There is one fundamental problem that individuals cannot solve for themselves, specifically the problem that requires a functioning society to meet the basic dependencies that people meet their needs and reach for their goals. That is, there must be a counterparty in any intended interaction.
I'm 39.75/incel/unemployed 5 years...
Accepting the work ethic, that I should seek to work for my living, I need either an employer who will provide me with work that matches my skills or the means and market to start my own business. Once again, being out of work for five years I am told that my skills are somehow "out of date" though nobody can specify precisely which or offer me training on skills which are not obsolete, or are guaranteed to provide me with an income should I do the work required by such a training program. Having been ripped off of many years and much money by my bachelor's degree, I will not be scammed again!!
Similarly, I keep hearing Steve Moly (American name) talk to people in relationships, and having relationship problems. I have to turn those episodes off because they hurt. I've never been in one. It seems the women do not come out of their houses unless they're fat, old, married, or lesbian... Usually a combination of all of the above... It has been pointed out by a number of commentators that there really is no safe courtship strategy for a man these days. Given my financial situation (I've been running out of food money at the end of each month recently), getting into any kind of relationship seems rather hopeless. I don't even know where to start! =(
Many dreams are inherently unobtainable. I acknowledge that is a basic fact, however everyone should have the possibility to work towards them. I have been stuck in my current situation for years now with no way to make any progress on anything. My health is starting to deteriorate, I'm not sure how much longer I can hang on here. =~( I mean what the fuck people... You create this society that only the "special people" can get their $80k/year salaries as programmers while others are left to freeze to death in a gutter. Then there is this fundamental schizophrenia where people are strongly discouraged from committing suicide but are, simultaneously not offered the emotional and material support (or the possibility of earning the same) they need to be happy. =|
... There's this guy IM'ing me, he wants me to spend more time with him playing Space Engineers when I already have 5,100 hours in that game. =|