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Everything posted by CBYehudah

  1. Listen. I'm not making any arguments for or against privatization. I'm saying what matters right now is ensuring we have enough power to fix the country. Pushing ANYTHING perceived as a substantial austerity puts our narrow majority in the Senate (and House to a lesser extent) in EXTREME danger. And if it doesn't work, we are not only back to square one, losing all political capital, but the democrats can put out their propaganda machine, retake everything, and END the Republic FOREVER via amnesty. Compromises MUST be made.
  2. Long enough to keep the democrats out of power so reforms can be made.
  3. Mike PLEASE check your email asap. I wrote this. I wanted you guys to get the info asap. Hi Michael it's Chris Belmonte again. I'm not a politician nor am I a skilled orator like Stefan. I'm writing in the hopes to get SM to make content trying to persuade the republicans to go AGAINST Paul Ryan. I'll explain. Ryan has wanted to privatize medicare for a long time. We DO NOT need Ryan running the government. This kind of austerity will annihilate our current political capital. We will lose in 2018 and 2020 and the previous nightmare will return and be even harder to recover from. Yes, I agree in principle on Libertarian economics. However, we MUST secure the border and maintain a majority. Ryan will cause the republicans to lose disastrously in 2018. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/11/paul-ryan-says-medicare-privatization-is-on.html Please ask Stefan to do research and talk about this. The truth is Ryan, with his Libertarian leanings, irrespective of their merit, will bring us back to the situation we had previously only worse. And the democrats probably will be able to gain enough control to give amnesty to 20-30 million illegals.
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