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  • Gender
  • Location
    Michigan, USA
  • Interests
    Parenting, US Constitution, Science, Gardening, Music
  • Occupation
    Mother, Wife, Teacher

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thank you for this advice!
  2. It should absolutely be headline news that the United States of America cannot prove the legitimacy of a President that sat in the Oval Office for eight years. If he was really born in Hawaii, we need some more answers. Some people say that what BHO is really hiding with the birth certificate is that his father was the communist Frank Marshall Davis. See the film "Dreams From My Real Father". It's just another example where the Left won't look at facts. With all of these things you have to say: "If it is the way you say it is, SJW, then they worked hard to cover up any factual evidence of your version being the truth. They created this entire false trail of evidence and facts to make any thinking person believe they were lying. Why would they do that?"
  3. Yes, we homeschool. There are some great homeschooling groups with lots of events in the nearest city, but that is about 45 minutes away. They also have a homeschool co-op there that meets once a week. I will probably join that when my kids get older. I still have one in diapers, so it became to hard for us to travel to these events.
  4. How long were you with them? Did you hear them admit that their goal is to take over America by stealth?
  5. I recommend it. I remember when I was little and first told my mom that my goal was to marry a man with a lot of money and have twelve children. My mom started screaming at me: "You can't rely on a man! You must have a back-up plan!" I was blown away, because my mom was a stay-at-home mom, and I thought we had a good life. I had no idea that she didn't think her own model was something to which I should aspire. My husband doesn't have a ton of money, but he works hard to make enough so I can raise our children at home. I probably won't make it to twelve children, but aim high and the result might still be respectable.
  6. Good to see a Canadian on here. We used to travel there from Michigan for recreation, until 2009 when the government made people have passports and/or tracking chips in our drivers licenses to cross the Canadian border. Beautiful country!
  7. That is encouraging to hear. I have recently despaired a little about some of my young relatives and friends who appear to have completely gone off the deep end after attending university. It is possible to break the brainwashing. What was it at 17 that made the lightbulb click to make you even try to break the brainwashing? So many people seem to prefer to remain brainwashed.
  8. I agree there with your username, that there is no time for Marxists! I just got to this forum as well.
  9. P.S. What kind of art do you do? I have been trying to learn real artistic techniques alongside my kids in our homeschool, but it is rough going. I tried the drawing course from Great Courses Plus, but am so far stuck around Lesson 2 or 3, as the instructor keeps requiring more and more specialized supplies.
  10. Hello, Joe. I just recently joined the message boards as well. Hope to see you in the discussions. --Jackie
  11. I am in the Facebook group, but was reminded today in that group of this message board. I might prefer it here, because Facebook is not my friend right now! I am a married mother of six. I teach math and science online part time. Glad to be here!
  12. MerryMom


    I am on Michigan, but can take the train to Chicago.
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