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i remember a talk by Stephan some time ago when he names a couple of civilizations where their was no central power. Could someone tell me what those examples are and where to find out more information regarding these civilizations?
So Kevin Annett is a controversial Canadian whos claims expose Canadian Genocide of the Native-American Population by the Canadian Government in collusion with various churches. He has written several books on the topic and has a pretty compelling website and story. So I did a search and this forum tells me it has no results at all on this topic. The Canadian Government rarely talks about this, It seems credible to me based on my own personal experiences in Ottawa Ontario and in my research online into the matter of medical experimentation/human rights violations and neglect in the Canadian Health Care system. On top of this, This guy seems to have very little exposure considering his efforts and claims. Which I find rather suspicious. I Personally believe him. So I thought I'd ask for some opinions on this forum? The book I link below gives permission to transmit for non-commercial purposes on the first few pages.
I just had a conversation with a Muslim and I am so pissed that I'm going to share it with you guys =P. We all know that whites colonized most of what we consider the civilized world today. We brought education, modern medicine, electricity, water and waste management, trade, freedom, science, philosophy, truth and reason, we abolished slavery.... Whity is really cool. We should be proud of our ancestors. We didnt even conquer most of the lands we occupied. We obtained most of it through fair trade. But, as we know, the left is using academia to write an other history. A story of the evil greedy white men that enslaved everyone and starved everyone with capitalism and plotted some evil master plans with wipe out other races. You would be surprised, but the majority of people actually believe that crap. Even people with a college degree or a university diploma believe this shit. This Muslim I'm talking about is a pharmacist that comes from Algeria. She believes that the Armenian genocide is fake, that the whites in south Africa were horrible and that I am rewriting history every time i speak. Why am I talking to this idiot??? Good question. I dont think I should bother talking to someone who pretends everything I say is bullshit. But the shocking part is that she believes that the whites in south Africa should die. that the white genocide is a good thing. And she is not the only person I have hear saying this kind of disgusting thing this year. Most of the time, it is people from Africa or south america who believes the south African whites deserve this. This is unforgivable. What would happen if I were to say that the 500k children in Iraq that died because of the lack of electricity and drinkable water deserved to die because of the Muslim slave trade???? I think people would lose their shit. But someone can say, in front of a room full of people, that 5 millions Whites deserve to have their family raped to death in front of them before being gutted alive, and believe that they are completely virtuous. This Algerian girl wants to visit south Africa. I believe that once she is there, she will realize that the blacks dont give a shit if she is Muslim. That for the blacks, she is only an other white girl. And, someone who do not research what is really happening in the world and who celebrates the suffering of others, I dont believe this person deserves any empathy if shit hits the fan. Wow, I'm even more upset now then when I started writing this text. I'll just say this: We have nothing to be ashamed of our history, we do not owe anyone anything, we do not deserve the hatred of other races, we have a right to exist, to be free and the right to be happy. The leftist establishment is causing so much harm around the world. And if shit hits the fan, we have the right to defend ourselves.
I have been thinking of some things for a while. Civilisation started in Sumer, then Babylon, then Egypt, Then Greece, Then Rome, Then Europe, Then America. We can see a pattern here. Aside that whites were the founders of all these nations, each and every one of them fell and the next flourished. We know that traveling long distances was not easy in the past and we know that people migrated between those empires. We know that some Greeks and Egyptians moved to Rome. We know that Italians moved to different parts of Europe. We know that Europeans funded America. We can now assume that Sumerians moved to Babylon and that Babylonians moved to Egypt. Many of these empires existed during the same time period. Can we assume that the high IQ population were able to realize that their civilisation was going to shit and decided to move to a younger more promising civilisation before shit hit the fan. And, can we assume that the exile of the high IQ class prompted the downfall of the previous empire. I do not have a master in history like Stefan, but, we do see this phenomenon happening during our time. I see a lot of Europeans moving to Canada and at a faster rate. We have seen this happen in Venezuela when the working class was taxed to death, 2 million people fled the country. Let me explain why this question is so important to me. I’m a biochemistry student, and I plan to start a family pretty soon. But I’m seeing the west collapsing. If I am to plant my seed somewhere, I want to make sure that my descendants will be able to thrive. You do not plant your crops next to an active volcano even if the soil seems fertile at the moment. You know that in the near future, your crops will be burned. So here is my observation. I’ve talked to a lot of people in my city and all around the country. I have come to the conclusion that we could easily fix the problem and prevent the collapse of our civilisation, but that the people are too stupid, too indoctrinated, too lazy and too cowardly to prevent the fall. I give my present country about 10 years max. Then it will be Venezuela 2.0. Stefan would say at this moment that we have to reach out and change people’s minds. But I’m looking at it in a pragmatic way. It’s basic math. - We live in a democracy. - The majority wins the vote. - Very few of us are willing to make changes. - Our government is importing massive amount of third world migrants. We have to come to the conclusion that we are outnumbered. When such a scenario occurs the logical solution is to adopt a survivalist mode. We need to encourage the people who love freedom to move to a country where they will be able to wait out the storm. During that time, Canada will fall into chaos. It will be ugly. But the right people to rebuild will have survived and will return after the storm. They will return after the socialist government has collapse. Lets be honest. The only way you can remove a socialist government is to allow it to crash (which it does inevitably). Please, let me know your thoughts =)
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- migration. surviving
- saving what we can
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A must read for everybody who wants to understand modern money world and some turnoffs of history: The Creature from Jekill Island What is the FED, who founded it, what does a central bank, how wars are financed and why state power today is as great as never before. regards Andi
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I was reading this (communist?) site: They seem to be obsessed with the early industrial times, and suggest that we are still fighting a war against "bosses" today. They mention this subject a lot: Can someone give me a starting point for understanding these events from a capitalist perspective? I remember stef's presentation on robber barons. I need to do more research, but my head is spinning. Were the workers actually being exploited this much, or are we only getting one side of the story? Would the seeming exploitation have sorted out naturally as the country developed anyway? Did the coming of unions eventually affect overall American prosperity for the worse?
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Hi all. I would appreciate some perspective from other virtue-minded people on an internal struggle I'm dealing with regarding an accident with a firearm. As a foreword to the topic, I've reported my incident in full to my local police and it carries with it no illegality. A year ago I had an accidental discharge with my carry pistol in my room and the projectile shot through my roof/wall and up into the night. It was at a 45 degree angle so it wasn't going to hit anything with full power, but where it came down is where it could have done damage. The minute it happened I got into my car and drove down into the area where it would have landed, and there was no commotion. What I should have done that night was contact the police immediately, but I didn't due to my fear of my father's anger and whatever consequences might accrue legally (again, the police now know and it carries no illegality). After a week or two I informed my parents about it and since no police came they decided to just seal up the hole. About 8 months passed and it hadn't crossed my mind. I'd landed a job and was building my assets up to finally move out. Everything was going great. One night after work I'd bought some strong alcohol (I don't drink) and the next morning I thought I had alcohol poisoning. I rushed myself to the ER and it turned out I would be fine. When I told my folks they seemed not to be too bothered by it. That night I had two dreams, one where I was late for work and was probably fired, told my parents, and they turned a cold shoulder to me saying I deserved it, causing me to have a meltdown. The second was where I was watching myself fire a rifle into my back woods accompanied by a friend I used to know. When I went from 3rd to 1st person I stopped in horror and rushed into the woods to make sure nobody was hurt. I emerged in a parking lot where cars and walls were riddled with holes and people were coming out all angry and yelling at me. I kept searching to make sure at least nobody was hit but crowds of angry people just swarmed me. From the minute I woke up I was overwhelmed with guilt and fear at what I'd done. After vigorously analyzing my two dreams and the circumstances surrounding, I decided to follow my gut which was telling me to report what happened and take full responsibility. I went to the cops, told them every detail, and all they did was make a report (since nobody reported anything). I thought the fear of the cops was what was bothering me, but after I cleared it up with them, the only thing that disappeared was the fear. The guilt still sticks and it feels like something is still wrong. I still feel it in the bottom of my stomach right now, though it's not debilitating. So... how do you perceive my guilt from an outsider's perspective? I would really really appreciate some help with this as I have nobody in my life right now I can really explore this with, and the one thing I want in life is to be a good person. This could be my true self pointing me in the direction of virtue, or historical trauma, and that's what I feel I need to figure out.
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- self-knowledge
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With the ascension of Donald Trump, there also arose a new right-wing movement. This movement was the equal and opposite reaction not just to the culture of hysterical verbal abuse from the left that has descended like a storm from hell upon any attempts at rational discourse, but also to the left’s treacherous enablers within the mainstream conservative movement that would rather virtue signal their ideological purity than actually conserve our freedoms. This group, which championed Western civilization and sought to preserve its most precious treasures from the rapid advancement of corrosive leftist ideals, quickly became an alternative to the spineless Republican establishment’s brand of in-name-only “conservatism” that has been exemplified by the likes of globalist cronies such as the Bushes and Paul Ryan. Realizing the real threat this movement posed to their chances of winning the 2016 election once Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination, the Clinton Campaign quickly came up with a new strategy to besmirch their opponents. This strategy was to cojoin the Trump movement with a separate group called the Alt-right due the the Alt-right’s inclination towards exploring controversial topics. Ever since, there has been a misconception that the Alt-right is the new-right movement that’s emerged as an alternative to the Republican/cuckservative establishment. These are the Milos, Paul Joseph Watsons, Gavin Mclnnes’, and the Lauren Southerns of the alternative media. These people champion nationalism over globalism and promote western values like free speech, while understanding the threat that massive third world immigration, particularly from Islamic countries, poses to the existence of these values. And while there are many areas of overlap between the New-Right and Alt-right, there are a few crucial distinctions. The purpose of this piece is to highlight these key distinctions and share material for those who are interested in taking a journey through taboo. Race First and foremost is the issue of race. The Alt-right recognizes that race is a reality and a very important one. The Alt-right at its core is about promoting racial consciousness among Europeans. They are unabashedly pro-white (not to be confused with white-supremacism, which advocates for domination over groups deemed inferior.) Whatever issues those within the Alt-right disagree about, this is the issue that unites them. The New-right, while they are quick to point out anti-white racism and see the reality of racial differences, do not advocate for white’s issues. They see western civilization as the result of certain values. On the other hand, the Alt-right would explicitly say that there are differences between the races and thus, different races build different civilizations. Furthermore, there’s no reason to think non-whites can maintain civilizations built by whites. This is an unavoidable issue for the Alt-right. The Jewish Question Given how explosive this topic is, it’s no wonder why the Hillary campaign wanted to associate the Trump movement with a group that flirts with such a taboo even though there isn’t unanimous agreement among those within the Alt-right about the importance of this subject. Western society has gone through a rapid decline throughout the past hundred years. Any analysis that seeks to understand why we are in the mess we’re in has to take a number of variables into consideration. The Alt-right, as a group that is concerned about the advancement of white’s interests and the protection of their heritage, is very concerned with figuring out white’s missteps which have contributed to this decline. At the same time, the Alt-right rejects historical narratives devoid of any nuance which are designed to provoke white guilt. So, just as it is important to understand the role Europeans have played in the societal decline we are witnessing today, it is equally important to understand the role Jews have played. Thus, the Jewish question is not a single question, but rather an umbrella term which covers a wide-ranging debate about the positive and negative aspects which Jewish influence has had on the Western world. WW2 Revisionism World War 2 was one of the most horrific events ever to occur in human history. It’s estimated that over 60 million people, mostly European, died as a result of this catastrophe. Because of the profound and permanent impact this war has had, it is critical to understand what really happened and why. What makes the Alt-right different from the Alt-light in this respect is what exactly they are willing to question. Like many significant historical events, WW2 is shrouded in propaganda. Details and nuances are left out of the versions of this event that most people are taught about in government schools throughout the world. It is in fact illegal in many countries to question certain details of the official narratives of the Second World War. Truth does not fear investigation. Post Script: The videos shared here do not necessarily represent my views as this material is new to me and so I'm still in the studying phase. So, I'm not interested in having long debates on the message board with people who might disagree with something in the content videos shared.
I've been pondering this thought for a while; Is the West worth defending? The West of today, I can say without any doubt, is not worth defending, not worth dying for. Islam, to anyone who isn't a member of the cult, is very much a real life and death threat. I'm not saying they're the same; the West isn't likely to lynch me (yet) while Islam most certainly would. What I am saying, (and asking), is that with the West's gynocentric democracies, LGBT nonsense, increasingly Socialistic and Fascistic governments, and decreasingly White or identitarian cultures, is doomed to die eventually. I simply cannot see how the West will ever return to Nationalism and Capitalism, or progress towards Anarcho-Capitalism. All I see is a wheel spinning that will eventually lead to a repeat of history (whether it be South Africa, Brazil, the USSR, or NatSoc Germany--they're all seemingly inevitable disasters). With the White Woman being the greatest enabler of this travesty and the White Man becoming increasingly inert and flaccid, I simply lost the empathy to care for this "civilization". My thoughts (not a plan, really) are to simply tend my own garden and find a way to bunker down and stay away from the major hot spots where disaster is likely to occur. Call it cowardice, call it treachery. I don't care. In the 18 years I've been alive I have never cared for the non-existent values of this carcass and am convinced that the values history and some right-wing (and pseudo-right wing) claim existed either never existed beyond a small class of talented individuals or only existed in society for a brief period in time. But what I want to know is this; what does the FDR community think and am I right to think and act in such a way? EDIT: I posted in the Self-Knowledge section because I know this isn't an intellectual matter but a very personal one. While I think I have logical factors into my thought process I am also sure my own personal experiences and emotions have driven them. Therefore I'm focused more on the personal side of it rather than the intellectual side.
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- Civilizaton
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We did it. We saved Western Civilization. I think? I've been reading a lot from many different groups, and they all want to Save The West. I guess we agree on where it is, but not when it is. Everyone has their opinion about it, and the problem I see is that "West Civ" is undefined, which causes many debates and discussions on what it is actually about. Is it an egalitarian society? Is it about equality of gender, of race? Of civil rights? Or the one about private property and discrimination? Does it include the empire, or the democracy? Is it secular or christian? Is it liberal or conservative? All of the above? The point is that whatever it is that you or we are trying to save, no one is willing to actually define it concretely. It's in Europe and in America aka The West. But when?
I have heard Stefan several times stating that Germany did not go through an enlightenment age. Does anybody know what exactly he means by this? Because surely there were numerous enlightenment philosophers that came from Germany, and frankly I have not heard this statement anywhere else. To the extent that it may be correct, I would find it very interesting to do a discussion on how that may have played a part in developing a German parenting tradition, which to this day is extremely different from parenting in, say, Scandinavia. While Scandinavian parenting today is probably the most peaceful in the world, German parents - even though I am not sure if they hit their children more - demand to be treated with a much higher degree of respect and deference. An example of this is how you shold never use the informal second person singular "du" to people who are older than you are, except your parents and grandparents, basically. I have a German friend who told me his girlfriend's parents once invited him home for champagne to mark that after three years, he was now allowed to call them "du". Even though this essentially is a cultural phenomenon and not a particularly moral issue, I still think it may be a symptom of certain aspects of ideological and/or philosophical history, which would be an interesting aspect to explore.
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- parenting
- enlightenment
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It would be fascinating to hear Stef's take on this fascinating article. Many people are aware that this happened but the sheer scale of it is eye-opening and places an important question mark over the mainstream "American slavery" narrative: Irish: The Forgotten White Slaves
Hello, folks! I have recently started a YouTube channel wherein I help educate and entertain others on the best practices of precious metals investment with a focus on silver! I've uploaded tons of free resources to consider on my website, , and will be uploading 1-2 videos per week with regards to precious metals and preserving freedom. My latest and greatest presentation is titled "What's the BEST kind of Silver to Buy?" - I'd love to hear your honest thoughts, feedback and critique of the presentation. I sincerely hope you find the information valuable; if so, please subscribe and support a fellow Liberty-lover! You can click THIS LINK to subscribe to my channel instantly. I'm looking forward to your feedback
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- silver
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Hi, I want to learn about the history of philosophy, but I don't know who is most credible. I am most interested in Western philosophy, but would appreciate any particularly insightful histories of other traditions of philosophy. I already have "Intellectuals" by Paul Johnson on my reading list. Any books, podcasts, articles, or Youtube videos would be appreciated.
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- history of philosophy
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- Warning: This is a mix of ranting and observation and sharing personal experience, etc. so I apologize in advance if my thoughts are all over the place. This is one of the many articles you can find about passing on trauma through genes. I am not Jewish but I do live in Israel. This topic has been on my mind lately and now my niece is on a field trip in Poland to visit the Holocaust sites with her class. It's an optional trip, however in high school the kids are taught the Jewish experience of the Holocaust and visit the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, etc. She's sending photos of these sites which are very emotional and haunting. I can tell it's her attempt to connect to the family at a time where she needs her family to be there with her or for her not to be there at all! My kids are still young (1st and 3rd grade) but I have already made up my mind that they will not be visiting these sites with a class or without me. I thought I would chapparone but even that is out of the question. If they want to go, it will be just us, as a family on our own time. I had a suspicion that getting into the details of the holocaust while the kids are in school passes on the trauma. Now, having heard my nieces experience (she is 16), I can tell she is already traumatized AND keep in mind, she is in a foreign country, for the first time, without her parents for a week...which can be difficult enough! Now, you can imagine my legitimate concern added to the scientific research done on the matter (even Israeli media covers this research) is seen by many in Israel as mild nazi'sm or 'concern trolling. I find this highly irresponsible and abusive but of course this is the "jewish" right of passage I guess. I'm not stating this as any judgement because this type of teaching-trauma can occur in any way. This is what the 'black slavery' I believe does to modern black people..... keep hammering on about slavery and suddenly they felt enslaved, etc. I find it frightening and fascinating at the same time. It explains a lot about certain Jewish, especially Israeli behaviors.... especially in context of the current Palestinian conflict. You get the extreme right who just goes into spirals that everyone isagainst them and ...I won't get too much into it now, but in short, but these extreme right that are the biggest drivers behind keeping the Holocaust alive and viscerally palpable, think that if you try to discuss peace and consistancy, that you are a secret terrorist. LIke super weird stuff I can't even describe. They say, "you are a terrorist posting as a peace activist'. I mean... that is a whole level of paranoia I can't even explain. it's a riddle wrapped in a puzzle to understand how these people process information and others who aren't like them. Even to common Israelis they are baffling. I digress. I think this issues of how we can pass on our traumas in our genes either by our behavior from that trauma that is taught or by activating genes in our offspring or by literally TEACHING them the trauma so it feels real and present it hugely underrated. I have tried using this avenue of discussion to see if in my own life I am doing this to any degree unknowingly. But when I speak with others to see if they notice this in their own life or in society as a whole because I think if we can put context to this so people really see it, then it can begin, just like peaceful parenting, undoing a lot of the damage in the world. I am so so sorry that my niece is going through this but there is no way in her situation to even make it a 'bad' thing. They are proud to go through this. Even though it is traumatizing. I can only start with my kids by minimizing the damage and keep our conversations open and frequent. I've already told my hubby that our kids will not be participating with their class on these trips. If later in their life they want to visit these sites, I have no problem whatsoever and we will go together, as a family so we can share the experience and take the time to go at our pace and deal with the emotions together with honor and dignity and care. My niece's trip is 200 children! (some are from the same age group but different schools). I was horrified.... not even on our 'fun' field trips in the US could we get 200 kids, if we included the whole school in the whole county! lol But that many kids for such an emotional, scary, confusing and intensive trip it's outright abuse. And, she is already calling home everyday hysterical and crying and then when she gets home, she will sit for hours with her grandmother who lost 3 relatives in the Holocaust which will hit her stronger in her heart and knowing my mother in law, won't get into the 'how'. It's only the 'what'. My kids will learn the precursors to WWII to put things in context..not that it makes it ok but that's why she's so traumatized. she keeps asking, HOW? HOW? HOW? and no one has any fucking answers for her except: because we are Jews." not because THEY were Jews... but WE...they already put THEMSELVES in the past experience. It's so subtle. I tried once to say.... you know there were a lot of precursors that prepare for a dictator to take over and is preventable if society will read the signs. And I was given death stares and everyone's ears turned deaf...stick to the narrative!! They always say on the Holocaust Memorial Day, "never again'. They say you either have Jews who vow this will never happen again to THEM and you have Jews who vow this will never happen again to ANYONE. That's really true and I try to preach how this can never happen again to anyone and pay attention to economics, recognize propaganda, etc but that's very inconvenient to passing on trauma. If the youths don't feel the trauma, the elders feel the youths will put down their guard and it will happen all over again....which is true because the elders never learned or took the time or allowed anyone else to teach HOW it actually happened in order to read the warning signs. Lastly, don't judge Israel by its leader! lol I've come to the conclusion (and since we are all or mostly anarco-caps here) that when we see a leader of any country, it's probably most accurate to assume that he represents the LOUDEST MINORITY, not the rational majority. I know Democracy is suppose to be the mob rule, but from what I've seen in the 2 countries I've lived in (US and Israel) it's the loudest minority that wins the power seat. ok, I think that's the end of my rant. If anyone has anything to add, please do!
Intro In order to retain things better, it's best to engage multiple senses. Writing is good because there is a touch and visual component, and when it comes to journaling and self knowledge, it's useful the way that writing out math problems is good for learning math. Daniel Mackler has said that he really likes journaling by typing on a computer, which means that he can easily search for keywords later. I've known people (including the therapist I went to for 4 years) who swear that actually using a pencil or pen is massively better than typing. And I'm sure that there are pros and cons to both. I have about 3 1/2 composition books full of journals, which is nothing compared to some of the other people on the boards (e.x. @cherapple). And I don't dislike it, but one thing I have a hard time with is how fast I write. I write in all capital letters which I prefer, but with that and the fact that it's by hand, I go relatively slow. The Problem This is a problem for me because I have a train of thought I want to follow, but in writing it down, I tend to lose the momentum of the thought as the writing lags behind. And when I catch up, I'm often pulled in another direction. Sometimes it's even frustrating. I'm a pretty fast typist by comparison (I code for a living), but still, it's not as fast as simply talking. And I'm actively engaging in the activity of typing while I'm chewing through some novel thought. And I don't like to have anything distract me while I'm trying to process things. I will even turn off the lights and get comfortable in my bed and I run a rain generator in the background to relax me and cover up any ambient sounds like my roommate rummaging through the fridge or my cat scratching her litter box. The Solution Inspired by the donator only series about the Mecosystem (similar to parts work in IFS therapy) I decided to try and figure it out and see if what the all the fuss was about. My experience is apparently very different than what other people have reported on the boards, which I find very interesting (an example of how it works for me here). After doing it for a while, I started to really like the format a lot. I talk into my phone with a voice recorder app and I just talk freely. I think also that it could definitely compliment therapy. With a therapist I want to get their feedback as much as possible, and not necessarily go on a stream of consciousness rant following my thoughts to the end. Although, that too sometimes. Audio Journaling I don't always want to do mecosystem work, but I do quite like the format. And I don't really care much for just writing what I did that day in my journal; I'd rather have it be aimed at processing something. (I also don't know how to use semi-colons). And there was something Stef said that struck me. He said something like "all the memories we have, we have for a reason. There are countless things we never remembered, so why the things we do remember?" So what I've been doing is getting into a relaxed state like I described above and then turning on my recorder. I say that I'm just going to let the first childhood memory come up that wants to come up and then we'll explore it, keeping in mind that I remember it for a reason. I've been finding this incredibly valuable. And way more satisfying that handwriting in a composition book. An example of how this went for me was in exploring the following memory: I'm around 8 years old, it's midday and the sun shining a bright white light into the house, and I'm sitting in the dining room watching my mother in the kitchen cooking or doing dishes (I can't remember) and she's singing and dancing to the oldies station being pumped out by this little black radio in the window with white paint speckles on the bottom right of it's face. I'm enjoying this a lot and I go into the kitchen for some random reason and my mom grabs my hand and pulls me into a spin, and I'm suddenly dancing with her. This is one of my favorite memories. And thinking about it evoked bitter sweet feelings. It stands out in contrast to the much more common experience of my mother which was not fun and not taking joy in my company. I remembered how I resented her in my early teens, and how I judged her to be shallow, avoidant, stupid and a whore for marrying my stepdads who were alcoholic deadbeats who she didn't seem to respect very much, but had some money. I always really liked my younger sister, but my other sisters either bullied me or did other things I didn't like. The teachers I had were generally women who were not very bright and didn't try and earn my respect. And I had a "worldview" about women, that they are all, to varying degrees, like my mother, who was indifferent and inappropriate, or my sister who repeatedly humiliated me. And this presented a huge dilemma for me: I didn't respect women, more than that I often resented womankind, and I desperately wanted affection, and to be loved, and desired. I started to see how this universal judgment about women had affected decisions I had made. On one side I would get a terrifying annihilation panic when approaching girls I liked because girls are dangerous, and on the other side I was overlooking girls' really bad qualities and how disrespectful they were toward me because,... girls are dangerous, and I should not expect much virtue from them, but desperately hope that I could get that affection I wanted so badly, and be desired and loved. I've raised my standards considerably in the past few years and I don't take much shit from people, including women, but this part of me is still alive and kicking. And I had never seen so clearly how these things related until audio journaling about it (and then talking about it with @Joel Patterson). I think that the reason I remembered that event in the kitchen with my mom was because events like that one did a lot to shape my expectations about girls and dating. Questions I don't know anyone else personally who journals this way. Even people who do mecosystem work tend to do it on paper. Have you tried journaling like this before? Have you tried taking this approach to processing your past by starting with random memories? Are there other targeted approaches to journaling that would be good with this format? Do you journal in some way that isn't handwriting or typing or audio? I'm really curious. I've been experimenting with ways to level up with my work on myself, because the route I perceive as standard doesn't work for me as well as I'd like. Thanks for reading this ridiculously long post, and I'd love to know what you think
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- The Odyssey is one of the oldest literary/oratory works in history and is referenced ubiquitously in literature and everyday culture. Is it any more than ancient propaganda? And what can this epic homecoming story teach us about our societies and our families today? I give you: 'The Philosophy of The Odyssey'.
Hi, I'm Max I'm looking for other people in New Zealand to chat with who are "awake". In this context awake means: Knows goverment is the use of force and legal theft, has some understanding of current ecconomics and that Q.E (currecy debasement) is a guarentee that we are in trouble like Zimbabwe only every central bank is doing it and USA is the world reserve currency so it'll hold out until people lose faith in it. New Zealand has tight connections with USA and we have a central banknig and high public and gov debt. not as bad as other bigger countries though. Has some understanding of resource scarcity like peak oil which is a big problem for New Zealand in the near future as NZ imports the majority of oil it uses. All wars are resource wars obviously be it taxs or fossil fuels. I'm also interested in permaculture and investing in precial metals physically although have not yet started. Naturally I can't talk to anyone in person about these things even my good long time friends. Whenever we watch movies and there's a crazy comspiricy guy I'm told I'm that guy 24/ y/o male. Is there anyone out there?
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- philisophyNew Zealand
- anarchist
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Thanksgiving is coming up and me and my (BIO)dad always have long drawn out debates about government. So of course I have been thinking about a lot of the arguments I've been exposed to over the past year through Steph and started thinking about school and history. You know they always say if you dont know your history you are doomed to repeat it. Knowing what I know now I actually dont believe that is true. What seems to be most important is knowing how to think not what pitfalls to avoid that other people have experienced. At the same time something like government is so dangerous I would think it is important to teach children the danger that could come from having someone rule over you. It doesn't seem like a bad idea to teach children that wild bears can be dangerous. And if we accept that then what is the difference between teaching what would seem to be a conclusion that a bear is dangerous and the government is dangerous? I dont know what do you guy/gals think? Do you think history is an entirely useless waste of time in school or does history have a place somewhere?
I've been listening a lot to the School Sucks Podcast lately, and I find some of the history content they talk about very intriguing. The host brings on Thaddeus Russell quite a bit, who is the author of A Renegade History of the United States. I'm saving up money so I can buy his book, but in the mean time, can anyone guide me towards places to learn about interesting things throughout history? Things that are controversial perhaps, or that our "masters" wouldn't want us to know, things you'd never read about in any school textbook. There is no wrong answer, I know my question is very broad, just anything you find interesting would be great. Thanks!
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Lots of people encourage you to do your own research and form your own opinions about current political events. Not to follow the main stream media without question ..... Which is great but this is so time consuming, especially if you work long hours and have kids. Also difficult when you need to double check that what you read is not a hoax and is accurate. It's also somewhat confusing as to how it all fits together. This was supposed to be the media's job!Nonetheless I did much research & managed to take lots of notes over the last year, specifically on US terrorism and legislation. I thought that it might be useful to share it with others to help save them time & effort - I added links to neutral sources where possible, like wiki. see attached's a whopping 70 pages long, but full of facts about what events occurred when, what laws have been passed and what were the key points etc.... I try to be neutral, but may not always succeed. Contents: INTRODUCTION: Key axioms Useful Historical Quotes Overview Leaders are often sociopaths, narcissists or psychopaths Before you read this understand what kind of person you are 1789 United States Constitution BACKGROUND: on tyranny and dictatorships How to set up a tyrannical government: How a tyrant can manipulate the population How the tyrant can exterminate populations (Nazi’s, Stalin, , ) Storm clouds are building. How to keep big projects secret . Objectives: A new world order? New world order organizations A HISTORY OF EVENTS - THE FACTS Inconvenient facts about the US and terrorism USA Govt past deceit / conspiracies / false flag events pre-1990 Terrorist attacks & wars 1990+ Key new legislation since 2001 Gun control laws Proposed legislation Comments on US departments / services / organizations Anecdotal evidence & other considerations Problems in the US De-industrialization Huge debts Federal Reserve Budget deficits Massive unfunded pension and medical liabilities End of the USD as the reserve currency Income inequality Conspiracy stuffDo what you like with these notes. A_History_of_Events_2013.doc
Memoirs of a Rum-Runner are the translated memoirs of a man from the 1800's that immigrated to America and made it big. He considered himself a liberal man - fairly close to libertarianism of today, and had lots to say about the politics of Mexico/USA/Spain. Lots of intrigue, and very interesting and down-to-earth point of view from centuries ago. On Kindle reader: Other eBook formats: Enjoy! Steve
Oh, you who wish to probe the arcanes of nature, if you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither shall you be able to find it outside.If you ignore the excellencies of your own house, how do you intend to find other excellencies?In you is hidden the treasure of treasures.Oh, man, know thyself and thou shall know the Universe and the Gods! - (EA)" Phrase inscribed in the ancient Temple of Delphi. Certainly we know a great deal from epochs, myths and gods of old not because they are real but because studying the old gods one understands the footsteps taken to arrive were we are. Let's not forget that the Alexandrian library was burned by religion, in it we lost a vast amount oh history. A large bulk of the gods have served a utilitarian proposes that to enslave the people by empowering governments who in turn used the gods to strengthen Armies with a false sense of duty and purpose. And yet we must be careful not to degrade what they have given us and (separate Buddha from Thor), perhaps we may learn some thing from our Ancient's, I remember an Inscription that reads on a Sumerian tablet it says "what has happened in history should be learned because it will happen again" {Money did not originally appear in this cold, metal, impersonal form. It originally appears in the form of a measure, an abstraction, but also as a relation (of debt and obligation) between human beings. It is important to note that historically it is commodity money that has always been most directly linked to violence. As one historian put it, “bullion is the accessory of war, and not of peaceful trade.” David Graeber} Are we aware that the early Sumerians did not live in inclosed walls? because they did not need them, violence and war came only when the Mesopotamia arrived, do we know that the early Sumerian were the first to divide both space and time by units of six.The modern division of the year into 12 months, the 24 hours of each day, the division of hours into 60 minutes and 60 seconds, and the divisions of the circle/sphere by 360 degrees, each composed of 60 minutes and 60 seconds of an arc, are all Sumerian developments.They invented things like wheels, numbers, astronomy, government, sailboats, irrigation systems, canals, the water wheel, copper tools, bronze weapons, jewelry, sun-dried bricks, the pottery wheel, mythology, the lunar calendar, the sundial, the saw, the chisel, cuneiform(writing), The pulley, the lever and units of measurements. Science is always indirectly confirming what the ancients have always said namely that life started because of water and fire. It is our duty to learn from the past..... What can be learned from this early Sumerian society? Why did they live in reletive peace? what were they doing rite? what were they doing wrong? What can we apply from what they learned into a new begging?