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  1. Thanks for the welcome DeaconFrost, I think I've seen most of them. TTAbout Rome and WW2 are my favorite.
  2. Hello, My name is Malcolm from NSW Australia. The historical analysis and use of evidence based reasoning is what appeals to me about FDR. I am a Christian of Protestant belief but I don't involve myself with churches due to their nature. The atheism content is interesting and I do not find it offensive to have my beliefs challenged. On a podcast I was listening to Stef said something like, that his work was all worth it because of the children he could prevent from being abused, the reality of that struck me and I decided that I must contribute. I am far from proficient with the subject matter on here, however that doesn't prevent me from taking away something from every show. "The Truth about the fall of Rome" and "The truth about Joseph McCarthy" are my favorite shows. I also listened to the readings of "The God of Atheists" and my hard copy is hovering in an Amazon basket. The west is the best and I hope the efforts of FDR can reverse our decline.
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