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  1. Greetings! I have been listening to FDR for about a year daily. I learned about Stefan through his interview with the Rubin Report. Then I listened to Stefan’s podcast #3903 International Men’s Day. I thought this podcast was spot on with what is going on in society today. I have been an avid listener since and feel and agree with him on about 90% of topics. Most importantly I like his commitment to the truth and facts. I still don’t understand how this concept is not mainstream thinking today. I grew up in the US and now live part-time in Finland. I really enjoy introducing Stefan’s arguments to socialist Finns. Finns are generally are mild mannered. It is fun to engage about these topics with them unlike American’s on the left who get very angry when you bring up arguments that they cannot counter effectively. Stefan’s podcast really helps me articulate ideas that I have held for a long time but did not know how to speak about intelligently. Does anybody want to meet up anywhere in Helsinki? It would be great to chat with a few Nordic free thinkers every now and then. I look forward to becoming more active on this blog and learning even more about Philisophy.
  2. Hello! I have been listening to the show for a while now, more or less at times. Always thought provoking. I'm currently facing the "right and duty" of conscription, not going to the army that's for sure. I have decided to work for a non profit for a year to get that sorted. Anyone else from here? Looking forward to contributing more to this community! Thanks for reading!
  3. Repäise tästä / Riv här! I've noticed there aren't any Finnish FDR meetup groups even though there are supposedly many members from the land of Kekkonen, Kekkonen and Kekkonen. So I hereby suggest we'll have a meetup in Helsinki (or in Tampere or even in Turku if it turns out that most of the Finnish members live there). I was thinking that some Saturday or Sunday afternoon and/or evening in a cafe or a restaurant could be perfect for the meet-up. Maybe already this summer? I also started a meetup group via FDR so you can go there to suggest time and location. So don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity to meet highly extraordinary individuals who actually share a big chunk of your thoughts!
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