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Brightone last won the day on April 23 2017

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  1. Hello everyone, It's been 10 months since I became an active listener of FDR and decided to show myself here for the first time. I am a Japanese female who has spent most of my life in Tokyo except 4 years in college in the U.S. Last year I told my American friend, who is also a FDR listener that I was looking for a good study material for me to improve my English and he told me about the show. He was right, listening to Stefan's talk has improved my English, but it was more than that. I am so fascinated by the content of the show itself and started my philosophical journey regarding my family, relationships, politics, and etc. It's not an exaggeration to say my life has changed and I really appreciate Stefan's work. If you looked my post here and feel good that there is a FDR listener in Japan, it's my pleasure. And if you live in Japan and kindly say hello, that would be wonderful:) All the best to everyone
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