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  1. I just wanted to say thank you all for responding! I appreciate the assistance!
  2. I am sorry for asking a question so basic on the forums, but I have run aground slightly. I have been trying to find information on the basic ideology and practices of Islam. I have been unsuccessful in finding an unbiased source of information. If I am unable to get sufficient help here I will just continue trudging through the thick by myself, but I figured someone could direct me to source material or a book that would expedite my journey. Does anyone know of, or would be willing to recommend, a site/book/video that would help me to understand Islam? I purchased a book on Amazon recently, but I quit reading as it was clearly intended to only show Islam as a religion of extreme peace and understanding. I am not looking for a book that does the opposite. I am merely looking for one that takes into account that Islam has justifiable reasons for killing or warring with others. I am looking for objective Truth, not a story.
  3. It was inevitable, in my opinion. I have normally kept a sweeping distance from anything political and intellectual. It wasn't until I had literally drank my fill of the globalisation movement that I started to branch out. I needed to learn more about it and where my beliefs landed me. I started following main stream at first, like Bill O'Brien and Tucker Carlson, but I found them lacking in actual debate skills. I moved to radio, but they were polarized caricatures that just rooted for their team. I despised their lack of ethics. Then I found better and more talented speakers on the internet. I religiously watched Ben Shapiro, Bill Whittle, Scott Ott, Andrew Klavan, and Steven Crowder. One day Bill Whittle posted a video of Stefan and I was intrigued. I was trying to absorb all that I could and looked him up and ended here. I have been listening to Stefan's podcasts for many months now. I decided to come to the website and actually be a donator to his show as I began to believe the only way I could make any difference was to make sure Stefan was able to continue his effort. Now I am here.
  4. I have yet to find a news source that is completely ethical, at this point, other than WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks does not deal with unsubstantiated gossip, but this means that the information is not as fast as some others. They also seem to stay within the confines of government and don't deal with information about celebrity or sports. I would suggest just use this as a search criteria: if funding comes from anything other than random, small, sponsors or viewers then just avoid it. Stay away from anything televised. All of main stream media must be part of conspiracy to misinform. Fact check your sources. It isn't hard, but does require you to do your own research. It is what I do. I also get my information by listening to a plethora of podcasts: Andrew Klavan Show, Ben Shapiro show, Louder with Crowder, Mike Rowe's podcast, Bill Wittle live, ?(another podcast with Bill Wittle and Scott Ott and ?), and Obviously all Stefan Molyneux.
  5. 32, male, computer science major, from Texas, who currently is an operational manager at a oil refining/processing plant. I must say I am happy to be here. It is strange that one of the classes I most despised in my studies now holds new meaning after seeing it implemented the way it is here. Free thought is incouraged and discussion is emboldened by it. I was so discouraged by the liberal standards of philosophy from my university years. It always seemed to lead to a nihilistic or Marxist end. I swore it off completely as just another mental weapon of oppression against the freedoms of an individual. After having watched Stefan for what now must be a year or more, I am happy to start understanding how the true an unbiased study of philosophy works. I must apologize preemptively here for my possible lack of understanding. As I said previously I am not as studied in the science as others. I may also not be as intelligent as others as well, and hope to not slow down the progress of learning this website represents. From just browsing forums here and watching/listening/reading Stefan's work I have already begun to understand more than an entire semester that higher education ever afforded me.
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