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  1. I'll be going to a leftover crack concert in Tampa mid November. This is a popular anarcho-punk band and will likely have a large audience. I had the idea to hand out freedomain Radio stickers or flyers or something of the sort. I'm trying to discern how to go about this and don't know how to contact Stef or Mike or anyone who may have something I could handout. I know crimethink has lots of stuff I could print up but I don't wholly agree with a lot of their message. I'm also wondering if anyone has tried to reach out to the punk crowd before and how it went. I love punk music and I'm sure there'll be at least a few fans at the show that would be really receptive to hearing what Stefan has to say. Any help would be appreciated. I'm not on Facebook and really clueless about how to get some feedback on this but I'll keep digging. Thanks!
  2. Hi there, This wasn't an actual question, as it was me polling some personal observations. For the record I'm not interested in a competition between Europe and North-America about which one is more active in fighting tyranny or in enlightening people about freedom, reason and evidence. In fact I sort of taste the same level of general outrage in both regions ( I know subjective me). But I do see an overwhelming majority of anarchists even libertarians coming from North-America. Which means that most Europeans either don't know the concept of Libertarianism or that in their minds the current regimes haven't got: The right amount of money or the right people or something..... :S? Now as a frame or reference I've talked about anarchists' ideas in social clubs (indoor football(soccer)), friends, family. And everytime it's almost like they are all tripping over eachother to defend, chime in, apologize for whatever I'm attacking. Now I'm going to project my own feelings/insecurities to all of Europe. But I often found myself sort of waiting, hunkering for what the American freedom/truth organisations are doing. Which of course means that the bad guys in Europe almost get a free pass and that we are missing the planning/organizational/networking skills that the Americans are amassing. Not to mention the fact that we can't expect them so safe us in Europe. Personally I've recently found the vonMises institute Holland, so I'm going to check them out. 1But are there more Europeans on this board?? 2More Europeans who feel the same way I do?? 3Are there any Europeans who know of organisations or businesses who support Libertarian ideas? Now for the introduction: My Name is Tim, 26 years old, from Holland. I grew up with no brothers/sisters with my parents. They split up when I was 2 or 3 years old. My mother, single-home, fairly socialist, spanked me regularly with wooden spoons, sticks etc. from the age of 3 until the age of 11. She became a Christian from when I was 10 or 11, which I still blame myself for, because we were one of the few people in my mother's side of the family who weren't. I sort of pondered to her why we couldn't go to church? My dad was emotionally pretty distant. He wasn't around from age 2 until age 4. Later on we still weren't close when it came to reallife human things like sex, music, culture whatever. But we both had the same sense of humor, political views (age 14) conservative and both liked practicality. And my dad never spanked me. He could get confrontational but rarely any yelling. Thanks to Stefan Molyneux' podcasts I now know that depression is very common with abused children. But from the age of 16 I suddenly developed depression. This could also be attributed to my lack of interest in school and my uncertainty of what to do/become with my life. I spend the following 7 years venturing into the jungles of the internet. Socialism, Conservatism, Satanism, Christianity, Conspiracy Theories, Freemasonry, mysticism, New-age magicism (witches whom worked at starbucks lol). I looked at it, studied it and became more and more aware of how confused I was. Until I just gave up and became a natural-minimalist anarchist. Believing that almost all human interaction was evil because of manipulation, all technology and science were there to enslave us (along with all those theories i.e.: evolution) etc. Don't worry I came around 3 years ago when I saw a video from Stefan Molyneux: Statism is dead part 13. It was posted on a conspiracy website and since then all those previous ism's left my mind. I was so excited and relieved that there was someone out there like that. And kudos to Stefan for being so incredibly,stupifyingly clear and straightforward. Now I'm working to pick up the pieces of 10 years of brain fungi and child trauma. This year I'm going for my VWO degree. (It's like highschool, but the highest level that permits entry into college). Only 1 course : Math! And I'm working out, losing weight, trying to quit smoking (down to 1 a day) and exercising my brain with stefan's podcast and with a helpfull online brain exercise program.(Check out JoeRoganExperience if you want to check the one I'm using; don't know if I can say their name) Anyway Hi there, looking forward to this experience.
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