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  1. After all the research i have done on Islam it has become evident to me that Islam as a whole is not a religion but rather an ideology. So barring any disagreement on this observation let's just assume for a moment that it really is just an ideology, but an ideology with a religious component. And given this fact that it is an ideology then how much protection is it entitled to under the US Constitution? If we look at the 7 pillars of Islam we will find that that the religious components under Islam are known as, Shahada: FaithShahada is a declaration of faith and trust that professes that there is only one God (Allah) and that Muhammad is God's messenger.[10] It is a set statement normally recited in Arabic: lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāhu muḥammadun rasūlu-llāh (لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا الله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله) "There is no god but God (and) Muhammad is the messenger of God." It is essential to utter it to become a Muslim and to convert to Islam.[11] Salat: Prayer Afghan politicians and foreign diplomats praying (making salat) at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. Salat (ṣalāh) is the Islamic prayer. Salat consists of five daily prayers according to the Sunna; the names are according to the prayer times: Fajr (dawn), Dhuhr (noon), ʿAṣr (afternoon), Maghrib (evening), and ʿIshāʾ (night). The Fajr prayer is performed before sunrise, Dhuhr is performed in the midday after the sun has surpassed its highest point, Asr is the evening prayer before sunset, Maghrib is the evening prayer after sunset and Isha is the night prayer. All of these prayers are recited while facing in the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca and forms an important aspect of the Muslim Ummah. Muslims must wash before prayer; this washing is called wudu ("purification"). The prayer is accompanied by a series of set positions including; bowing with hands on knees, standing, prostrating and sitting in a special position (not on the heels, nor on the buttocks). A Muslim may perform their prayer anywhere, such as in offices, universities, and fields. However, the mosque is the more preferable place for prayers because the mosque allows for fellowship. So would it be safe to think that Islam as a whole should not be protected under the US Constitution but rather these two components fitting the definition of a religion should only be protected by the US Constitution?
  2. Hello, what's up to all the world of critical thinkers on the web. I use my gamer tag SoothSayer and am excited to be able to visit. It is an incredible time where we seem to have a renewed sense of patriotism in America and prolly Canada too. I enjoy Stefan's content on Youtube and find solace in the fact that there are people with like-minded rational and logical life philosophies. Good to be here!
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