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Mark G

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    Philosophy, Film,

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  1. I know that there is no context to my questions, I just want to hear your thoughts on these questions at face value. Question 1. If you listen to Jordan Peterson or know the Bible, you know about Cain vs Abel story. My fundamental question is, what system do you have in place to not become Cain? (Cain = becoming angry/bitter at God/being) Question 2. Carl Jung's concept of The Shadow is very interesting to me. How would one differentiate The Shadow versus just rage/anger. Now Jordan Peterson once said that you have to respect the shadow, what are the practical ways to do that?
  2. The amount of sex and sexual thoughts I have I almost think/feel I am the ideal example of an R selected Gene (Stefan's R vs K Gene Wars) My thoughts are of K genes but my "Feelings" are R Its the Christian idea of your body wanting one thing but your spirit wanting the complete opposite
  3. It makes me feel normal, Completely takes away my self diagnosed depression, anxiety. And helps me focus I am "ADHD" or whatever. I just learn in a different way than others.
  4. You are right there is alot there and I do that too, But relying on people to tell the truth is hard bc what if they think what they are saying is true and its not its ust a waste of time. I think this issue is so big with my parents I do need to call in but. Although Iv tried many times to submit an answer but always get ignored after the 2nd email. I think Im either doing something wrong or my question isn't as interesting as to keep in-mind the listener.
  5. I think about this EVERYDAY. Maybe thats why I wrote in. This is sooooo true
  6. I dont drink anymore, havent drank in 6 months. I only take kratom (opioid) at the moment. I dont do anything else
  7. Imagine if this was reverse and JP said "you are a mean black man" there would be outrage.
  8. So I think there are psychological reasons. I remember as a 12 year old screaming in my pillow "I hate my mom, I want to kill myself" And I was serious. At the moment I take Kratom, I am addicted to it, It is basically an opioid. There such a thing as "opirage" where opioids make you rage once in a while. A average regular user will use Kratom 1-3 times a day, about 13grams. I am taking about 8-9 doses about 30-33 grams in 24 hours. So I dont think that helps with having my anger subside
  9. No you are right, even though Ive been behind bars already bc of my choices. I am working full time to figure this out. Thank you for your insight
  10. Ok I was prescribed adderall for ADHD about 5 years ago, Took it for about 4 years and I have been sober for a year now. I quit cold turkey after my life was falling apart bc of my actions on adderall. The animal hurting happened before the prescription but continued through until I quit. Anyway now whenever I get angry at someone I dont like at work or something random throughout my day I walk away, go to sleep, or put in my earbuds and turn on music. I used to want to hurt people. But never acted out on it. Now it rarely happens but I am in control when it does flare up nowadays. I know you have limited information but if you had to guess do you know how much of this is the Carl Jungs concept of the shadow and how much of it is just my fried brain after so much drugs?
  11. So Ive been thinking about my question for the last couple day and came to the conclusion that it is this. I am good at what I do, but the only reason I do it is because its fun. (Filming) The more boring part comes in when I edit and thats what I am not finishing. I might have to find someone else and hire them to do that part.
  12. Yes all excuses are valid, I actually agree but not all are of equal value.
  13. Dammmmm!!! This is on point on so many levels. Like Jordan Peterson said you always knew it, but until someone spoke it you didnt understand. (not verbatim) As for replying to this, well I cant. I dont know what to say but, this is so true and so on point I am about to print this whole answer out and reread it 20x. Even if I tried to answer this I wounldnt be able to articulate it. Wow thanks.
  14. Has anyone seen the debate that happened recently? What do you think of it? It makes me kinda sad that Michael Dyson gets applause. If you havent here is a link to it
  15. Hey My name is Mark, At the moment I live in the Midwest. Ive been listening to Stefan for a year and a half. I film weddings & other things like music videos, short films, etc. For the most part I cant find anyone I can debate that wont get angry and call me racist or say I am full of micro aggressions. So if anyone is around this area hit me up. Love all yall
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