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Everything posted by Loonie

  1. I also would like a return of these features. I'm not interested in e-mail notifications, just the lists. Thanks!
  2. We have had regular meetings in the Moon Valley area for several years now, usually the fourth Saturday of the month. We will be going to Libertopia in San Diego in a week.
  3. I agree with those recommendations and would add a few more, available free online. 'The Law' by Fredrick Bastiat, 'Complete Liberty' by Wes Bertrand, and 'The Market For Liberty' by the Tannehills. These last two are available here along with 'Healing Our World' by Dr. Mary Ruwart. Stefan has contributed a great deal to this subject, if you have not read his works from 'On Truth' to 'How (NOT) To Achieve Freedom', I cannot promote them strongly enough. It's great that you found this forum, I feel Mr. Molyneux has created a space for the conversation that will free the world. Thank you for making the effort to educate yourself, it's always the first step.
  4. I suspect for many it could be the latter. I'm sure that most people lower in the hierarchy have this view, I'm less forgiving of those at the top who can see the bigger picture.
  5. Thank you for starting this thread, Makalakumu, I have had similar questions about sexual relationships in a truly free society. I found Sex at Dawn to be a great book making the case for liberty in this area, and look forward to reading Dr. Epstein's book as well. As to sexual behavior and the state, it does not seem to me to be irrational for those in power to take control of the second (and some say the first) most powerful drive we have and use it to control us. (This aside from the fact that it is irrational to seek that kind of power in the first place.) To have to look to the state for permission to express oneself sexually and to fear punishment for transgressing against arbitrary 'laws' puts us in a place of subservience and powerlessness, less of a threat and the indoctrination keeps the slave-on-slave violence going as well.
  6. I have found the ideas discussed in the recent anthropology book, Sex at Dawn to be quite well supported by empirical evidence. In my personal life, I have known children raised in households that included additional adults who were intimates of the parents that the children could look to as family. This made for a better environment for the children in having more adult role models to learn from and also demonstrated a peer-to-peer problem solving dynamic absent from most nuclear family structures.
  7. Jamie, thank you for showing up! Your story reminds me of the frustration I felt, as well, until I came upon these ideas. It's nice to know that we have one more person who is contributing to the critical mass required to push the world over to peace. Stay with us!
  8. Welcome to the boards! I'm so sorry that your experience growing up was being 'held captive' for two decades. I hope your life outside the cage will be more pleasant for you.
  9. Here are some original ideas someone came up with to create prosperity in Detroit:
  10. I will be giving a talk in the west San Fernando valley in southern California (Los Angeles) on the Free State Project: Building Galt's Gulch One Step At a Time. In addition to the basic idea of a core of activists moving to a single state in the northeast, I plan on discussing the philosophical underpinnings of the FSP and the creation of a stateless society in general, with emphasis on the elimination of agressive child raising practices. There will be a potluck lunch and some films will be shown after the discussion. See http://www.livethedream.org/ or call 818-886-0069
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