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  1. Hello, My name is David. I've felt ambivalence about posting since 2009. The time to post wasn't, "quite right," I thought. So, I didn't. Well, that was four years ago, and circumstances will never be, "quite right." Honestly, I don't feel like being honest because I expect it will lead to attack from trolls, one-uppers, levelers, or assholes. Mostly I expect this because of family experience. I'm finally free of them, at least proximally. Christ, it's about time. I don't think I can be fully honest here, yet. I'm still too angry at myself, how much time and potential I have wasted. The draw to inflate my ego by selectively addressing positive accomplishments mingled with 'overcoming' negative circumstances is also strong. So though I could depict myself honestly here, I would much prefer not to, 'cause I feel just like a ball of hurt at times. And the only way out of that despair (that I have experienced) is either physical engagement or sensory stimulation, or - you know - actually achieving something. Oh, in one of the early podcasts it was mentioned that, "Philosophy is a spear that cuts both ways." About that time in 2009, I intentionally used it as a terrible weapon against my father, eventually bringing him to tears & stating, "I was a horrible father." But of course he didn't want to explore beyond that. Why would he? I intentionally did it to hurt him. And thinking about it now I feel like crying. My name is David. I would like to discuss principles, share good experiences, improve my clarity and delivery of thought, get the fuck on with my life earn employment, and increase my human capital - then help others if at all possible. - - - Topics I look forward to discussing: epigenetics, the debatable virtue of physical attributes, Against the Gods, honesty in relationships. Other topics I may be able to contribute to in some small way: physical science/biochemisty related discussion, UPB, violence as a conclusive answer to complex subjects, unconscious presumptions, human nature, courage, reasons to donate to FDR, personal freedom. See you in the forums.
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