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Dave Bockman

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  • Interests
    philosophy, morality, epistemology
  • Occupation
    Landscape Architect

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  1. This is something I've struggled with as well. When who we are as children is summarily rejected, ignored, degraded through neglect, outright insults, or disgust, that is an absolute anathema to us. The most powerful coping mechanism can be to become a kind of blank Etch-a-Sketch whereon other may write whatever they wish in order for us to perceive ourselves as 'useful', 'good', valuable', 'cool', 'one of the herd', etc. I will say that for me, one of the hardest challenges is to understand *emotionally* that because I never experienced authentic nurturing love and intense enjoyment of my company from my parents when I was a child, I will *never* be able to experience those feelings as an adult. Intellectually, I get it. The hard part is connecting with those inner child parts, getting them to trust, and then giving those emotions to them from your adult-self, if that makes sense. Adult relationships with others, no matter how fulfilling, will never fill that black hole of non-existent parental nurturing-- nor should it. People sure try though, with a variety of awful consequences. Feelings of love, honoring the self, feelings of being nurtured and safe and GOOD ENOUGH, these all have to be self-generated as an adult. Expecting others to provide those feelings (or dulling the pain of their absence with alcohol drugs, promiscious sex, workaholism, religion, etc) will never work, it's asking a square peg to slide easily into a round hole. I think it's awesome you're reading Alice MIller, she's absolutely fabulous. Another book I found very helpful for these specific issues you're strugging with is Honoring The Self: The Psychology of Confidence and Respect by Nathaniel Branden.
  2. I am a Landscape Architrect with some small knowledge in phytoremedioation and generally in bioremediation. What's your project?
  3. I really like the Stitcher interface too, I wish it worked. Anything we as consumers can do MMD?
  4. I am somewhat confused by your request. You used the word youself in your original post, are you thinking I am working from an irregular definition of the word bully?
  5. who was the first bully in your life?
  6. If I had to guess, I would say that the person who jeered you saw or heard how difficult it was for you and decided to attack. In terms of exploitation, it's highly likely he was attacked in his own childhood for not being assertive, and just a syour anxiety was provoked by history, so was his when he (subconsciously) processed that. I'm not saying any of this to excuse his behavior.
  7. Benjamin, I'm curious what was your goal in texting her 'Happy birthday'?
  8. Take them to lunch, take them for coffee, take them for an after-work drink, create an entre for the discussion. Acknowledge your feelings of awkwardness, openly state it's none of your business, then just say what's on your mind. Let them know they're under no obligation to say anything to you about it, but that you're concerned.
  9. I'm rather hazy on Catholic rules & regulations, but I'm petty sure it's considered some sort of sin (and not just a mild one like swearing or masturbating) if you take the Sacrement (the cracker thing) while not being baptized and also 'Confirmed' in the Catholic religion. So, using this finger-pointing turd's own logic, you're actually doing the right thing.
  10. too bad for those suckers who donated to his presidential run, eh? The old switch-a-roo Jerry!
  11. Check out the 'aquaponics' system curently being developed by Will Allen, founder of Growing Power From the article: In certain circles Allen is referred to as the father of "The Good Food Revolution," which is also the title of his 2012 book. In it he recounts a very personal story of reconnecting with the earth — a reconnection he would like to see made across urban America, and especially in African-American communities.
  12. my mistake aerlier in this thread, I totally misread your op and thought it read '15', sorry for the confusion
  13. and apparently it's all made-up nonsense anyway: Crew members: ‘Captain Phillips’ is one big lie
  14. The crime of "statutory rape" makes it illegal for a perpetrator of any age to have sexual intercourse with someone under the age of 16 that they are not married to.[50] This law specifies that a defendant cannot be convicted on the testimony of the victim alone; some other evidence must be present. This offense carries a minimum sentence of 1 year in prison, and a maximum of 20 years. If the offender is 21 years of age or older, the minimum is raised to 10 years in prison, and the offender is subject to sex offender sentencing guidelines source If appeals to her well-being don't move you to leave her alone, perhaps self-interest will.
  15. Peter is like the douche in Pictionary whose drawing is indecipherable, but he just keeps circling it over and over and over until we all die
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