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  1. Hello my name is Kenneth Hall and I just joined the group. Listen to Stefan regularly love His take on things. I produce Music that is kind of like what Stefan does in that the lyrics are written to fight the war of ideas. Restoring the Christian values and principles that made men Free and America great. I perform in parades and public events every year to educate and inspire others to engage in the culture war to save Freedom. You can hear most of my music on my web site https://www.patriotmusicnetwork.com/ or on sound cloud at I have music videos on You tube https://www.youtube.com/user/Majorpain7777 and bit chute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/mg9cb76ja1g4/ you can email me at [email protected]
  2. NATIONAL SHOOT FOR FREEDOM DAY Those who love to manipulate the gullible and naive have had there day! NOW IT'S OUR TURN to voice our opinions and destroy their narrative and wash away the B.S. From people minds and hearts.. Present the facts of how many lives are saved every year in America by Civilians and their fire arms. How many violent crimes are prevented every year by CIVILANS AND THEIR FIRE ARMS! I propose a National Day at your local gun range complete with Patriot music and speakers. I will be providing live music here in Omaha and have music I have produced for this very type of event. I can provide Backing tracks for anyone who would like to sing the songs I have written in their area. FREE OF CHARGE! https://soundcloud.com/user262008952/special-kinda-lunatic-1 Last year there was a national freedom rally canceled because of threats from Antifa! Including here in Omaha. Public property is not the best place to have these events because many large cities squash your ability to defend yourself if necessary. Think about A NATIONAL TEA PARTY AT YOUR LOCAL GUN RANGE WHERE PACKING IS EXPECTED! Show the Dangerous Lunatics that we will not be disarmed. “We will not go quietly into the night “ We will not surrender our Freedoms! A chance to do some training and to organize with like minded people to defend Freedom for our Children and Grand Children Most importantly if we keep laying back and taking punches our politicians. Many with no convictions and back bone will buckle in fear. The SCREECHING WHEEL will get the grease. They do not have the for-site or principle to fight back on our behalf. Then some day the Dangerous Lunatics will get what they want. A CIVIL war. This does not have to happen on our watch. If we are responsible and do as our founders exclaimed. KEEP THE REPUBLIC THEY GAVE US! I am not setting a date for this event. I am in contact with all our local ranges in the Omaha Area and waiting for a response from them on dates they have available. I do think it should be a Saturday to maximize the number of people who could participate. I believe later part of April or first half of May would be a good time to shoot for! I would like feed back from all those interested in participating. Contact your local ranges and see if they would be interested in participating so they can promote their services and products as well as support Freedom for us all! Godspeed, Kenneth Hall Patriot Music Network [email protected]
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