Will introduce myself by saying how I would have responded to several of Stef's videos. Much to say, will try to be terse.
Atheist -- a footnote, not an identity. Like Sam Harris, don't go around calling myself an "atheist", and certainly don't go around debating people on the subject.
Lifetime Mensa member, non-participant. Joined only at urging of family. Probably a bit over-qualified.
Retired computer programmer/analyst. Engineering degrees (summa cum laude at baccalaureate level) never practiced professionally.
Like many with such background, have Asperger-like personality, though never diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.
Ears perked up when I heard Stef use Randian buzzword "initiation of force". Glad to learn from him much more than I knew about Ayn Rand. Glad to see that he doesn't ape Rand's rhetorical style, and differs from her on several points, as I do.
Read _Atlas Shrugged_ summer 1964. Subsequently read other novels, newsletters etc.
Many years ago, asked myself what is worth seeking in life. Only answer that popped up was "information". I dismissed that, but many years later decided my "instinct" was right -- Information is how life differs from inorganic chemistry. Three forms of information are basic: DNA, engrams in brain, and external media (print, audio/video etc) That summarizes what life is about, what life "means".
Not a mystic, no use for the supernatural, but noticed long ago that software has most or all properties traditionally ascribed to supernatural entities e.g. soul, demons, gods, ghosts, etc. Software is non-material, has no physical properties (mass, weight, energy, temperature, location etc) though must have some physical substrate (hardware) to have any effect in reality. Is potentially immortal, doesn't wear out, needs debugging, etc. In particular, computer "viruses" correspond to old ideas about demonic possession.