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And Lauren Southern was banned from the UK for daring to suggest Mohammed could be gay. Meanwhile in Toronto that government will similarly persecute, and try to prosecute people for "offending" Islam, but it's ok to blaspheme against Christianity, even the origins of religion with a company that is obviously Satanic and advocates pedophilia, not directly but indirectly. They could hardly state the fact openly. Upside down crosses, little children who've taken sweets from pedo bear and drinking the blood of sacrifice, the least of it. Whilst I have issues with all of today's religions, my least favourite is Satanism and its ilk. Words are symbols and their parallel are picture symbols - which advertisers well know and try incorporating those picture stories into their ads to get their product sold. Sweet Jesus icecream is not only a blatant anti Christian story message, it's also advocating corruption and contempt for life and decency. or instead, in better parts of the youtube ghetto:
I will see if I can find a link to a News article from some where. California has decided to Openly Violate the Constitution of the Republic and fuck up the activities of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Officer that making raids againsnt illegals and members of organized Crime there, the protest movement agaisnt enforcemnt of nations Laws (and of Naturla Law) has beceom so grea tthat at the State Level has coem to decision tha they will no longe rcollabroat w and will sek to use the pwoers vested in them A very one -directional and Objectively pathological 'altruism'...... They are only interested in preserving their "right" top be here without papers...They are mentally deficient in that they see tha beleive tha plasure that invaders have in being able to ensure their share of benefits that they did not produce is a n indicator that they have doen a virtuoius dead... But pleasure is not the measure of . It is for short-brained people like who believe that is measured by how much "good" .. Since when is bodernline libtard-egalitarian a sn obejctive standard for Actual good? Then answer: It is not a measuere !pleasure is . They cannot percieve it because their way of thinking came about .... the basic deifneition of a neurological disorder.... Their altruism can is in actuallity a form of Hedonism, subtle enough for them to never be able to realize it because of their primitive and base of thiniking Bring Roman Catholic (fucking voodoo post 1965 Catholicism) religious arguements into the debate about religiion is the most evil and singenious part of b . Of the diaspora, with no , being very Shite Catholics (on the level of vooboo savages praying to cards and statues like their Indio ancestr"os did while living whorish. and otherwise adharmic lives... religion has unfortunatle been a cruthc that allows all sort of thigns without consiously knowing) . I t is not merely a politcal defect but a patholgy iwhtin the human species, where emapthy is used to distort. Geyt away tiwth sabotaging the ICE raids that are disrupt for the sake of these people....they can protest civilily... That "governments are evulz" .. It is ALWAYS worse to have liberals in charge of them becaue they will agiasnt natural Law and of.. they are the counter-tradition's in politics. Ther is no inhernt morals in lbierals,.... The 19060s or 70s... A could be a liberla for saying that have the right to have sexual intercourse in fornt of children and the radicals would be arms ... No kmoral only hedonism doesn, beut becaue of how have ebeen allowed .... Restricting "freedoms" is necessary in rodr to have any order otherwsie ..... Humans are NOT good and is an TRULY Ordered Liberty according to the Principles of Natural Law. That part of reason ( I think?...aprt from some currents isnpired by casuisty or by m-influenced individuals that weaseled their way, and who inject their ideas into Libertarianism by way of casuistry) arose in the first place... Later generations forced to pay for the lives of domestic enemies (criminals and those genetically inclined to criminality) and tow in order preserve their in spit eof that It is *this* tha tmakes governments and the legalsim of them a danger to those Souled Beings among us, becau eht eare not coming from Fully Brained beings, but from Egoists and Hominids who dictate law according to their whims... *this* is the fundemntal flaw of Government ... it is based not on natural law, but on Legalized Whim..of politcal science, which has not been fixed because lack the Perception to do so... all they can do is replciate what they have been ahnded down and .. they lack a cociouness their Trash pedo(or rather to not insult any True Catholics here, Psuedo-Catholic) .. Liberals, beleiveing in freedom, are actually way more left on the , they don't beleive . they jsut beleive, (and erroneously so) that freedom for it's own sake is ..... much like liberals do.... Is not the only thign in the mworld..... Ther ealso cirmianls form other.. their actions win impedieng ICEs ... The tiem that agents have to trying to get liberals to leave them alone is also time that orgnaized criminals and potential terrorists have to hide.... Thus, in addtion impeding the preversion State authority to liberlasim puts milliosn of people's lives in danger t for NonCatholic countries that willb e free to their activites if Europe will probably revolt against it much more quickly and force-fully than the united States, and then . Soem form of politcal eurabianism may exist,s becasue of the need for and the eArch-Atlanticst goal of kicking Russia out of the middle East.. They will probably also prefere a modfied eurabian format becaue of theri annoyance at the influence ykws and a conciousness among arabs that (hmhmm..... hmmm..... mmumph.....) for some shared activity... free flow of energy resources, that won't be put at risk because of ( hmm,.....mmmh.. mumph) I gues my question for the whether it is possible for Liberty-minded people to legally Stop Local governments and the liberals runnign them form following through with their ILLEGAL and Uncocnsittuaitonl actions before the damage and thwart actions against criminal in the name of Radicla Catholic and Secular Egaltiarians, .. I think improtant pre-requisite is to start pblcially callign them out for Blatalty unconstituional Actions... however, the omnly way to stop them form doing anyhtign that Agian MSU Tbe trhoguh legal action them out is probably a Whehter any kind of legal action (Civil Suits ) can be taken agianst and cities in order to stop them from gettign away thwarting Presidne't agaisnt Ilelgals and organized cirrminals for the sake of of Extremist Open borders catholci Egalitiarianism? abotu legal systems, and how to awaken peopel to the that laws mean literally nothing, and that a higher State of Awarenss is necessary to act agisnt thos who can act in Adharmic ways Freely becau they Realize (like Law is an imaignary... The is to make REalize that thtis fact as well, if one doesn't, than they will be at the mercy of those who don't care about such thigns and be exposed to harm , not jsust by liberals, but by those shitsouls and evildoers that are enabled by them, and by Uncheck forces of this at -larg .. That yu have realized this for htanky to the work of others.... Is to eveutnally let them suffer of being stupid and harmed by the of liberals STATES RIGHTS/Pricniple of Subsidiarity WILL NEVER WORK PROPERLY AS AS LONG LIBTARD ARE ALIVE TO USE THE PRICNIPLE ACCORDING TO THEIR WHIMs Last Consituitonal defense against the potential abuse coming from a Tyrannical Executive has been fianlly perverted and misued by Lbierals in order full sped ahead with their agenda of opening country to crimianls Proved Root of probelm is with Liberals having access to the state apparatus at all. Agaisnt freedom is compounded with actign in idioplgoically saddening The erosion of morals is not solely the responsibiltiy of liberals but ther very ideology prevents form fixing msitakes.. Will come to be known : "Power corrupts, but Liberalism in Power corrupts absolutely" (Maybe this shoudl be memefied... it would help awakened.. it woudl also be healthier than those based on The mistake they have made in Outwardly ilelgal accoding to consitition. This is the "point" wheer, iw swhere they must be caught the F*** out and legally before they are to casuemroe harm or give cimiansl and mroe time to .... Meet honest halfway....... Liberal Politicans do not have to be part of the IRL P2P outreach at all... If it isdoen coectly ther no problem to Good people who seekt o Lawfully becoem, but have jeopardize such chance their reckless illegal presence here In the end though, Law (Natural Law) has to prevail,... must be mewith protest by Liberty-minded Citizens of this contry and by solid legal action aagainst state government officials that act like these have... It htink wil eveutnally resolve much more forcefully, but thir great actors TO a point wherne usche Will try to when I can get some tiem off.... other wise ... please share thoughts (or make your own thread about it, may be more legible than this one at any rate... and won't slow your computer donwn to bloody paint like it has mine) Thank you.
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- extremism
- natural-law
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Would someone who is religious be a deal breaker? Would an Atheist be better ? I see downsides to both. Many religious folks believe in a deity and many Atheists belive in the State. I'm not religious though I grew up Christian. I totally reject religion. How does religion factor in to dating? Do you not ask? I had a woman say to me once " I'm religious and you are not . I don't think we are compatible." She already had kids and they moved out. How do you deal with religion and dating? Do you mention it upfront ?
Hello fellow classical liberals, I recently wrote a piece exploring the ultimate truth and the meaning of life, with a focus on science, religion, and language. If you are interested in these topics please visit Thank you!
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- new atheism
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Hello fellow classical liberals, I recently wrote a piece exploring the ultimate truth and the meaning of life, with a focus on science, religion, and language. If you are interested in these topics please visit my website at Thank you!
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Stephan alluded to the demise of christian morals and values, and the consequential rise of rampant left atheistic socialism. However, we should pursue a remise to the left based on normative ethics rather than reinstating religious mysticism. Atheism should not be made the scapegoat (to use a biblical analogy!).
If you value god more than you value logic, reason and evidence, then a constructive conversation about truth is impossible.
Hello everyone Recently a Moroccan Atheist got his YouTube live streaming activity suspended and one his satirical video about Salomon deleted without any rational explanation given to him. This has become a trend that YouTube is censoring free speech and criticism of Islam especially within the Ex-Muslim community as they regularly receive strikes and sometimes get permanently banned from YouTube for criticizing Islam. It is possible that the Youtube arabic team of moderators act out their personal feelings and ban some contents based on their personal beliefs and emotions instead of community guidelines. This has become a very dangerous trend as many Ex-Muslim arabic and non arabic speaking are being censored and permanently banned from YouTube. Atheism in the muslim world is on the rise and during the last 5 years tens of millions of individuals men and women have left Islam to Atheism or converted to other more peaceful religions in secrecy. These people live like strangers in their own countries some of them are ostracized by their families, threatened and sometimes killed for leaving Islam. Internet and Social medias are their only outlets for free expression as they are isolated within their societies. It is also important to mention that this increasing trend of people leaving Islam has got some Islamic governments and clerics very worried of losing their credibility and power over people. Muslims especially radicals consider Internet and freedom of expression as the biggest threat to Islam and they are influencing Facebook and Youtube to censor and ban content that uncovers the dirty hidden secrets of Islam. I am linking to this Moroccan Atheist video down below. Please support him by liking his video (in english) and sharing it with everyone interested in this topic. We need more people like him! Thanks a million! Video title: Youtube Strikes Again! Channel name: Kafer Maghribi (translates to Moroccan Infidel)
"Often we are so busy thinking about how much is wrong with the Church, that we forget to consider what the World would be like without it" - G.K Chesterton Full disclosure: I am a Roman Catholic, but this is not an attempt at trying to prove anything. Simply a description of what a world without God is like from a strictly personal perspective. My parents both grew up in the Communist block, my mother in Hungary, my father in Mongolia. Before the communist era, Hungary had been a multicultural country for 900 years with Catholics, Protestants and Atheists , while Mongolia was also a multicultural country with Buddhists, Animists, and Atheists. Both my parents grew up atheists, then they both became protestants seperately, then both gradually converted to Catholicism in my lifetime. The People's Republic of Mongolia had not seen a single Christian Missionary on its territory since the collapse of the Mongol Empire. Mongolia was the second country in history that adopted Marxism-Leninism. When the republic was declared in 1924, countless thousands of religious men and women were executed in the first five years. Even today, if you go on a road-trip to the Gobi desert, you can find hundreds of bullet shells scattered around in the ruins of old monasteries. I myself have picked up a pair. After 70 years of communist rule, in 1992, a year after the fall of the Soviet Union, hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Ulaanbaatar to demand freedom from from Communism. Admittedly, unlike the Hungarians, the people of Mongolia knew not what they were asking for instead - all they knew, was that whatever they had currently was not ok. My father was among the protesters, he saw scores of aroured vehicles line up in front of the parliament,ready to open fire. He also spotted a few of his old friends among the soldiers who were tasked with dispersing the crowd, Mongolia was a tiny country with only 700 000 residents in the capital, so it was inevitable that there were friends and families among the soldiers and the protesters. The president of Mongolia heard the demands of the people, and triggered dismantling of the Socialist System without much delay. One of his first acts as the leader of the free country was to write a letter to the Holy See, requesting missionaries asap. He was a smárt man, as he knew, with the collapse of the Communist Value System in people's lives, the vacuum that would be left in its stead would be catastrophic - he was right. The missionaries took a while to arrive, but they were not too late. The people of Mongolia were indeed thirsty for a replacement to the old failed values, thus they were most eager to listen to anything coming from the west. Mongolia, behind Kyrghizistan, is unofficially the last modern country on the planet to host Christianity. The People's Republic of Hungary officially granted freedom of religion in the constitution, but of course, that was far from reality. Every priest, who was ordained before 1985, most certainly had spent at least 3 years in prison, 1 year in solitary confinement, gone through sleep-deprivation interrogation for a month, and many were executed for conspiring against the state. Lay people who were christians were not allowed to hold public office, but were not actively persecuted to excess. My mother became a Christian during communist rule, and became active among believers, smuggled russian bibles into the Soviet Union, where people copied the few bibles the had gotten by hand, and distributed the copies in the vast Siberian territories. With the fall of communism, the people of Hungary needed no encouragement to reclaim their old Christian/Catholic national identity, and start rebuilding what was destroyed in the past 40 years. I grew up in Mongolia in a most atheistic milieu. My brothers and I were the only christians at the schools we attended. At the very beginning of the millenium, christianity was still regarded as the culture of the pathetic, poor, stupid, unintellectual people. I was most confused by those labels as a child, since I was born in Hungary, and knew what thousand years of christianity really looked like. Christianity was the most beautiful thing in my life - the churches, the music, the nicest people in the World, and most important of all, Hope. The sore lack of Hope, is something that westerners do not immediately notice, but it is the only thing consistently present in every part of the World that was not built on Christian foundations. The lack of Hope is something every Mongolian feels, once they return from their vacations to Europe. It is a phenomenon that I cannot explain in words, but it is something that makes me value what Christianity has given to the World.
There are many playful coincidences found in nature that appear to tease the question of intelligent design. Probability is a scale of measuring what we can reliably know to be in existence that begins and ends in an illusively infinite place.
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My question is as follows. Why do I hear things like "Pedophilia naturally follows if you allow homosexuality," or "homosexuality causes pedophilia"? Full disclosure. I am bisexual but am living in a homosexual relationship. I grew up in a Catholic household and did missionary work of my own volition in the Philippines. I have since realized that the threat of endless rape and torture inflicted upon those who disagree with an invisible and all powerful being doesn't really allow you to have free will. It is a psychological gun held to my head. So in the most recent video, The Catholic Church Built Western Civilization | Duke Pesta and Stefan Molyneux, at 26:00 Duke Pesta talks about determinism and how our genes determine who we are. He goes on to say that there is a movement to declassify pedophilia as a mental disorder just as homo.... (sexuality) (yes he didn't finish the word but it seems to follow.) This made me recall several discussions I have had with friends and family a long time ago. Homosexuality between two consenting adults requires no initiation of force. Pedophilia must initiate force in order to have a "relationship" in the same way that rape is a relationship. No matter how much people will try and manipulate their "arguments;" a child has a severely limited concept of what sex, relationships, commitment, love, and reproduction fully entails. They also lack the ability to effectively decline an advance and have agency. Therefore they cannot fully consent. Please let me know if I am off-base but this seems like the most simple explanation. I feel physically ill and angry when I hear these things talked about side by side as if they are interchangeable or similar. Pedophilia is evil and violates the non-aggression principle. Frankly, nothing pisses me off more than the idea of a child being abused. Why do people make the argument that pedophilia and homosexuality are somehow similar? That is basically saying rape and love making are similar. Moreover why do people make the case that Homosexuality encourages the destruction of children's innocence and well being? I have heard people try to use pedophilia in order to demonize homosexuality and use homosexuality to try and legitimize pedophilia. I despise both threads of sophistry. How do I fit this into my brain? Is there something I am not getting? Am I mistaking the world for myself? What do I do with these feelings of disgust and rage? How can I make them productive? Are my arguments sounds? What am I not considering? Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.
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Hi everyone, I am really sick of hearing and saying 'not all of them are like that' when it comes to bringing up anything about terrorism or Islam. I've personally stopped but catch myself doing it from time to time and I annoy myself. lol But when I hear it I do an internal eye-roll like....yes...we get it...they all aren't like that and we all have an IQ abov 90 to understand that....speaking in aggregate is just that....aggregate. But I still felt unsatisfied about there has to be more data out there to make a clearer distinction so we know WHO are like that...if there is a way to even tell. So Sunni make up the majority of he Muslim far. But what's interesting is that the FBI, from 1996 until 2008 published yearly data reports about terrorism around the world and in the US, of course. Obama was sworn in in 2009 and there has not been an FBI published report on terrorism since 2008. I sifted through the various data points and it's ALL sunni and they kill far more muslim civilians. As most of us already know. But I bad as Iraq was and the amount of dead bodies and mutlated bodies we left behind. I won't be surprised if the Sunni population is counting the death tolls THEY rang up (which from 2003 - 2008 I roughly calculated more than 165,000) and adding those to OUR numbers. That doesn't make it better...dead bodies are dead bodies of course but again...the data only goes to 2008 so that number, if consistantly around 15,000/16,000 per year as the FBI reported, then that is at the hands of Sunnis against other Muslims...likely Shias. Now we know in the past, the US was on a hunt for Communists in the US and black listing and such. unfortunately, because of theocracies where the religion is the state and the state is the religion, the ideology and religious law/sharia law of the Sunnis can be weasled out by claiming religlious freedom if the US were to actually hold a more firm skeptical eye of allowing Sunnis in. I am sure there are some crazy Shia but the Sunnis by FAR take the statisticaal cake on terroism around the world. I felt a bit 'empowered' by this information so that the next time someone says 'they aren't all like that' I can confidently say.... you are's mostly Sunnis. and frankly that is a helpful distinction. just as I don't want people to lump all Christians equal to that of Westboro or Mormons, I think Islam should be called out by their distinctions. Catholics, for example by FAR support gay marriage (64%) compared to any other christian group. They deserve credit for that...not be slandered as 'Christians are homophobic'. I think if we all do diligience on doing a better job fine-tooth combing and discerning which facets of the groups are causing the most harm, the more quickly we can advance and improve these violent and dangerous times.
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I did search his name on the forum and surprisingly found nothing. His youtube channel - He is warning Europeans about dangers of Islam (and other things) for years. And he even has a decent amount of views and subscribers on his channel. He is easy to listen and I personally like his British humor. Last month I find a lot more European focus on FDR, thus I think many readers might find his content interesting. Personally I'd love to see an interview of him and Stefan. I love it when people that are on my radar collaborate. Etwa
I'm not sure I've ever believed in a God. But if you've ever questioned it, this is a video you may relate to. As a small teaser, there's a bit at the end of the video that makes me wonder if Hopsin's caught a few Freedomain Radio videos. Check out the ILL Mind of Hopsin 7 Below
Source: The article also provides direct source to the paper here: Although this isn't something unheard of for most here, it is interesting to see research like this going out to the public, and is useful to have in case you want to share it with people who make claims to the contrary.
- Warning: This is a mix of ranting and observation and sharing personal experience, etc. so I apologize in advance if my thoughts are all over the place. This is one of the many articles you can find about passing on trauma through genes. I am not Jewish but I do live in Israel. This topic has been on my mind lately and now my niece is on a field trip in Poland to visit the Holocaust sites with her class. It's an optional trip, however in high school the kids are taught the Jewish experience of the Holocaust and visit the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, etc. She's sending photos of these sites which are very emotional and haunting. I can tell it's her attempt to connect to the family at a time where she needs her family to be there with her or for her not to be there at all! My kids are still young (1st and 3rd grade) but I have already made up my mind that they will not be visiting these sites with a class or without me. I thought I would chapparone but even that is out of the question. If they want to go, it will be just us, as a family on our own time. I had a suspicion that getting into the details of the holocaust while the kids are in school passes on the trauma. Now, having heard my nieces experience (she is 16), I can tell she is already traumatized AND keep in mind, she is in a foreign country, for the first time, without her parents for a week...which can be difficult enough! Now, you can imagine my legitimate concern added to the scientific research done on the matter (even Israeli media covers this research) is seen by many in Israel as mild nazi'sm or 'concern trolling. I find this highly irresponsible and abusive but of course this is the "jewish" right of passage I guess. I'm not stating this as any judgement because this type of teaching-trauma can occur in any way. This is what the 'black slavery' I believe does to modern black people..... keep hammering on about slavery and suddenly they felt enslaved, etc. I find it frightening and fascinating at the same time. It explains a lot about certain Jewish, especially Israeli behaviors.... especially in context of the current Palestinian conflict. You get the extreme right who just goes into spirals that everyone isagainst them and ...I won't get too much into it now, but in short, but these extreme right that are the biggest drivers behind keeping the Holocaust alive and viscerally palpable, think that if you try to discuss peace and consistancy, that you are a secret terrorist. LIke super weird stuff I can't even describe. They say, "you are a terrorist posting as a peace activist'. I mean... that is a whole level of paranoia I can't even explain. it's a riddle wrapped in a puzzle to understand how these people process information and others who aren't like them. Even to common Israelis they are baffling. I digress. I think this issues of how we can pass on our traumas in our genes either by our behavior from that trauma that is taught or by activating genes in our offspring or by literally TEACHING them the trauma so it feels real and present it hugely underrated. I have tried using this avenue of discussion to see if in my own life I am doing this to any degree unknowingly. But when I speak with others to see if they notice this in their own life or in society as a whole because I think if we can put context to this so people really see it, then it can begin, just like peaceful parenting, undoing a lot of the damage in the world. I am so so sorry that my niece is going through this but there is no way in her situation to even make it a 'bad' thing. They are proud to go through this. Even though it is traumatizing. I can only start with my kids by minimizing the damage and keep our conversations open and frequent. I've already told my hubby that our kids will not be participating with their class on these trips. If later in their life they want to visit these sites, I have no problem whatsoever and we will go together, as a family so we can share the experience and take the time to go at our pace and deal with the emotions together with honor and dignity and care. My niece's trip is 200 children! (some are from the same age group but different schools). I was horrified.... not even on our 'fun' field trips in the US could we get 200 kids, if we included the whole school in the whole county! lol But that many kids for such an emotional, scary, confusing and intensive trip it's outright abuse. And, she is already calling home everyday hysterical and crying and then when she gets home, she will sit for hours with her grandmother who lost 3 relatives in the Holocaust which will hit her stronger in her heart and knowing my mother in law, won't get into the 'how'. It's only the 'what'. My kids will learn the precursors to WWII to put things in context..not that it makes it ok but that's why she's so traumatized. she keeps asking, HOW? HOW? HOW? and no one has any fucking answers for her except: because we are Jews." not because THEY were Jews... but WE...they already put THEMSELVES in the past experience. It's so subtle. I tried once to say.... you know there were a lot of precursors that prepare for a dictator to take over and is preventable if society will read the signs. And I was given death stares and everyone's ears turned deaf...stick to the narrative!! They always say on the Holocaust Memorial Day, "never again'. They say you either have Jews who vow this will never happen again to THEM and you have Jews who vow this will never happen again to ANYONE. That's really true and I try to preach how this can never happen again to anyone and pay attention to economics, recognize propaganda, etc but that's very inconvenient to passing on trauma. If the youths don't feel the trauma, the elders feel the youths will put down their guard and it will happen all over again....which is true because the elders never learned or took the time or allowed anyone else to teach HOW it actually happened in order to read the warning signs. Lastly, don't judge Israel by its leader! lol I've come to the conclusion (and since we are all or mostly anarco-caps here) that when we see a leader of any country, it's probably most accurate to assume that he represents the LOUDEST MINORITY, not the rational majority. I know Democracy is suppose to be the mob rule, but from what I've seen in the 2 countries I've lived in (US and Israel) it's the loudest minority that wins the power seat. ok, I think that's the end of my rant. If anyone has anything to add, please do!
I just had a thought I would like to share: Is it morally wrong to indoctrinate a child into a religion without teaching them about the concept of hell? I realize many people are going to immediately respond with a yes, but hear me out. I myself was raised as a Catholic, and recently I became an atheist. My parents divorced when I was very young, and they had very different religious beliefs. My father was more of a conservative Catholic and my mother was a less strict Christian, not aligning herself with any denomination. They decided to send me to a to Catholic school, where I was also taught very strict Catholic teachings, but in an "open-minded" atmosphere. To summarize, I received three different religious viewpoints, often conflicting with one another. When it came to the concept of hell, my mother told me that God didn't care what religion I am, he only cares about how moral I am. My father, however, told me that only Christians could be saved from hell, and people of any other religion would reach purgatory at best. I was also told by my father that hell was a place of horrible pain and suffering, your classic "fire and brimstone" tale. My religion teacher told me that God really only cared about how moral someone is, similar to what my mother said, However, she also told me that only Catholics could truly be 100% moral human beings. As you can see, I was told many different things about hell as a child. This was very hard to overcome as I lost my faith. However, if you take out that part of my religious education, I see nothing wrong with my mother indoctrinating me into a faith. She didn't use scare tactics, she didn't force me to believe anything. She merely gave me something to believe in and let me figure it out on my own. Thanks for reading, and please leave some feedback and your thoughts!
I got married a year ago, and we are learning a lot about how to get along and know each other and ourselves. Things are pleasant 80% of the time or so. We think quite differently, which I always knew could be either a strength or a challenge. Okay, so I started listening to Adam Kokesh and became a believer in anarchy about 3 or 4 months ago, then found FDR a couple months ago and am very curious and attracted to his logical approach to things. My wife never read much of the stuff I read about anarchy and nowadays she doesn't really like listening to Stefan, either. I think she may be listening more because I ask her and less because she is really interested. We are LDS (AKA Mormon) and she said she feels uncomfortable challenging certain core beliefs that are part of our faith. I told her I feel doubt about our future because I fear that she may be unwilling to challenge certain beliefs that are not true and possibly causing her emotional suffering. How can I be more persuasive to her? Maybe just be an example of living UPB and explaining how it brings me peace...? Thanks!
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- irrational
- wife
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I've attended a private Catholic school for my entire life, and I'm graduating from eighth grade this year. About a year ago is when I really got into philosophy and theology. I was exploring for a bit, until I found Stef's YouTube channel, and became an Atheist soon afterward. Up until recently, I had disagreed with my parents' choice to send me to a Catholic school. However, I now realize that this was for the better, in my case. Had I not gone to a Catholic school, I wouldn't have been able to talk to so many different people about my religious views and opinions. I don't think I would have thought about my religion as much either. So, I'm looking for some different opinions and any suggestions. Keep in mind that I'm going to a public high school next year. Thanks for reading!
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- Catholicism
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Never mind.
- religion
- Catholicism
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My ex and I divorced when my son was very young. Neither her nor I were what anyone would consider religious. When I became an athiest, I told her. She insisted, I did not try and influence him in matters of spirituality. I went along with her and was ok with it as long as she wasn't influencing him in favor of religion. He's 19 now and has a girlfriend who comes from a very religious family. It's like he has fallen head over heels for her and her religion. He has even gotten baptized by her church with her father assisting the preacher. I thought I was doing the right thing leaving him alone to find his own path. I feel I've let him down and failed as a parent. I fear talking to him about it now, being certain it would drive a wedge between us. I'm seeking advice.
Link IMDB There's been a lot of hype about this lately. Should be good.
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- scientology
- documentary
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DISAPPOINTMENT, SUPER SUPER SUPER DISAPPOINTMENT Atheists don't owe any apologies to Christians. I heard the show today and now I know why this show will not last. I remember Molyneux's goal was to make this the best show that would last for centuries. Well, it will not if it continues like this. Stefan, remember your book "How not to achieve freedom" where you were talking about how ineffective or suicidal would be to infiltrate the Mafia to persuade them to become good? Well, you are now suggesting to your listener to do exactly that. It is ALWAYS bad to diagnose the right problems with the bad or random methods. There were many cases in the history of science that the pseudo-scientists made the right conclusions for the totally bad reasons. I do not remember now the name of one astronomer, but he was a very talented one and in the era where it was not known the Solar system's position in our galaxy, this guy concluded that our Sun must be on the periphery of the Milky Way because we are so corrupted people that we can't be close to the center that was considered as virtuous. Can you imagine how the rest of this theory would have evolved had the other astronomers accepted this geniunly stupid idea? Stefan, you are clearly a victim of ethics from pragmatism right now. I can live with the fact that free society will take even centuries to become true, or even never, but the last thing to do to achieve it is to give a hand to the non rational people. Forget about the pragmatism, yes, nobody disagrees that some things Christians got right, but this was purely accidental or due to other pragmatic reasons Christian rulers had. Their goal was and stays to govern the people based on false evidence and by manipulating the basic human needs. Forget about the pragmatism, go back to the Software Industry, make the FDR a hobby again like it was in the beginning, if you can't survive with the donations. I do not know what is motivating you to make this HUGE TURN in your thinking, but please stay on the track. I know it is hard to live knowing that your actions most probably will not change the world during your life, but so what. Humanity took 2000 years to get free from the christianity and we are still not completely free. Certain battles of ideas are very long. Shortcuts are NEVER working. You are now engaging in a dangerous shortcut. I feel for you, I feel for the Mormon guy, I know how is it to be in this situation, it is VERY hard to be ostracized by the community once you understand its fallacy, but this is the burden of the virtue. I really understand why this person lost the appetite and can't sleep. Of course. He woke up from the terrible nightmare. He is feeling like he was diagnosed a cancer, of course, wrong ideas have terrible impact on us, but many persons simply die out of cancer, that is a reality. The Mormon guy can't influence anything in his community, it is a suicide mission. By advising him to go back there is to ask him to be a hypocrite all his life. If his wife will not follow him in leaving religion, so be it. His family should dissolve. The bigger problem obviously is with his child, that is the pure victim of his own. I think he must leave it to the wife, he has to pay the consequence of the wrong choices. He contributed to poison his child's mind and his wife is not willing to leave the religion, so he should leave and they should remain together. Curing the cancer, Stefan, you know it personally, is a very painful process, there are no shortcuts there. So it is with the wrong ideas. You were good so far, but if you continue encouraging people to come back to their religious community once they know their core beliefs are false, is like pushing the people to Mafias's godfathers to fight the system internally.