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Everything posted by Mom

  1. Hey pals I'm glad to be among yah! My name is Mom, but I'm not a mother - nor a female. M.o.m. is my initials lol Im admittedly not a libertarian per se as much as Im not a democratic socialist per se. Infact idk what the hell I am and am tryna figure it. Which is why Ive recently signed with libertarian and democratic socialist forums so I can learn more about em. Though one of my best friends, among many with varying positions on the spectrum, is a long time libertarian and member of this forum and fan/follower of Stefan Molyneux's work - who by the way possess's a fortitude of intelligence that reminds me of Jordan Peterson if you've ever heard of him - a beast mode aficionado if you will. But rlly I first came across S.M. maybe around 2009 from a guy on the web called Adam Kokesh. In all honesty I don't reeally know much about this guy other then he's a libertarian and I think he might be against the War on Terror. What I do know is that some of his stuff like Molyneux's introduced me to libertarian concepts like how its seriously non-aggressive etc. but I actually don't rlly follow him like that. Long story short I'm hear to learn, thx for reading! (i edited this btw and entered my reason "as an 8th grade drop-out i've got some grammer issues and i may have just deleted a sentence i forget cos im tryna jog real quick before work" and it kept saying it couldn't accept cos I was using profanity)
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