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    Daytona Beach

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  1. It happens to the best of us. They had me going for a bit when I used reddit for like 3 years. I started to lean a little left myself but then I snapped out of it and haven't used reddit since lol.
  2. It is pretty impossible to get away from the leftist narrative so we are subject to it no matter what. I do however try to listen to some lefty commentators just to see what they are thinking... If at all.
  3. Well Stef seems to be against the leftist globalist agenda. I would then presume they are not the majority of the listeners. They tend to like to remain in the echo chamber.
  4. Welcome dingo dude. I am a big fan of "The Truth About" series also. You should check them all out if you haven't.
  5. Welcome dude! Hopefully he will be able to reform the H1B program. I am considering giving myself a crash course in programming and web design.
  6. Hello everyone. I can't say enough about what a positive force the show has been in my life. For that I am ever grateful to Step fawn Mall new and Mike (enjoy your bone Mike). I had gone pretty MGTOW without being aware of the movement. I am now treating starting a family as a job. Got plenty of time as I was just fired for asking my British boss his opinion on brexit, that shifted to Islam as my boss later revealed his wife is a Muslim (was unaware before hand). *Breaks into song and dance* (oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) Can't dox this (oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) Can't dox this. It was epic I assure you. My new job requires that I post my dating profile for the ladies. Not thrilled to have the vain and alpha stuff, though sadly it has increased my responses. I think Fermi would appreciate the great filter that is my profile. lol http://www.pof.com/viewprofile.aspx?profile_id=121353964
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