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Found 4 results

  1. We all know how rare it is to come across healthy individuals, let alone healthy families. I find it very fascinating to see healthy people interacting, especially when that joy of living is shared across the generations. I want to create this kind of positive familial environment, too, and given how hard this is to achieve when coming from a dysfunctional background, it is good to see it existing in another place. Imagine growing up as one of those children! The video below is by the successful YouTuber Wranglerstar, which is a homesteading channel.
  2. Not going to argue about ideas in this thread, but would like to know more about how ancaps might transition to a stateless society. My questions are as follows: What is to be done with illegitimate property titles? Do they revert to non-ownership for homesteading, or do they continue on? How are illegitimate property titles divided if at all? If legitimate acquisitions are not expropriated, how would legitimacy be decided in a contemporary society on the brink of transition? Could general levelling be on the table? How is violent suppresion/resistance by conservative forces (state & it's beneficiaries) overcome? Do you consider resistance (violent or otherwise) by these bodies likely? If so, how would these power structures be overcome & dismantled? What specific sectors of society will likely be the motive force for change? Is there a set of intellectual or material preconditions for transition? Would transition be peaceful or might it entail a violent social revolution? Would a an-cap society utilize any transitional forms of organization before the conclusive implementation of pure laissez-faire organization? What is the likely outcome of a failed transition? Thanks.
  3. In case anyone is interested I wanted to post a link to my blog, where I often write about self-reliance, homesteading, conspiracy theory, revolution, and what not. I'd love to hear from you if you can relate! big love & cheers Mishelle http://peacecorpsworldwide.org/homesteading/2013/10/25/self-reliance-kills-the-corporatocracy/
  4. Hello everyone my name is Martin Bernal and I live in Morgan Hill which is deep withing the bowls of one of the most despotic states know withing the "united states of statism." I have been listening to FDR for about maybe 5 months now and I wish I had found it a when I first got on the net. I am a regualr listener to Jack Spirko from the Survival Podcast. I also listen to Ben Stones Podcast and Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. I am currently taking Geoff Lawton's Permaculture Design Course. I know that there are 2 people that listen to FDR from time to time, I was wondering if there are any others who listen as well within the San Francisco/San Jose area. if So please respond, i would like an opportunity to meet you in the future.
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