has really screwed up the IT Job market. I ended up getting out of programming and more into support after a 2+ year unemployment stent.
  3. Welcome, Enjoy Stefan's various broadcasts, He keeps the subjects varied.
  4. I know that there are non-leftist people in Illinois, my folks live about 60-80 miles west of Chicago, last Thanksgiving when I was out there, the neighbors were doing a bunch of shooting practice. (I can't say that they are the most rational either, don't attack their extended family, but otherwise OK) There must be something that separates people so that the higher population density the more lefty they are. IDK... there are people in rural areas who are quite authoritarian too so hmm.
  5. If I drive a car to a "Bad neighborhood" and leave it unlocked with the keys in the ignition, who is responsible for the theft? Now where I live, I leave it unlocked with the keys in the ignition all the time, but I live in a high trust area. There are hell holes where one guy will talk to you by your car to distract you while another broke in on the other side. When it comes to rape, I think it was on Steph's call in show, where a woman said that when she was younger a woman could walk down the street naked and not be afraid. Now it is the rape capital of the world; I've been lead to believe that no woman, or boy is safe with these migrents.
  6. My folks moved to Illinois when I was about 7, then I moved back here when I was ~30. Been to East coast(VA-Mass), West Coast (Southern Cali), Arkansas. Also have been to some parts of Asia. Every area has unique things that people just living there have no idea how different it is. For example, Arkansas, I had to work outdoors in the summer. when it's foggy at 80 degrees. Then here people complain about humidity when it goes over 30% in the summer time. A girl described her feelings coming back here from Southern California (pre-drought) and she was soo happy to see something green. Compared to Illinois, it's always brownish here, but compared to Riverside Cali, where it's more dirt then plants it's green here.
  7. Greetings from the great american desert! Or at least that's what they called it 130 years ago when it was settled. Before Steph, I only know of one anarchist that I've talked to in the past. And that person didn't give any credence to my concern about evil people/bullies, so I wrote it off as another crazy idea. I discovered FDR from the "Un-truth about Donald Trump."
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