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From a call-in show, 38 minutes in: I used to think having all this red pill knowledge was a terrible burden, and I wondered what it was like for Stef, assuming it must be 10 times worse for him. I think I'm a little more at peace with my red pill knowledge now, although I am no more optimistic.
I have been reading about the identitarian groups in europe and their fight. Briefly on how they see things: * The socialists took power by first winning what they call meta-politics (everything in society besides politics), by activism, pushing their views in the face of people, slowly taking control of the culture, later the media and government. * The old right have (as Stefan also points out) used the same failed method: "the best argument will always win". Problem is that most problem can't think critical, the best arguments don't win. * And the old right have been trying to please the left. When the left went crazy, the right backed out and gave up. The left keep repeating this until they win. These old right-wingers are also known as cuckservatives. * The last 10-15 years the right wing battle in europe has been fought by the lower class (often people impacted by the problems of middle eastern immigration in europe), but these people have poor argumentation skills, are "uncool" and can't start a counter culture. * The new rights strategy, use the cultural marxist strategy (activism, make fun of their opinions in public, shaming, expelling them, build our own medias and communities, produce our own culture etc.) except for their bad strategies (violence and lying). And don't compromise with the left when they start whining, ignore them. What do you guys think about it, can the right-wing win meta-politics? I think it's very interesting to see the Identitarians work. Check out Martin Sellner's videos. Hint hint: Stefan should do an interview with him.
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The European, especially the German politicians, leaders and media aren't stupid - they are corrupt and undemocratic. Muslim immigration into Europe via Germany is not an accident or a mistake - it's a well-devised plan, for thirty years now negotiated with the MENA states, but never discussed with the EU citizens. Laid down in papers of the UN and EU, it is slowly coming into fruition. 30-60 million people, this number is taken from "slipped" information, are to resettle in the north to make up for lost children and a demographic vacuum in Europe, thereby relieving demographic pressures in the MENA states. "Our land, our money, our civilisation, for their people, their oil, their power" - that's it, more or less, in a nutshell. It's basically an imperialistic expansion, and probably includes aiming to introduce the Euro as an energy-backed currency in those states as well. And Gaddafi (of Libya) and Assad (of Syria) probably just refused to step aside in time. - Everything else is a sham. You need proof? ---- For starters, have a look at this from article from 2007: Eurocrat Empire Building From the desk of Paul Belien on Wed, 2007-03-28 07:47 On Sunday, the European Union celebrated its 50th anniversary. The EU was established on March 25, 1957, when its six founding states (Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg) signed the Treaty of Rome. They solemnly declared that they would aim for "an ever closer union." As a first step towards the goal of political unification the six states decided to integrate their economies. They have meanwhile been joined by 21 other European countries. ... Empires, however, are carnivorous monsters. They have to keep growing in order to avoid unraveling. Hence, they inevitably grow ever more totalitarian and expansionist. The EU is interfering more and more in the daily lives of its subjects. At the same time, its territory continues to expand, from the original six members to the present 27. By definition, there is no end to this process. The Leviathan has to be fed. ... Five years ago, Louis Michel, then the Belgian minister of foreign affairs and at present a member of the European Commission, told the Belgian parliament that eventually the EU will encompass the entire Mediterranean basin, including North Africa and the Middle East. ---------------- End of this Brussels Journal article So I did a bit of research, and I am still reeling under the magnitude of treason and conspiracy of this snake pit I have accidentally stumbled across. This looks like the greatest sellout in European History. My take on it is: Unite and Conquer: My country for your Power. Yes, there are snakes (and ladders) everywhere. Some hidden, some out in the open. But this is the poisonous one - and NOBODY will touch it: So, buying people for money - what was that called again? Ah, yes. We will end human trafficking, say the biggest human traffickers of all time. Thirty to sixty million! Not even the transatlantic slave trade had that volume! What they mean is: We will throw those who mooch in on our business into jail. And I'd say anyone that goes for your throat, for calling out these people, is in on the deal, with or without their knowledge. For years and decades now, the people of Europe -who were never asked, by the way- are wondering how it is, that their elected politicians are prone to act so blatantly stupid against their constituents' interests; it drives them to public desperation, that the people they elect, once in office, all seem to suddenly become inept at doing their job. But what if this 'sudden onset stupidity' is not ineptitude at all, but on the contrary the introduction to a clandestine deal, forged with foreign powers, over two decades ago? Which would also be about the time in history one can pinpoint, as the one when European politicians suddenly became so unbelievably stupid. These European politicians keep lullabying and distracting their population with faux debates, on how much border control and security is needed, vs. granting asylum to those poor refugees, when they, for over two decades now and behind their constituents' backs, have been cutting deals with the south Mediterranean Arab states outside that southern border: Our land for their people, our women for their men, our civilization for their power, one huge political superstate encompassing the Mediterranean Sea, one currency for all. Wealth and power to the elite of all those involved, none for the downtrodden, take it away from them. They keep telling us it is about "humanitarianism", and "fugitives" fleeing terrible states of affairs in their home countries ever since the "Arab Spring" in 2010, culminating in a "refugee crisis" in 2015. Well, have a look at this map: Or these: So from 1995 onwards the EU met up with the leaders of the Mediterranean Arab states to talk about an ever closer political, economic and cultural relationship, and no discrimination, all religions, all languages, all cultures are equal, everywhere, no need for anyone to integrate themselves anywhere? Treating Morocco and Israel and whoever to the Eurovision Song Contest and other small things, talking about rigging up the European solar power supply (Desertec) in their countries "as soon as they are politically stable", then bombing their governments to shreds with the help of their allies - the uncooperative and uppity ones, I suspect, that wanted to keep their on power structure and currency, like Libya and perhaps Syria - and then throwing open their own northern countries' internal and later their external borders, this illegally, to the surplus peoples of the now- defunct south Mediterranean states? Thus relieving them of criminals, madmen, revolutionaries and other demographic pressure, by the way. What was out minister of the exterior doing in Egypt during the Arab Spring? Negotiating what? What's with Europe's financial connection to Palestine? Who will get the Euro next: Egypt or Morocco? My tip is Morocco. And then what's left of Syria? Or will it go to Jordan? Coated as "refugee relief"? It could be Palestine as well... Oh, look (one of the two seems to be more accurate than the other):Ƥhrungen_weltweit.svg Could it be that this whole "Islam & Muslim Refugee Integration" business is one unbelievably huge hoax? It isn't the Arabs taking over Europe, it's the other way round, a joint venture at top level, without asking anyone's consent or approval? A hostile or friendly takeover, whichever way? Are they trying to erect a new quasi- Roman Empire, and to hell with the original population, what we need is slaves, and let' em cut each other's throats? We do not need those who will not bow to us? Is this all a gigantic Euro Ponzi Scheme as well? We get the wealth, the new billion-dollar philharmonics concert hall, and the gated palaces, with our new friends the Arab rulers, you get the debt, the nights of terror and the boot camps? They have the oil and solar power, we have the factories, and you have nothing? We want to treat you like they treat theirs? We will trade in your ancient civilization for their even more ancient rule over abject subjects? Well, look up the "Barcelona Declaration" from 1995 and the "Union for the Mediterranean (UFM)" and your eyes will be opened. It can even be found on Wikipedia: A summary: And, of course, look for "replacement migration" papers from 2001 at the UN. Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations? Even the bombing of the Arab Spring and the following "regime changes" makes so much more sense in that context - not that they didn't mess it up a bit, but, hey, who cares for collateral damage, if nobody knows? And as for Soros and the funding of the NGOs - who says the NGOs aren't secretly government led and funded? The latter they are, in a variety of ways. Perhaps led as well. Who else but a European Government in collusion with those around the Mediterranean could have thrown so many government wrenches into the way of a boat called C-Star in so many different countries in and around the Mediterranean - in Egypt, Malta, Cyprus, Sicily, and Tunisia? Only half of them formally belong to the EU. So is there a third party aboard in this, besides international crime and Soros? The as yet informal UFM perhaps? After all, these are GOVERNMENT representatives and agencies: "The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states, the UN's special representative for migration has said. Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural. He also suggested the UK government's immigration policy had no basis in international law." (Well, guess why not; see above), in: The then vice president of the EU-Kommission, Frans Timmermans, is quoted with: "Diversity is now in some parts of Europe seen as a threat. Diversity comes with challenges. But diversity is humanity's destiny. There is not going to be, even in the remotest places of this planet, a nation that will not see diversity in its future. That's where humanity is heading. And those politicians trying to sell to their electorates a society that is exclusively composed of people from one culture, are trying to portray a future based on a past that never existed, therefore that future will never be. Europe will be diverse, like all other parts of the world will be diverse. The only question is, how do we deal with that diversity? And my answer to that is, by ensuring that our values determine how we deal with diversity and not giving up our values to refuse diversity. That will bring us down as a society. If we don't get this right, I truly believe Europe will not remain the Europe we built. Europe will not remain a place of peace and freedom, for very long." --- So, all in all, I submit to you: - Europe, geographically, was sold, by it's own government assembly, some 25 years ago, to foreign governments, for citizens of these other countries, faiths and cultures. The Barcelona Declaration of 1995 is an expression of this. - The reason given internally is the aging and shrinking of the European population; this can be described as a form of human trafficking, if not slavery, on one side, and fraud, larceny and thievery on the other; if force is threatened (which is and will be), it is robbery. And, by the way, it takes away their every agency: no matter what the Europeans decide to do, or how they want to be, it shall be thwarted, should the need arise. - The newcomers were informally, there, if clandestinely, here, promised full citizenship without integration. The citizens of Europe were promised the opposite. - The migrants of 2015 were literally told (and we never found out by whom, but they said so in early interviews), that they not only could MAKE Germany their home (that's where the most money is to be had), but that Germany (or Europe, 99% of them wouldn't know the difference) WAS their new home, along with a car, a house, a wife, and all the had to utter was the magic word "Asylum", the concept of which they do not understand ; they take it as "iftah ya simsim" or "Open, Sesame" for the riches of Europe. Which ist true, but fraudulent. - The member states' bureaucracy then processes the migrants formally as asylum seekers, and rightly so deny it to over 90% of them. The migrants do not understand it, the locals do not understand it - because it is indeed a huge European government fraud. The migrants then turn to a life of crime, to pay back the huge bribes they owe their families and the Mafia, usually thousands of dollars. - This discrepancy between government words and government action was never discussed in Europe in public; the Europeans were never asked, and now they are told the game is up anyway. But they are still lied to as why. The clandestine government treaties are still not being discussed. - And now these traders in human lives pretend to the world that it is about "refugees" and "integration" - a contradiction in itself, and a) pretend to be taken by surprise by the situation, and to be too stupid and inept to handle it and b) blame their constituents for being mean, selfish and inhumane. - And that the Europeans' incomes and lifetimes savings were de facto and clandestinely confiscated in 1995 and forfeited by the European government, to pay for surplus people from elsewhere to come into and live in and live off in Europe, is still being denied. - All of this did happen after the fall of communism in eastern Europe, but I suppose it was already being prepared for in the west, because of the known demographics, so that the citizens of eastern part of Europe (and Germany, in fact) are even more taken aback at what they are told is to be. - Or, even more sinister, Eastern Europe was reigned in as the EU's expansion to the east, the Mediterranean was to be it's expansion to the south. That just turned out to be more difficult; there were more and different people to deal with. This kind of policy used to be called "Volk ohne Raum", it's just a different room and folks this time. The timeline of the early deals would fit this picture. - This is especially visible in Germany, as more rules had to be changed there; for instance, the citizenship by descent (a child of German citizens is a German citizen) had to be, and was, changed to citizenship by birth (a child born in Germany is a German citizen) to facilitate the thousand of anchor babies now being born in Germany, making them all European citizens. - There is even talk of issuing an up-to-now- unavailable "European citizenship" to, and only to, migrants in Limbo, who have legally and rightfully been denied their fraudulent asylum, but cannot be sent back, thus making them special citizens in a way. The European government is still defrauding it's own citizenry, lying in public, and giving fraudulent instructions to their administration. And they know it (but the people don't; the migrants don't, and the citizens don't). And so they go on lying to their own people, to push this 25 year old deal through against their electorates' will and knowledge; for after robbing and disenfranchising them, they will have a new people, which they will have bought with their electorates' own money.ƶsung Stating that the people Had forfeited the confidence of the government And could win it back only By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier In that case for the government To dissolve the people And elect another? ---- Addendum: *the uncooperative ... ones, ... like Libya and perhaps Syria: Found it - in German: Google translation: "To create a zone of peace, democracy, stability, cooperation and prosperity is the aim of the Euromediterranean partnership. It was launched in 1995 at a Foreign Ministers' Conference in Barcelona and is therefore also called the Barcelona Process. The partnership has since formed the basis for relations between the countries of Europe and the Mediterranean region. In order to further improve the basis for this cooperation and strengthen the partnership of cooperation, the participating States have decided to expand the Barcelona process. On July 13, 2008 the new partnership "Union for the Mediterranean" (UfM) was founded in Paris. ... The Union for the Mediterranean region comprises 43 governments representing more than 700 million people. In addition to the 28 EU Member States, all Mediterranean countries (except Libya) and Jordan and Mauritania belong to the UfM. (Syria's participation has been suspended since 2011). ... The Union's focus on the Mediterranean is based on a partnership in the context of specific projects. New to the Barcelona process are, above all, the establishment of a co-presidency (North / South) and a permanent secretariat for the selection, preparation and implementation of the projects. The UfM Secretariat started its work in 2010 and is headquartered in Barcelona. ... The Union for the Mediterranean complement the existing relations the EU has with its Mediterranean partner countries. In addition to the European Neighborhood Policy of the EU, it is a platform for dialogue and regional projects. Existing Association Agreements, Action Plans and EU action will continue. The UfM plays an important role for regional cooperation, as it also covers Israel and Turkey as a regional forum. Since 2007, relations with partner countries in the Mediterranean region have been financed by the European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI) as part of the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). More information about the European Neighborhood Policy can be found here (link)." And somewhat differently, in English: The Middle East and North Africa: Called the MENA states; here are the official German objectives in that region: "Building bridges between Europe and the Arab world States in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) have been important development cooperation partners for Germany for many years, due to their global political significance and geographical proximity to Europe. Germany is cooperating with a total of eleven countries in the region. Its average annual commitments for development cooperation of 400 million Euros make Germany the second-largest donor there after the USA. The MENA region stretches south of the Mediterranean Sea from Morocco to Egypt, and east of the Mediterranean from Yemen to the Gulf states and on to Syria and Iraq. The high rate of population growth is a major challenge for countries in the region, many of which suffer from resource scarcity and rising unemployment. German development cooperation in the region is a contribution to the long-term peace policy of the German government. The priority areas of cooperation are geared to the region's core problems and most significant development potentials: water, energy, sustainable economic development and education." Concerning MENA: The big one they leave out, of course, is Saudi Arabia, THE oil-producing power in the Middle East, which recycles it's petrodollars to German armaments, amongst other things. I wouldn't be surprised if the British decision to Brexit from the EU and side with the US had a lot to do with what will happen if the EU tries to buy Saudi Oil with Euros (the British not having adopted the Euro anyway). If you really want to delve into the bureaucracy and papers involved in the highly official "Muslim / Arab - European Dialog", go to: (In German, around pages 99-105)Ć¼d+kommission+dialog+"barcelona"&source=bl&ots=2xuhvSarHY&sig=LX2s1B_NCmVfbywmWF3szNC8GDA&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjc6o_Oms_WAhXEIVAKHeOfAC4Q6AEIMjAD#v=onepage&q=nord sĆ¼d kommission dialog "barcelona"&f=false And for recent goings-on, straight to But for the 2008 paper on the European Parliament resolution on the Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean, ending in the words: "19. Stresses the need for projects under the Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean to be open to all EU states and Mediterranean partners interested in taking part, especially if they are stakeholders in specific projects or fields; 20. Considers that a fourth chapter of cooperation ā on Migration, Social Integration, Justice and Security ā should be included and added to the three chapters in the Barcelona Declaration, which provides for Political Dialogue, Economic Cooperation and Free Trade, and Human, Social and Cultural Dialogue, which are the backbone of Euro-Mediterranean relations; 21. Notes the role of migrants in the development of their home countries and of the EU; calls at the same time for stepped-up cooperation between EU and third countries in order to fully implement the EU plan on legal migration; considers that the Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean should take this dimension into account in order to create an area of freedom and security; 22. Calls on the Commission to inform Parliament and the EMPA on a regular basis about how these regional projects are developing and to consider the proposals and evaluations submitted at parliamentary level with a view to raising the profile of the process and increasing take-up capacity and added value for citizens in the region; 23. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission, the EU Member States and the governments and parliaments of the partner countries." That's where it was hidden, smuggled in and pasted into the bottom of the resolution, after more than ten years of negotiating "Dialogue" and "Free Trade". Where does a wise man hide some words? In a paper. It is always done that way. Read them VERY CAREFULLY. Note the one word that does not turn up is: "Refugees" We are being had. The EU and MENA government-created Union for the Mediterranean, with seat in Barcelona, under its current Secretary General Fathallah Sijilmassi, is -in its own words- "bringing together 43 countries to promote cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region" on every subject from schooling to business, energy and sports, migration, job opportunities and multiculturalism; for details, see, with 30.000+ followers, or go to - and yet our European national governments, here the German one, tell us nothing of this, nothing of the 25 years of negotiating and nothing of the 10 years of conferring on a daily basis with the countries of emigration; they act surprised when the prepared happens; they talk of uncontrollable refugees, instead of migration by treaty; say they don't know and can't tell where they came from; they have no idea where their "refugees" got the idea that they would be furnished with a house, a car, steady money and a wife, a new identity and never mind their past, or who gave them the picture of benevolent Frau Merkel welcoming them in; that they therefore cannot be sent back; they uttered the magic word; that we must adapt to help them integrate into our society; and so on. And then, oh, they just conjure up this inexplicable magic number of max 200,000 entries per annum, and give no idea as to why that number exactly, either. It could turn out to be higher, though, as none will be turned back at the newly none- existent borders anyway. Remarkably, too, all of this is happening under the supervision, command and control of NATO. And without any press coverage whatsoever. Shouldn't they be celebrating this exemplary international and intercultural cooperation in human tr... whatever? Every other international cooperation gets publicly lauded, so why not this one? There will be a reason, won't there? Oh, the Hypocrisy of it all. The only truth in it is that there is no alternative for them to act on, as international treaties and requirements have to be fulfilled. Do they? They were never discussed or ratified in national Parliament; and even if, they could be revoked. Now, if you calculate the 200,000 migrants, into Germany alone, that the UN stipulates as a yearly minimum from the year 2005 onwards, then the 1.5 million that came into Europe in 2015 were but a fraction of the total; there should have been a million more, just for Germany, by now, so - bring in their families! Ve must fulfil ze treaties! What would happen if all of this became widely known? --- One more update: It did not come from nothing. Some say the whole deal ultimately dates back even to the first oil crisis of 1973, when the growth-dependent European leaders, receiving just 5% less of crude oil and that at a much higher price, found themselves in utter life dependency on the Arab world, and basically offered Europe to the Arabian people (who had always coveted it) in return for their bitterly-needed oil: Traitors, one and all, for selling out their people; so I would say. From the German source - I cannot verify this; but guess who turns up, right at the very beginning of this history? That's right, "The Colonel", Muammar al-Gaddafi the Colourful - who seems, in hindsight, to have been the most honest of the lot, if not to say naive; Europeans and Arabians the like, you name it: "Pompidous campaigning for a Euro-Arab dialogue in the then EEC states was apparently successful, as in 1973, the French Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, Jean-Noel de Lipkowski, initiated talks on a Euro-Arab dialogue with the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. In November, French President Georges Pompidou and West German Chancellor Willy Brandt met to consolidate the project of engaging in dialogue with the Arabs. Due to Pompidous efforts, a European summit was launched in December 14.-15. in Copenhagen, setting in motion the Euro-Arab dialogue." Some 40 years later, in 2011, the movement of the Arabian and other immigrants was set in motion with the attack upon and execution on the battlefield of the same Colonel Gaddafi, at that time still the Libyan leader - and one of the very few high- ranking witnesses of the complete procedure still alive, and who therefore could have talked; that would potentially have compromised the deal, and he did give out a few dark warnings to enhance his position, cut some extra and be allowed to stay in power. For whatever reason it was, he was done away with. Now, as far as I can tell from a hint here and there, the handing over was to be realized and the European borders to be opened by 2010, so things were already behind schedule. Then in 2015, things were finally set in motion, the millions of immigrants from then on being sold to the European natives as "war refugees" and their entry being wangled over phony claims to asylum, the over 90% rejection of which does not matter either way, as everybody is allowed to stay anyway and bring the family in notwithstanding. As it looks like from the outside, the deal was also to keep everything under covers (typically, the papers on these matters are publicized ten years after they are signed; so there should be more as yet unknown and unpublicized papers on this matter in the pipeline right now), and wait with the physical takeover until every one of the deal brokers on the European side was dead; it would take some decades to negotiate the handing over of a whole continent anyway, and if things became known, resistance was to be expected. I does look like, well, the perpetrators counted of reaping the benefits while not themselves paying the price; the oil was calculated to be running out by that time anyway. And it did work out that way, for them. "We'll hand over the keys to our cities for the firewood we need to keep ourselves warm, not to you, for the people would notice; and they would resist; but these will be bequeathed unto your children, while ours won't exactly know what happened, when it hits them." ---
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- islamification
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I have attempted to outline the possible belligerent sides in the upcoming civil war, based on current political conflicts. Generally, the split sides can be labelled Left and Right. Note: Some countries will enter unified, but others will be internally fragmented along ideological lines. For past similar examples in history see Thirty Years War. LEFT -European Union (Brussels): as the de-facto leading government for most of Europe, they will be the standard bearers for the Left. -Wallonia (Namur): Unlike Flanders, the Walloons remain socialistic, as demonstrated in the 2014 elections, and will most likely join the Left. -German Federal Government (Berlin): The Bundestag will be the most zealous fighter on the side of European Unity, just as they have always been. -French Govenment (Paris): France, being already very divided and weak, will not be much of a force externally, but will be very active in putting down domestic insurrections. -Monaco: Will not be of any significance. -Netherlands (Amsterdam): Not a very active, but definite ally of Brussels, led by the VVD, who won the last elections comfortably. -Scotland (Edinburgh): Scotland, for some reason love their EU, and will be a thorn in the back of the UK. -Luxembourg: Piece of Scheissen -Catalonia (Barcelona): Under the leadership of the Republican Left, they will likely take a stand on the side of Brussels. -Andorra: Being under the rule of Spain and France, they have their choices made for them. -Sweden (Stockholm): Sweden will become a battlefield in the Civil War, but at least a virtuous one. Right -Visegrad4 (Warsaw): Under the leadership of Poland, the V4 will spearhead the defiance against Brussels, since they are as of now the only compact political union in Europe. -Russia (Moscow): Will support V4, but only cautiously, as not to provoke the US. -Flanders (Antwerpen): The surge of the New Flemish Alliance in the 2014 elections of Flanders is a clear indication that the Flemings are drawing closer to nationalism are Rightism. -Bavaria (MĆ¼nchen): The uncomformism of the Bavarians is nothing new if we look at history. Consistently voting for their Bavaria Party. Under the leadership of Seehofer, ally of V4 -Saxony (Dresden): Although they are still led by the Christian Democrats, I predict that because of their rightist population, and because of the AFD, they will defy Berlin. -Hauts-de-France (Lille): This is a bit of a wild card, but the last election has clearly shown a very peculiar divergence showing in northern France. -Corsica: A small, but very loud part of France, who have demonstrated nationalistic sentiments. I think they will defy Paris. -UK (London): The UK always manages to pick a side just before the storm. With the exception of dissident Scotland and some liberal areas, the country will be firmly right. -Finland (Helsinki): The Finns, though liberal, are a very geopolitically aware nation, and will surely join the V4, albeit weary of Russia. -Baltic States (Vilnius): Being one of the few true alliances in Europe, formed through geopolitical necessity, the baltics will be the rearguard for the V4. -Austria (Vienna): With the exception of the bigger cities, all of Austria is firmly right leaning. If forced to pick a side, they will join the V4. -Slovenia (Ljubljana): Very likely to join the V4 as a member. -Croatia (Zagreb): Very likely to join V4 as a member. -Bulgaria (Sofia): Will be the bulwark against the migrant wave that Turkey will release onto the EU. -Macedonia (Skopje): Will continue to put up a fight against the migrant wave, but will be unable to affect the Civil War significantly. -Malta (Valletta): Will not be of any significance. Neutral -Switzerland (Bern): Fashionably neutral, but secretly will be a sympathiser to the rightist cause, with the exception of the french-speaking cantons. -Ireland (Dublin): The Irish will be very divided in the coming years, as they are going through a volatile political shift within. Mostly uncertain. -Portugal (Lisbon): Mostly eurosceptic, but sadly insignificant on the political arena. -Spanish government: Spain will have no political unity within the near future, and will be having their own Catalan problem to deal with. -Norway (Oslo): The political divide in Norway is very close, and will likely be so in the soming years, thusly remaining undecided. -Denmark (Coppenhagen): Much like Norway, Denmark is an eurosceptic country, but also very liberal. Even though their geopolitics will force them to pick a side, I doubt they will. -Iceland (Reykyavik): Will not be of any significance. -Belarus (Minsk): Under the boot of Russia, there is not much Minsk can do with regards to the Civil War. -Ukraine (Kiev): They have their own problems at the moment. -Italy (Rome): The internal instability of Italy, even that of the individual states, makes it impossible to predict where they will stand. Will have to wait for next election. -San Marino: Grabs popcorn. -Liechtenstein (Vaduz): Will not be of any significance. -Holy See: Deus Vult maybe, but unlikely. -Moldova (Cisinau): Will not be of any significance. -Romania (Bucharest): Internal instability will render them unable to affect the Civil War significantly. -Bosnia (Sarajevo): Internal instability will render them unable to affect the Civil War significantly. -Serbia (Belgrad): Internal instability will render them unable to affect the Civil War significantly. -Montenegro (Podgorica): Will not be of any significance. -Albania (Tirane): Will not be of any significance. -Greece (Athens): Internal instability will render them unable to affect the Civil War significantly. -Cyprus: Internal instability will render them unable to affect the Civil War significantly.
- fragmentation
- civil war
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To everyone interested in knowing the truth. I have seen no good summary of the events of the situation in Hungary and the Eastern Route, that sees 3/4 of all migrants to Europe as of yet, so here it is. This is a chronological summary of the "Migrant Crisis" events of 2015, 2016 and 2017, their impacts on Hungary, and how Hungary handled the situation as the primary Transit Country for migrants headed into the EU Schengen Zone. Sources are in blue, and I have listed them directly after the corresponding story. Some sources are in English, but since coverage on Hungary has been very scarce, most are in Hungarian or a few even German. I was very reluctant to use sources from left-leaning media, but I did include some that I know to be credible. Researched and compiled by myself using mostly reports of Hungarian media, EU data, police data, private citizens and my personal insight as a JRS Jesuit Refugee Service worker. Important words are in red. 2015 The First Wave: - August: For the Hungarian people, the "refugee crisis" really began in the last days of August, when without notice, hundreds of people of foreign origins set up a camp within the recently renovated Keleti train station. The camp had an uneasy feeling about it. One could smell the stench of urine, see the bored people, and feel the tension brewing between the locals and the newcomers. No bypassers understood what was going on, the average hungarian couldn't even find Syria on a map, from where hordes of people could be flooding into Europe. Nobody was informed by the authorities of why the camp was set up, the local media began investigating immediately, but all anyone could actually do was to watch and wait. ( - On the 1st of September however, the calm was gone. To this day, nobody truly knows what caused the unrest, but the people present at the station were witnesses to the migrants shouting, blocking roads, chasing after some men and being all-round unpeaceul. The hungarians didn't even know how to react to this behaviour. The last time anything of this sort happened in the peaceful city of Budapest was in 2006, when the people revolted against the leftist government that admitted to lying to the country. Some curious pedestrians went closer to the raging mob, whipped out their mobile devices, and did what any normal western millenial would do - take selfies. The riot police arrived on the scene in under an hour, and started pushing the mob off the roads. Nothing much happened after that, but this incident was enough to prompt the government to act. Most of the station became off limits to all migrants, and at least two dozen police officers stood guard at the gates at all times, all without heavy gear or firearms. ( - On 3rd September 2015, one day before the UEFA Euro 2016 qualifying Group F match, Hungarian football hooligans clashed with the Hungarian police in the streets of Budapest, 16 of them being arrested. No definitely credible sources exist on this, but many claim that the camp at Keleti was also attacked by the hooligans. This may have been the reason why on the 4th, hundreds of the migrants suddenly packed their things, and began their march towards Austria. By the end of September, no migrants were left at Keleti. ( - On September 16th, to the surprise of the arriving migrants, and to the outrage of the EU and the global leftist media, the Serbian border crossing of Rƶszke-Horgos was closed to all illegals (Serbia not a Schengen country). As all criminals do, the migrants began throwing a tantrum, assaulting the border fence, throwing rocks at police. The police responded with tear-gas and water cannons. The western media reported on the incident, for whatever reason they also denounced the behaviour of the police. According to the hungarian press, 2 officers were injured, the migrants merely got a healthy dose of tear-gas. ( - By September 17th the prime minister of Hungary had ordered a temporary fence to be erected on the 151km Serbian border, and a permanent 4 meters high razor-wire fence was already being constructed. ( The chancellor of Germany, the EU parliament, Austria and the hungarian left all attacked the prime minister, accusing him with racism, xenophobia and far-right ideology. ( The majority of the hungarian populace still had not caught up with the events. The 329km border with Croatia was also set to be fenced, as the migrants could still go around the serbian fence. (Croatia also not Schengen). ( - On 22 September 2015, European Union interior ministers meeting in the Justice and Home affairs council approved a plan to relocate 120,000 asylum seekers over two years from the frontline states Italy, Grrece, and Hungary to all other EU countries (except Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom which have opt-outs). The relocation plan applies to asylum seekers "in clear need of international protection" (those with a recognition rate higher than 75%, i.e. Syrians, Eritreans and Iraqis) ā 15,600 from Italy, 50,400 from Greece and 54,000 from Hungary ā who will be distributed among EU states on the basis of quotas taking into account the size of economy and population of each state, as well as the average number of asylum applications. The decision was taken by majority vote, with the Czechia, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia voting against and Finland abstaining. Since Hungary voted against the relocation plan, its 54,000 asylum seekers would not be relocated for now, and could be relocated from Italy and Greece instead Historical context: It is important to understand the position of the people who were not ok with the actions of the pm. These people took it as a given that every single one of the migrants were refugees. Hence, as the Geneva Convention of 1949 dictates, every country that signed the treaty agrees to take in every person the treaty designates as a Refugee. ( An example of the treaty in effect was Austria in 1965, when revolutions broke out in Poland, Hungary and Chechia. Following the failiures of the insurrections, thousands of refugees fled to Austria. The Austrian border guards could have simply shot the refugees, since they were crossing the border illegally, but thanks to the Geneva Conventions the refugees were distributed among the western nations. ( Why did Hungary build the fence? The only reason is that these new types of refugees had no papers, they refused to comply to the rules, to cooperate with the hungarian authorities and register. ( How a refugee is admitted to the EU is outlined in the Dublin agreement. According to which, the the first country that foreigners enter into, must be the one to register them. And Hungary, being the very edge of the Schengen zone, was responsible for vetting every foreigner that sets foot in the EU. Also, it is worth mentioning that the border was not completely closed, and legal immigrants were still allowed to enter at checkpoints, as long as they had papers. ( By 2016, if sources are at least some indicator, Hungary has seen 2/3rd of all immigrants into the Schengen zone. Which until 2016, was 300 000 persons. Hungary's history with refugees: - From the 17th until the 19th century, the southernmost part of the country, a 50-100km wide, 1000km long strip of land including Croatia, Slavonia, Vojvodina and Southern Transylvania was officially designated the Borderguard Territories (HatĆ”rÅr vidĆ©k). The only job of every person living in this land was to systematically keep out or vet every refugee fleeing from the Ottoman Empire. Thousands of people fled from the South, and most settled and contributed very diligently to the economy and the culture that had given them asylum. Please note that Hungary, as all other European powers, has a long History dealing with multiculturalism. For 900 years only half of the country's population was ethnically Hungarian, the others were Romanians, Slavs and Germans. During Communism many Palestinians were settled in the country and they were integrated without much effort. Today 10% of the population of Hungary is ethnically Gypsy. Quite stereotypically, they do not work, they are uneducated, they are violent, and they are hostile towards Hungarians. The FIDESZ government implemented many solutions to integrate the Gypsy population: Revoked child support for the unemployed, started low-wage job programs, subsidised education... Everyone who immigrates to Hungary simply has to learn the language, the customs, the laws, must work, and above all, has to come in legally. Just like my father did, who came in from Mongolia, worked, graduated University, married a very nice Hungarian lady, and never asked for free stuff. Then he went back to Mongolia along with his family, to spread European culture to the East. The first terror attacks in Europe (reactions of Hungarian citizens and the government): - November 15th, Paris attacks. One of the attackers was found to have crossed the Hungarian border in September. The west suddenly stops attacking Hungary, and in fact, I myself have not found a single English-language article about Hungary and the refugee crisis since then... One wonders why. State of emergency declared in most EU countries. ( Visegrad 4 hold meetings almost every month after that in order to address the crisis. Slovakia, Poland and Chechia all dispatch police units to patrol the now 500km long Southern border barrier. ( - March 22, Brussels attacks. I was talking to my brother on skype, who studies in Brussels. I belive our talk very accurately embodied the tragic state of the European mindset that day. During the conversation he picks up his phone and comments in a calm voice "They bombed the train station". Without lifting an eyebrow, I said "Yep". After a couple minutes he continues "the airport as well", to which following a brief pause I ask "So germany next?". He said "Yep". Shorty afterwards, a Facebook notification arrives on my phone, saying that my brother has been marked to be alive. Yes, apparently Facebook has developed a service just for such catastrophies. I can almost imagine an ad like: "Next time a terrorist blows himself up next to you, you too can be marked as alive by your friend!" Almost every country in the EU declared a state of emergency. That including Hungary, where every metro station was patrolled by a squad of heavily armed counter-terrorism officers (TEK). This was the first occasion in my lifetime on which I saw a sub-machine gun in Budapest. I had seen quite a few in London 3 years prior, where they always have had armed police at every major Underground station since the London bombings. ( - The Austrian and the Slovenian governments place orders to Hungary for 1000km of razor-wire fence. ( Hungary stocks up with enough fence to be able to seal off the 443km border with Romania in a single day if the order is given. ( Bavaria stands by Hungary. ( 2016 The Second Wave: - The spring brought hundreds of new "refugees" to Hungary. Nevertheless, the hungarian government ordered all except 3 refugee camps closed For perspective, the small camp at FĆ³t, which used to house around 60 refugees until April, was suddenly home to 250 people. Every week, about 50 people left for Austria, and 60 new people came. This meant that every list the camp authorities had at any given time were 3 days out of date. ( About our refugees. We had no means to verify their names, their age, nor their nationality. I myself have no idea how they were allwed through the border. The rounded ratio of nationalities in the camps at any given time were 40% Afghani, 25% Pakistani, 10% Subsaharan, 10% Saharan, 5% Bangla, 10% other including Iraqi, Turkish (note: I have not seen confirmed reports of a single person from Syria.) These numbers are classified information , so there are no sources to this data anywhere. Official reports, if to be trusted are here: - By summer, contrary to what we were expecting - a tidal wave of immigrants - things were extremely calm. To everyone's surprise, the government closed down another refugee camp, and the remaining two had their occupants reduced to normal numbers. Only 40 total number of refugees are admitted each day. Most continue on to Germany anyway. ( In all fairness, there had been only one confirmed violent action carried out by a migrant within Hungary. An afghani stabbed another unknown migrant at Bicske. This low crime rate is probably a result of strictly enacted policies from the right-leaning FIDESZ majority government. - October 2. Hungary holds a referendum over whether or not to accept the EU dictated migrant quotas. With a 43% participation rate, 98% of voter vote to reject the quotas. This referendum in effect is inconsequencial, since the government can only act on referendums for which the participation rate is above 50%. Nevertheless, the results mean that FIDESZ is still by far the most popular political party among voters. ( ( - By the end of 2016 only 1 refugee camp remains in Hungary. ( Accepted refugees, who do exist, of course, are given 2 months to find residence in Hungary. They are provided free education, as education is free in Hungary, so they have no reason not to learn Hungarian. Meanwhile, volunteers and from all over the country, civil services, and various Christian denominations, most notably the Catholic Church, all assist in the assimilation of these people. Lesson: You do not need to build a wall, America. Just purchase a fence from Hungary! - 2017 February Update: With the "Border Hunter Initiative" fĆ”st in motion, with cooperation of the VisegrĆ”d Alliance, and with the Second Border Fence being built, one would expect not to see any more illegal migrants coming in from the Balkans ever again. However, since there is currently virtually no unified stance on the matter between all EU countries, it is quite impossible to completely halt the flow of illegal migrants. 9 EU members have already reinstated border controls, but only Spain, Hungary, Austria and Slovenia have built fences along their borders. - 2017 The third wave: There is always a sizable influx of people from the south at the arrival of Spring. Just like it happened in 2015 and 2016, the March of 2017 is seeing a another Wave of men without papers, nor nationalities, nor the will to apply legally. The Hungarian Police have reported that the migrants seem to make an attempt of crossing Hungary every Weekend, as the Police would arrest one or two illegals on a slow day, but over 20 or 30 on Mondays. It is almost as if they were organising a trekking party on a weekly basis. By now, there is only one Refugee Processing camp left in Hungary. Numbers have finally stabilised at 80, but almost all of them leave west in less than a month. Austria has not erected a fence on their border with Hungary, which means that it is impossible to know how many migrants slip past Hungary into Western Europe. As of April 2017, at least 50 000 people are stranded in Greece, and another 8000 in Serbia, partly due to the border controls of Hungary. By April 28th, Hungary has completed construction of second layer of razor-wire fence. - The sorry state of the EU: In short, the EU has still not come up with a comprehensive proposal to deal with the crisis. The plan of distributing migrants was vetoed by 4 EU states in 2015 (Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania). They haven't got sufficient hands on the ground, their numbers are out of date by almost a year, all asylum centres west of Bratislava are overcrowded, real information is very hard to obtain, and the independent organisations are unable to cooperate with each other. Terror attacks in Europe in 2016: - Official EUROSTAT statistics on asylum seeker applications (have a blast, but take a salt mine with it): - Analyzing EUROSTAT data: 1. All data are extremely outdated, with last records from early 2016. 2. There is no way to actually track anyone. Most asylees have no papers, and they apply multiple times in various countries, or they do not apply at all. 3. There is no centralised bureau that handles immigration in the EU, henc reports come from various EU states, most of whom have not set up border controls, thusly unable to acccurately measure numbers. 4. I am unable to find reliable data on the number of admitted refugees and their origins. Curious.
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I will mention right off, this post is not a proof or an attempt at proof of God's existence. And yet, I wonder if I can make godless atheists a bit more....god-full. I heard Stefan Molyneux offer a bit of a personal theory of what happened after Jesus Christ died, more or less presuming his tomb was raided by thieves and maybe--just maybe--the first Christians concocted an elaborate hoax to inspire universal morality and destroy moral relativism in what may have been the most crucial point in Roman history before the Fall. Personally, I've always thought that either Jesus was a Roman philosopher (like say, a 4th philosopher to take the torch from Aristotle) whose philosophy was made into a religion by his disciples in order to unite people too dumb to think philosophically, or he was a Roman politician who managed to become the object of worship because of his perceived boundless virtue. As to whether my or Stef's theories are even remotely true, I cannot say. It stands to reason that most likely if there is a God, he is very absentee and the Church greatly embellishes his involvement in man's affairs, or....well, either he is the God of Whites or the God of Jews in particular as both general groups of peoples grew to become the dominant races of the world (at least until recently). If there isn't a God than the raw horse power of the European genetic survival set was simply the best out there, and God was simply the simplification as to why Whites were so great in a time without genetic scientists to give definitive reasons for the behavioral and physical traits of the races. Around the same time as Jesus Christ was arguably the greatest ruler in European history: Augustus Caesar, First Emperor of the Roman Empire and the very basis for the word "Emperor" in most European languages. When the Roman Empire fell after 250 odd years of decay and ruin, the Holy Roman Empire was formed by Kaiser Charlemagne, the first Christian Emperor of Europe whose empire would last nearly 1000 years (if you include the Austrian and German Empires as being successor states of the old Holy Roman Empire). Christianity's purpose was essentially that of a bully pulpit used to propagate moral values to the illiterate and low-IQ masses. Whereas the three philosophers of ancient Greece attempted to use reason to enable rational activity, Christianity, perhaps from inception, realize the simple fact that all people are irrational and yet believe themselves rational, and that the majority of people will always find themselves subscribed to someone else's theory of ethics or dogma. Therefore, rather than attempting to convince the world to be good for goodness's sake, the Church essentially said "Be good or be damned", which was of course irrelevant to the good people who do good regardless, but critical for the "bad" people and the "morally relative" people who either could not be bothered or were too uncaring to work for a bigger picture. To conclude the topic's purpose, I have a simple set of questions; "Is Christianity a benefit for European civilization?" "Is it better for many people to do good as a result of a lie, or for a few people to do good as a result of a truth?" "Do the ends justify the means, and is Christianity a good means for spreading reason and virtue?" "If we are created in God's image, assuming He is real, who is "we"?"
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Hello everyone! I wanted to let you guys know, that every saturday 20.00 CEST a skype call is hosted, for the purpose of getting european FDR listeners together and hanging out. It is called the Philosophy Europe Call! We are usually 3-5 people in the call, and we talk about everything we can think of. From economics to the insanity of statism, from philosphy to more personal/self-knowledge matters. I'd like to invite you to this call, if you want to connect with some people from FDR. And no, you don't have to call from europe, the rest of the world is welcome to call in as well (several weeks in a row, we have actually had 2 americans call in). To join the call, add the skype handle '''', and when it is 20.00 CEST, you just call that contact. We also have a Facebook page you can like, and a Facebook group you can joln. the page the group Hope you'll join us!
Hello everyone, My name is BenoƮt. I'm a bilingual Flemish man, with a french name and Polish-Russian roots. Go figure, but this kind of blend happens quiet often in Belgium. At the present moment I live in the city of Brussels. I learned about Stephan Molyneux and this community in September, but it took me quiet some time to get involved on the website. The only right thing to do was to become a donator and become more invested into the community. It took me some time before I decided to start posting, because I was either struggling with the way I express myself in the English language, or because I was simply procrastinating too much. As for probably most people on this website, getting in touch with the philosophical content of Freedomainradio was a life changer for me. I don't think I will ever be the same after reading some of Stephan's books, especially when it comes to the eye-opening truths he speaks about relationships. I was in a relationship at the time where I started listening Stephan's podcasts. I noticed that as soon as I started to understand the content of the podcasts, it made me question so many things that seemed obvious before. My life, my family and my relationship. As I gained knowledge and insight, I felt that a part of my life was becoming more difficult. It became more difficult because I was being confronted with the truth about myself and this world. What used to be confusion started to become more clear. The confrontation could be, at times, very painful. Old wounds that never healed were now open again. Some of these confrontations led to a breakup with my (ex)girlfriend a few days ago. It hurts to not have her in my life anymore but I know that this has been caused by my lack of self-knowledge. As I missed her very much, I turned to some people in the community and so far I was glad to find very kind and helpful people in the chat room. Here I am now, sharing with you. I will start a long journey for self-knowledge and I hope that this community might bring me new insights.
I did search his name on the forum and surprisingly found nothing. His youtube channel - He is warning Europeans about dangers of Islam (and other things) for years. And he even has a decent amount of views and subscribers on his channel. He is easy to listen and I personally like his British humor. Last month I find a lot more European focus on FDR, thus I think many readers might find his content interesting. Personally I'd love to see an interview of him and Stefan. I love it when people that are on my radar collaborate. Etwa
I'm reading Atlas Shrugged. This passage sent shivers down my spine. The first time I read it, I literally saw the word "terror" instead of "horror". Intolerance equates to racism, and horror originates from terrorism and the cultural demolishing of the west by radical Muslims advocating a literal intepretation of the Islamic religious text. All the meanwhile, free speec is censored for the protection of feelings in the name of tolerance, so that any rational cry for help is strangled before it even leaves the mind, lest you be called racist... It's odd, this book was written long ago, but this passage stuck out to me as though she were writing for today! Thoughts?
- Importing massive amounts of welfare recipients is a step forward to a better world somehow.
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Last year I decided to do something about my problems I have from my childhood and from the school years. I know it's problems that holds me back from reaching higher potetinals and goals in life. Things strated to happen positive on the emotinal plane as well, so I thought It might be try to sort things out. So when I heard Stefan talking his self warm, about psycoterapi. I decided to try it out. So I started to look up so called 'free market' practioners in that filed of practis. ...and that ended that someone where willingly to see me, in person. I reacted positivly after first treatment. So I really felt and understood that it was worth to continue. After that I try to concact this person sevral time and tried to book a new time, but in vain. Finnaly I ended up with an older woman, after trying to find some else. I started to go there three times. Then she also told me that I needed to take some antideressive like Zoloft and Prosac. I have allready had a very bad adventure with such struff in my early twentys. So I tried to argument the dangers and that is what not a good Idea, on every level possible, every time. But when she used the same sales agrument that I have heard from medical doctors in the past and now all of the Psycoterapist I visited it strock me that is was some type of sales racket. The same prases was used like... 'Anti depressives are harmless, we even used them sussesfully on school children' She also told me that I was not welcommed before taking drugs, and sign in to the ordinary Swedish healtcare system. So know I have given up that track. It's pontless to pay, to here bad sales arguments about half of the time. I know the health care system is rigged, and not in my favour. It's desiged to reduse care cost, not on getting good treatment. One more thing I discoverd during this long process was that approximatly 40% of the pyscoterapist have quit there professions the last years. A very strange phenomena in deed, but I think it has to something about a new political healtcare reforms that probaly has passed. So my questions and think goes like this, now. Maybe I shall seek healtcare in another country ? ...and maybe someone here on this forum can recommend a good free practsing pyscoterapist... or other good related practisioners ? I live in the shouther part of Sweden. I have also some Idea of maybe taking some heath vacaion, somewhere nice, and visit good healtcare professionals there ? What do guys and gals think about that ? To crasy ? or is it quit common these days ? Thank you for your time to read this not so good english. Happy Eastern, everyone.
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- healtcare
- pycoterapi
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