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Found 7 results

  1. Pretty much every forum I've ever visited has had this thread so I'm surprised I didn't see it here. We do have a liberty-themed one but I thought this one would be fun for people who just want to share whatever happens to be tickling their earbuds in the moment. I'll start (youtube links are encouraged, you can embed them by just pasting the youtube link into the chatbox)
  2. www.freenauts.com
  3. This is a song I made called "Souped-Up Serenade", I'd really like to hear what you think. Hopefully if my brain is kind, more good tunes to come.
  4. My newest video. Topics discussed here: dysfunction in society, school / educational system, problems in one's childhood and adolescence, and more.
  5. I very much enjoy listening to good music (who doesn't?) but especially music that not only sounds good, but I can identify with on an intellectual or emotional level. I am starting to keep a playlist on my computer that contains songs that I identify with in this way. I occasionally stumble across a popular song that borders on something, but I hope that others have songs that they enjoy or even bands that have songs about these kind of topics. I remember seeing a couple threads with people advertising their own songs who I would be happy to see added in a somewhat consolidated place. So I am looking for songs that have topics similar about: - Anarchism - Libertarianism - Self Knowledge - Peaceful Parenting and any other topic that is discussed on Freedomain Radio. Obviously there may not be perfect philosophical consistency in a song, but being able to identify with the artful expression of a complex feeling or idea can be an enjoyable or enlightening experience. Please add a YouTube link or mp3 of the song you are referring to and what the song means to you if you would like to add to the list. Try not to clutter the thread with all of the lyrics, but providing a brief snippet to give an idea of content would be helpful in deciding whether one wants to listen to the whole song. Be sure to upvote any songs that you like, especially from artists that are not mainstream so that others notice the post and listen to the song. Hopefully, others will find this thread useful and enjoyable and add content so that I can find new songs and bands that resonate with me so that I can have a more enjoyable playlist than I currently have. Edit: If the video is essential to the meaning (aka the dancing or images make it a more meaningful song) then you can post an embedded video by pasting a YT link as plain text or by using the code media='640 x 360' YT LINK /media with square brackets around the opening and closing. You can force it to not embed for other songs (so as not to slow down page load time) by pasting the YT link and then adding the html code for the link into the link. This can be done by highlighting the text and clicking the add link button. ___________________________________________________________________________________ So I figured I would post the first song as a song that resonated with me a few months ago as I was exploring some of my "demons" Demons Imagine Dragons http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFQYaoiIFh8 Lyrics Snippet: I want to hide the truth I want to shelter you But with the beast inside There’s nowhere we can hide No matter what we breed We still are made of greed This is my kingdom come This is my kingdom come When you feel my heat Look into my eyes It’s where my demons hide It’s where my demons hide Don’t get too close It’s dark inside It’s where my demons hide It’s where my demons hide Song Meaning that someone posted that resonates with how I feel about it: It's like anyone that you see passing by, they might have a smile on their face but if you look into their eyes and really look at the details you will see they're in pain because eyes don't lie. "When you feel my heat, look into my eyes that's where my demons hide..." shows that they may not show it but the person is struggling with past problems, fears, secrets which in this song he refers to as "demons". Now someone is trying to enter in on that person's life but they don't want to let them in because they don't want them to be involved in all their troubles, etc. Hence, "Don't get to close, it's dark inside." He doesn't want the so-called to get to close to the person because of their demons. But towards the end of the song, it's more of a cry for help. "I can't escape this now, unless you show me how." The person wants to be released from their troubles and they're asking for help. This song can relate to anyone who's facing troubled times or who needs to learn to open up. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Apparently, it added it to the introductory post, but you still get the idea of what a post may look like.
  6. Hello everyone. I analyzed the song "Counting Stars" by OneRepublic, you can read it at my blog here http://bit.ly/1eEqiBs. Enjoy and I hope you will let me know what you think!
  7. http://tatianamoroz.com/tatiana-premiers-bitcoin-song-latin-american-bitcoin-conference/ Tips showing support will lead to adding a bridge and 3rd verse to make it a more full song. Regardless, it is quite a good song and always good to support artists in the liberty community!
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