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Hello everybody, It's been approximately 4 years now since I've begun to listen to FDR (and almost from the very beginning everyday). Now, I'm planning on creating a YouTube channel where I'd post videos of me basically translating in french Molyneux's videos. But it'd be me in front of the camera, saying what Molyneux says, but with my own way of telling it. I live in Paris right now and everybody is so socialist/pro-immigration out there. Things are turning so badly. I want to bring the good word in french, where libertarian ideas are so uncommon. I want to play my part in the battle for Western Civilization. And since Molyneux is the best at the moment in sharing the truth IMO, I think that translating his core videos are one of the best way to reach my goal. Naturrally, I'll put a link in each of my videos towards the translated video, and also a link to Molyneux's YouTube channel in each description of my videos. But, of course, before posting any video, I need Stefan Molyneux's own accord, or I guess at least a moderator's accord. And please tell me whatever your conditions are in order for me to have your authorization to create my YouTube channel. Thank you very much in advance, JS en Liberté
Many prescient minds agree that we are on a trajectory for civilizational collapse. Insane amounts of national debt Vulnerability of national infrastructure None-replacement birth rates Toxic culture thanks to cultural Marxism and feminism Mass 3rd world immigration Islamic extremism My thesis is that a western civilizational collapse with a Hard Landing is preferable. A hard landing is relatively rapid, taking weeks or months as opposed to years or decades. A hard landing is acutely painful for the people who go through it. Governments will be caught unawares by a hard landing. A hard landing is disruptive to the dominant establishments of business, media, academia, etc A hard landing creates chaos, out of chaos there's the opportunity for civilizational reset. A hypothetical Hard Landing in the United States... Wall Street has a very bad day of trading which triggers an economic death spiral of hyperinflation. In the course of a few days or weeks the Dollar loses much of it's value. Food and resources price hikes or shortages further enrage the population. Perhaps a coincidental black swan event occurs exacerbating national panic; terrorism, natural disaster, domestic unrest, etc. A federal government shut down occurs as politicians endlessly squabble about how to fix it. The government runs out of money to fund welfare programs, food stamps and pensions. Widespread rioting occurs in major US coastal cities. Tribal warfare escalates in urban areas between racial and political groups. The Federal government declares martial law and announces deployment of troops to mitigate unrest. With the federal government not providing services, a few states (Looking at you Texas!) rebel against the federal government and announce the intention to succeed from the union. Some rogue generals and military commanders refuse to follow orders from the federal government and declare loyalty to local governments. Many members of the military who are fundamentally patriotic refuse to fight and kill other Americans. Other states follow, the United States of America breaks up along racial, cultural and political lines (perhaps into 9 different nations) At least a couple million Americans die from a combination of food and resource shortages, lack of health care and battles between the federal military and state militias. Some states implement communist and extreme leftist economic and social policies (Looking at you California!), opening their borders to mass immigration and descend further into disorder. They do what many 3rd world countries do now; managing to avert total collapse and keep their socialized services barely working by accepting billions in foreign aid from globalist central bankers. Authoritarian socialist dictators or techno-oligarchs rise to power in the new North American banana republics who constrict freedom but restore a semblance of order and normalcy with a combination of state sanctioned violence and surveillance, like in many 3rd world countries! But in some of the new republics, there is a return to libertarian principals of small government, property rights and free markets. They resist central banking and use gold backed currencies or Bitcoin. The new republics use the power of technology and Internet to implement direct democracy and forms of minimal government that are less susceptible to corruption. Militias of patriotic gun owners guard their borders vigilantly After a few tough years the standard of living and economic opportunity is on par with what it is now in America and there is a return to political sanity, but tens of millions have had a rude philosophical awakening. Western civilization survives! France is going through a Soft Landing civilizational collapse... The people are so totally indoctrinated by cultural marxism and fear of racism that they refuse to recognize their own national self interests. As the right to free speech disappears and economic opportunity dwindles, the government will appease younger generations of voters by legalizing drugs. Increased brain drain of entrepreneurial young people leaving the country will exacerbate unemployment. Increasing terrorism will be blamed on lack of economic opportunity, racism, climate change and a foreign bogeyman, either Russia or the United States. Urban warfare between tribal and political groups becomes common place but the mainstream media refuses to report on it and alternative media is totally censored. The government will use a major terrorist attack as an impetus to fight a war against extremism. The extremists targeted will be Nationalists, Patriots, Libertarians, Anarchists and Christians. The anti-fascists will find that the fascists of their nightmares have indeed finally appeared. The central government will jail leaders of dissident political parties, journalists, etc just on basis of opinions expressed. A national militarized police comprised almost totally of none-white French will be in charge of enforcement. They will put down small rebellions of ethnic French patriots. The government will collaborate with Silicon Valley tech firms to spy on their citizens every word and thought through their smart phones. Pre-crime prosecution will begin. Thanks to declining native birth rates a tipping point of Islamic social influence will be reached and an uneasy alliance will exist between the authoritarian socialist globalists in the government that control the economy and the military and authoritarian Imams and Muftis that control the culture. As economic opportunity becomes none existent automation will save French society from total collapse. The government will announce a Universal Basic Income scheme which will be funded by a combination of higher taxes and money printing. The population will kept comfortably complacent by a combination of guaranteed basic income, services provided by automation, free healthcare, legalized drugs, porn, video games and propagandistic media. France breaking up or declaring itself an Islamic state would be such an admission of failure of the media and the globalist establishment that France will remain France but in name only. The frogs are being very slowly boiled so there's no widescale freakout, just incremental decrease in freedom and western civilization dies with a wimper. In the past a soft landing to civilizational collapse would be preferable because of lack violence and loss of life. It would be a relatively pain free civilizational reset. However, it's a very different in our era; A slow decline will allow the government and ruling establishment to entrench and further protect their power. Local police forces will be replaced with national militarized police forces. The current world financial system allows for countries to be saved from their idiotic decisions by fiat money printing and loans from foreign central banks (Looking at you Greece!) Over time people become complacent with tyranny, they cynically accept that the government is corrupt and criminal and that there is nothing they can do. Ubiquitous smart phones and social media make it possible for the government to spy on you everywhere. It was said that in the Soviet Union that the only time you could express your anger with the government was in bed, with the lights out, under the covers to your wife. In a Soft Landing civilizational collapse we won't even have that freedom because we all use our smartphones in bed and wives have been replaced by porn! There's a high likelihood that the kinds of totalitarian governments resulting from a soft landing would eventually start a nuclear war with each other. Which of course is actually good for the elites because it reduces the number of useless eaters that need to be provided for. The best case scenario is a dystopian technologically mediated tyranny and the worst case scenario is a nuclear war occurring that would kill millions or billions of humans. As I've said elsewhere Western Civilization wobbles on a knife's edge, how could it be nudged for a Hard Landing as opposed to a long descent into darkness? (I'm speaking purely hypothetically, I would never advocate violence or economic terrorism) It seems to me that a sudden economic crash is our best to hope for a Hard Landing. A nuclear EMP attack on the United States (as portrayed in AmeriGEDDON) would certainly trigger a Hard Landing. What else...? Secondly, do you agree with my reasoning that a Hard Landing is preferrable? It seems to me that a hard landing in the near future would be preferable, on their present course a black swan disaster in several decades will probably just be an opportunity for government to expand their power. The deadline for answering these questions is Tuesday , November 3rd 2020, the day of the US general election. President Trump is the most conspicuous manifestation of our effort to prevent a civilizational collapse. If there's something to the Great Man view of history; Trump would be the man that could turn things around and avert a civilizational collapse. But if Trump is subsumed by the swamp and totally fails in his campaign promises, then it's fair enough to say that the system is beyond saving. At that point it would be clear that civilizational collapse is inevitable and a Hard Landing preferable.
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I apologize for the clickbait title. After the Paris attacks I firmly believed that people would finally open their eyes and see what's right there in front of their eyes. ISIS did its absolute best, years of relentless labor, to help the West out yet they spit in ISIS' face and firmly refused to give them any credit whatsoever. I mean some of them sacrificed their precious lives in order to get attention yet they still blame foreign intervention and the jews. Just check this article out: Paris attacks: President Francois Hollande welcomes 30,000 refugees in the next two years Gavin Mcinnes said it best: "You can't make jokes about this anymore because it's already so absurd." You know how when you present counter evidence to people with strong beliefs what it does is just make their belief stronger? I think we're witnessing this on a global scale. These people went left for so long they finally hit the wall of sanity. They didn't stop, no, they just ploughed right through and continued to go left. Absurdity is the new renewable energy source, if only we could find a way to harness it. French father explains terror attacks to his young son
I've been perturbed by the number of otherwise politically inactive people on Facebook adding a French Flag filter onto Facebook. One of my more trustworthy friends (who didn't change his picture) posted a status pointing out the trend, and I posted this in support of him. I think I figured out why I don't like the French flag filter, it's because the filter is no-thinking band-aid. When you put on the filter, you can leave it at that and ignore the circumstances that led to this tragedy, like the French Government's arm sales to Arab despots, allowing millions of fighting age "refugees" into their country, and neutering their own populace by making France a gun free country. The French Government has screwed their people by allowing the circumstances that led to the Pairs massacre, and showing your support by flying the French Government's colors isn't going to stop the next attach. Stopping foreign arm sales, increasing deportations, and allowing gun ownership would. What do you fine people think? Should free-thinking people be showing support for France, is the French flag filter a misdirection? Am I just an insane bigot who doesn't care about France in it's time of need?
Hi, My name is Julien (or Julian), I was born in Birmingham, AL and for most of my life have been living in Bordeaux, France. So France is this wonderful country *cough sarcasm cough* where being an entrepeneur or having your own business is the hardest and most depressing thing because of endless licensing, massive regulations etc... a place where cops can legally harass you anytime, where the free market is seen as the enemy and laws and government as solutions for any problem. The problem is: the vast majority of people here have this way of thinking in which they inevitably think that any problem, small or large, can and must be solved through government action. For example, I heard of this law that is going to pass to FORBID all you can drink soda fountains in restaurants, and when I talked about it with a friend, she said it's a good thing because "people are getting fat" which made me laugh because, French people ? Fat ?! But then I felt sorry for her thinking that violence is the solution... The point is that when I want to spread the message of peace, libertarianism and the NAP, what usually happens is I either get booed, or I get accused of wishing for an apocalyptic disaster, even if I only talk about less government in X or privatization of X (like water & electricity, the horror). Nobody here admits that taxation is theft or that laws are only enforced through violence (few do, but say it's "justified"). More rights to protect yourself ? "You're an American gun nut". Enough with the labor unions, licensing and regulations on businesses ? "You just want workers to be exploited". Privatize the schools ? "You just want the poor to be uneducated". This is what I'm up against. So I would like to know what y'all think: is there anything I can do to be more convincing to folks with this set of mind ? Is there any way to make people here look into libertarianism and peaceful resolutions ? Or should I give up on Bureaucracyland and go back to America to finish my studies ?
France has recently passed a bill that will force supermarkets to donate their food waste to charities, supposedly to cut down on food waste in general. I believe that this is just going to distort the market even more than it already is in France, there is probably a good reason why the supermarkets don't just sell the food waste to farms or donate it to charities. What effect do people think it will have on the economy in France? I was just looking into food waste by supermarkets and apparently in the UK the supermarkets have iniated their own programmes to cut down on food waste by donating it to charities, improving inventory methods and using it as alternative fuel sources. If they are doing it voluntarily my question is now why aren't the French companies doing it, are there regulations in France that make this unviable?
France is “finished” and Britons should get their investments out of the country quickly, according to the managing director of John Lewis. After a visit to Paris this week, company executive Andy Street said France was "sclerotic, hopeless and downbeat" and he had “never been to a country more ill at ease ... nothing works and worse, nobody cares about it".
Down and out: the French flee a nation in despair
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