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A FDR follower recently pinged me on lichess asking to be part of this group we started over a year ago. Let's get this thread back to the top so more may join in the fun.
Hey guys, latest news - SEC rejects Bitcoin ETF http://www.reuters.com/article/us-bitcoin-etf-idUSKBN16H2NU Thoughts?
Howdy guys, the group is doing well. Been playing a lot with truth_seeker (Ferssitar I believe). Just small update for the community and a lil bump for the thread Anyone else interested in playing or even learning I highly suggest joining. Chess is cognitive dead lifting!
Heh, added you! If you're online now we can have a quick game.
added my chess.com + lichess.org + FICS stats. I only recently started using almost exclusively lichess.org.
Indeed I've been using lichess which is in my opinion the best (free) chess platform, chess.com is constipated with ads and so on. Lichess.org is fully free, available in app and incredibly functional. I just made a group, whomever just sign up and apply through this link: https://en.lichess.org/team/philosophic-chess
As I see it one is the drive another is the means. The free market wouldn't exist without a wide variety of ever improving products, nor these products would be there without demand, set by the free market. Take the example I heard recently someway as a critique of the patriarchy (ignore that ideological function, focus on it's objective meaning regarding our topic): If all women decided to stop having sex until a cure for cancer was invented, men would produce such technology within a week". This is a fairly blatant example of how demand (and value of such demand) determines not only the volume of trade but drives innovation and research (in a capitalist economy at least). Same example go for microchips, they keep getting smaller and more efficient because that's what the demand states, the drive is profit, the means is science or plain old ingenuity.
Hey fellow thinkers, You don't have to be on the forums for much to realize the incredible intelligence and acuteness of most of its members. The simple fact of having signed up here means you are the critical 1%. To tickle your brains, sometimes more so than when debating, I would like to institute a small chess club. Of course free of charge, anyone (from newbies to grand masters) will be able to interact in this alternative incredible form. I've been personally a self taught player for about two years now with over 20 days of playing time (28336 minutes and counting). Anyone feel free to comment down below and if we get enough interest I will start setting everything up. PS. Group link: https://en.lichess.org/team/philosophic-chess- based on lichess.org
Howdy to all, I've been a fairly consistent FDR follower for the past three years and just recently decided to join the forum and start sharing my thoughts regarding whichever topic with the community. Although I don't agree with some of Stefan's or extreme Anarchic or Libertarian points, I do appreciate debate and of course our beloved logic and reason as the ideal means of knowledge pursuit. This I believe binds us all. About myself - Anglo-European Caucasian male, entrepreneur, early twenties, IQ144. Not much else to say... (I am pretty conscientious about privacy as well) PS. I do love to play chess, if I get enough interest I'd like to form a small chess community here in the forums, it could be very fun indeed.
I'd like to refer you to a btc specific business course outline you should definitely read. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=124441.0 I suggest it to anyone looking into IPO/ICOs as per the legal point of you there's plenty resources on youtube and your local town hall - that's the easy part.
To address your second question I'd direct you towards the Philanthropy.com website which gathers statistics through IRS data and determines for example which neighborhoods give more. https://www.philanthropy.com/interactives/how-america-gives#search You can as well access their more detailed reports on the distribution of charity vs political political leaning from past years. As far as media goes I haven't found any decent articles regarding the topic consisting of actual data, here is although one that at least presents some statistics and quotes: http://ijr.com/2015/03/276715-difference-liberals-conservatives-demonstrated-one-simple-powerful-story/ All conclude Stefan is most likely right, although I might infer that people do generally shift rightward if entrepreneurs or business owners for their own interests. We stated this as a given in several of FDR shows. The first generation, the actual entrepreneurs and businessmen, will most probably be more charitable with their money as they've known poverty or failure. The heirs therefore will be become more and more (neo)liberals and maybe less appreciative of their wealth, I might add that most will even avoid large givings to preserve their way of life. Just my opinions, anyone feel free to correct me.