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Found 6 results

  1. Dear Stephan, Mike, and additional crew: I just listened to both "YouTube Almost Banned Me" (Episode 4168) and "I Beat Cancer" (Episode 4167) and am very moved (as usual) and inspired. Today, my birthday, my husband and I would have gone out to a very nice dinner, which we do only on special occasions. We would have spent, including tip, (in California) about $185. I cannot think of a more worthy way to spend this money than to send it instead to Freedomain to help out in some small way. Allow me to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation, Stephan, for your voice, your courage, your compassion on the call-in shows, and your ongoing inspiration to both my husband and I. We gladly donate monthly but it is a small amount compared to what we derive from your podcasts, videos, and the additional inspirational people that we become exposed to. If I missed my birthday "feast", it is very small indeed compared to the "feast" of words and truth you deliver each day. Sincerely, SW
  2. Hello everyone, I'm sorry to have to ask, but I've run out of options. My dog Kenya needs surgery to walk again. Unfortunately, the procedure is very expensive and I cannot afford to help her. Please consider helping us out. Any amount would be appreciated. https://www.gofundme.com/kenya-walking Thanks. Jimmy
  3. I just noticed this the other day, and I found it empowering. Ben Rice, a young powerlifter with a youtube channel began accepting donations with the message that with the money he receives he'll invest in a new camera for higher quality videos. Now, just two days later he's posted a response video saying that he's already raised more than enough. I'll link the videos below. It really just goes to show that with the right audience and an honest request donations is a viable model for getting financial assistance. This is not to say that Stefan's tight-rope walk away from his old comfy salary praying that views like us would catch him has been enough evidence to prove our points. I just wanted to share that with you all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2Yb_7hL9a0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9FSeqK6Mq8
  4. Just a public service announcement, I am 39 days into no cigarettes at all and only a social glass of wine at special events. Not that i had a serious problem with either but I probably spent at least $30 a month on alcohol and cigarettes. I had largely cut back on both already and never had too serious a problem, but decided that both were impractical in my life right now and only crutches and self medication I could cope without. I had already mostly gotten over the chemical addiction and have been doing alot of self work since about August. I have followed Stefan's work since spring of 2012, and participated in FDR since about October. Asking for the community here to care about my problems (i created [aside from my parents contribution]) inspired me to begin donating (and having an income helped). I know for certain that the work to quit was done by me, I also know that I would not have quit had not been for my experiences from Stefan's work, and my interactions with the FDR community. So right now, after having quit cigs and booze and averaging a monthly donation of about $23 (ish?), I net about $7 a month. Thank you Stefan, Micheal and everyone else, you are all the best.
  5. Hello everyone, I've been having a very important thought cross my head these last hours. I've been thinking about how much I value this show, this community and the incredible change that these ideas will make and are already making in the world. I already donate to the show, and I thought that my donation was sufficient to help Stefan grow the show and make the content more accessible and better. But I've thought about what would happen to the world if we lost this community and Stefan's abilities and communication skills. I've been thinking about mortality, and how it is an inescapable fact of life. I then thought about just recently how Stefan got a really close look at that eternal pit of emptiness, and I was terrified. I was extremely scared that we might lose the greatest mind that the world has right now, and our best chance for getting the most important ideas out there. After meditating about this for a while, I decided that I needed to make my commitment to the truth and the future of humanity more evident in my own life. I know that I might die tomorrow, and that Stefan might die as well, and all the other good people in the world could just go out at any time, and for sure, they will go out of this world at some time in the future. And so, I announce my new resolution to change the world in what little way that I know how to, by helping my good friend and personal mentor, mister Stefan Molyneux. Thank you so much for everything that you have done. It must have been so hard to go beyond the lies and propaganda that fill this world. It must have been extremely difficult to face the hostility and sometimes more painful apathy and relativism that define our society. You sir, have changed my life forever. You have made who I am today possible. You have helped me to gain the understanding and mental clarity that I need to make my life, my relationships and the entire world brighter by a single, extremely bright flame. Once again, I must bow to you and even though I know you are only human, I know that what you have done and are doing is truly heroic and I respect you extremely for it. Please do what you think is best with my money, and I am together with you in our building of a better future for all mankind. As I write this, I am feeling great emotion and feel as though I am beginning a new way of life, a more honest way of looking at myself and the world. It was very hard to get to this point, and I am now conscious of my ability to do good in this world. Thank you so very much, your humble friend, Emanuel Neves
  6. Hi guys, I just made my first donation, & it feels good! I'm glad to finally be supporting freedom and philosophy. Hopefully the first of many. Thanks to Stef for all the great work and guidance. I'm learning every day, and I have been for quite some time now. It's hard to express how greatful I am for your work. I wasn't sure how, so I guess 20 bucks is a start Thanks! Scott
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