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Sean Thorburn

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Everything posted by Sean Thorburn

  1. I'm interested to read about the different interpretations of this song. My interpretation is very different from what I read on the net, although seems like it can be interpreted in many different ways. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMe4kVNKvNk
  2. @Spiritual-Autarky There are various websites that offer help with computer related problems. I suggest https://superuser.com/ You could also join IRC chat channels for help. Back when I was younger I would hang out in #Windows95 on DALnet. Be warned though, these communities have no time for people who cannot spell, make frequent typos, have difficulty explaining their problems or require spoon feeding. You will be eaten alive by these guys if you don't articulate yourself properly. If you manage to post questions on superuser, send me the URLs and I will be happy to answer them for you.
  3. @Charles555nc Just out of interest, would you mind giving me a breakdown of your daily diet?
  4. Yup, we both have.
  5. Thanks man! However, that seems to be fake news. https://www.goodthingsguy.com/opinion/visa-free-travel-fake-news/ https://www.iol.co.za/news/special-features/us-elections/visa-free-travel-to-us-not-a-chance-7662087 https://www.thesouthafrican.com/nope-donald-trump-hasnt-signed-an-executive-order-for-visa-free-travel-for-south-africans/ I do have a 10 year USA VISA
  6. It's very dangerous here and it's just getting worse. I don't mind talking about it and giving my take on situations. Feel free to ask me specifics. I am somewhat safe where I live. I have a metal fence with spikes, then a full sized (jurassic park like) electric fence, followed by a brick wall with metal spikes and outward leaning electric fence on top with patrolling security. I have also had additional metal bars installed over all the windows and "slam lock" gates added to all the doors. You cannot walk outside or you will be targeted. Every single traffic light in my area has an aggressive beggar - it's almost like they compete for the territory. They harass the women if they don't give them anything. As a man, they are a bit more wary of me. We have delayed having children, as we cannot have children in South Africa due to the safety and education system. Hopefully we can make our way to a safer country, if not - we have decided regrettably not to. There is nothing constructive to do here to keep busy. If you ask anyone what they do for fun it will be one of 3 things - Drinking/Smoking/Partying, Braai'ing (barbecue) and going to gym. We do none of these. We especially don't like the "white" culture here as it doesn't appeal to us at all. I stay as far away as I can from the city and densely populated areas, in order to not be targeted. My wife doesn't wear any jewelry in fears of being attacked and often has nightmares of being attacked. (myself as well but it doesn't bother me as much) Luckily we have only been robbed and had attempted hijackings - nothing too serious. We knew people that have been killed etc. There is absolutely no future here for us and we have been trying for the last 6 years to find a way out of the country. My grandfather on my mothers side was born in Dublin, Ireland - so luckily I can claim Irish nationality. Unfortunately the South African government is unable to print his death certificate which is required for Irish citizenship. I have tried 2 attorneys, 4 companies and 3 referrals (other than the SA standard government requests) in order to try get someone to print the death certificate - with no luck. (I have every other required document) According to the SA government, it can take up to 10 years to print a certificate and I must "just be patient." I have been to the United States of America twice and in comparison, I feel as if we are just playing around in a large sandpit here, just keeping ourselves busy. Nothing here matters or works, and anything that does function in some way or another - is just a poor sub-standard attempt of something created of a first-world mindset. The west feels like fantasy world out of a video game. I remember walking around in Disney Springs in Orlando, Florida when this initially hit me. It is very difficult to keep positive. What ever wealth we do accumulate just draws a target on our backs. People often say that South Africa is great because of the weather and wildlife. Honestly, if we never see another animal for the rests of our lives, and have to live in arctic cold conditions, we will. With stats of a country at war, the moon seems like a safer option (plus I hear they have faster internet) Thank you for your kind words. Luckily the fight-or-flight survival instinct has been deeply instilled in us both. This was very evident when I was in the USA as I found that wearing the hoods on clothes actually makes me feel very uncomfortable and insecure as it blocks peripheral vision. ANYWHERE safe, where we can have some sort of future as a white European couple.
  7. Greetings all, I am a white male, born and raised in South Africa. I am of Irish and British decent, although because my mother was born in Uganda, I am stuck here (for now). I am a programmer, IT professional and entrepreneur. 29 years old at the time of this post. I would classify myself as a "realist" - growing up in South Africa does that to you. Very excited to find that Stefan has a forum. I have been following him for a few years now and watch almost every new video on YouTube.
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