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Everything posted by Snougee

  1. So Kevin Annett is a controversial Canadian whos claims expose Canadian Genocide of the Native-American Population by the Canadian Government in collusion with various churches. He has written several books on the topic and has a pretty compelling website and story. So I did a search and this forum tells me it has no results at all on this topic. The Canadian Government rarely talks about this, It seems credible to me based on my own personal experiences in Ottawa Ontario and in my research online into the matter of medical experimentation/human rights violations and neglect in the Canadian Health Care system. On top of this, This guy seems to have very little exposure considering his efforts and claims. Which I find rather suspicious. I Personally believe him. So I thought I'd ask for some opinions on this forum? The book I link below gives permission to transmit for non-commercial purposes on the first few pages. https://wikispooks.com/w/images/b/b2/Hidden-No-Longer.pdf https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Kevin_Annett
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