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  1. I thought I’d introduce myself by explaining, in short, my current life transition and how I am handling it. Starting on April 20, 2016, I started re-evaluating what I could do to turn my unhappy life around and what roadblocks were preventing me from doing so. I suffered night sweats for approximately 3 nights. I was training an employee who had a different personality than mine, in fact, the company I work for is filled with emotionally stunted, irrational, conformist employees guided by the same authorities who have no problem harassing and threatening their employees. The Union are ineffective at resolving the root-cause, they wouldn’t have a job if they did. I was also in a relationship that, now with 20/20 vision, was started on a shaky foundation and I didn’t help by kicking (not literally, of course) at some of the blocks. I have my share in that failure but boy oh boy do I have better insight of the issues I need to work on with a therapist. FDR has helped me take that step into psychology, thanks. Solution: We ended the relationship on April 29th. As for work, I need to resign. What’s next? Well, I’m 34 years old, no debt, and I’ve been frugal my whole life; I have savings. It’s time to invest in me. I have an invention I’ve singled out that I’ve been working on since Aug 6th, 2015, it’s coming along very slowly due to the above issues. I believe I have the required knowledge and / or experience, the capital, and soon the free time and relaxed environment to develop, manufacture, and distribute it to the world. I’m aware there will be many challenges ahead but I think this goal is realistically within my grasp, especially compared to my abilities ~10 years ago when I had the original idea. Really, I’m holding back my excitement here. I’ll also start seeing a psychotherapist, increase journal and dream journal entries (I like interpreting these crazy guys), and chatting it up with you guys here at FDR. P.S. I’m into studying visual culture and if it strikes me, with more free time, I may analyze movies and put it out on the internet. Right now, I’m letting these decisions soak in. I also want to finish my business plan and finances for at least the next year; remember, I’m frugal. I’m scared, anxious, fearful, sad, tired, my brain hurts, angry, furious, happy, excited, and ….did I forget anything? It’s taken a bit to figure out why I feel this way and why I’ve felt like this in the past as well. Simply put, I’m not living the life I need to live. For me, an inventor (I’m not quite comfortable with that word, I don’t want to be pompous), producing other people’s creations pisses me off. I’m sick and tired of being suppressed or suppressing myself. Let me know where you want more details. Later.
  2. Not going to argue about ideas in this thread, but would like to know more about how ancaps might transition to a stateless society. My questions are as follows: What is to be done with illegitimate property titles? Do they revert to non-ownership for homesteading, or do they continue on? How are illegitimate property titles divided if at all? If legitimate acquisitions are not expropriated, how would legitimacy be decided in a contemporary society on the brink of transition? Could general levelling be on the table? How is violent suppresion/resistance by conservative forces (state & it's beneficiaries) overcome? Do you consider resistance (violent or otherwise) by these bodies likely? If so, how would these power structures be overcome & dismantled? What specific sectors of society will likely be the motive force for change? Is there a set of intellectual or material preconditions for transition? Would transition be peaceful or might it entail a violent social revolution? Would a an-cap society utilize any transitional forms of organization before the conclusive implementation of pure laissez-faire organization? What is the likely outcome of a failed transition? Thanks.
  3. Hi Everyone, I need some advice. I've been on a self knowledge journey for many years now, and have decided to leave my job for a year and make a run at being an entrepreneur. I am 31, and for the past two years I have lived with my parents because I wanted to pay off my large school debt, get healthy, and spend some quality time digging into some self knowledge work. My mother is hyper religious. The catholic type that spends four nights a week at Church. She is also medicated for being bi-polar. I never know what mom I am going to get from day to day. She is either really happy, or really stressed and angry. Growing up I had to deal with daily screaming and hitting. When she found the Church at age 15, some of the screaming subsided, but then the fear tactics kicked in. Her father was a drunk and an abuser, while her mother was institutionalized several times for mental breakdowns. Her mother was also a screamer and a hitter. I always try to understand and support her through her massive mood swings, but I don't think I can do it any longer. My father, who still lives at home, has always been the "my way or the highway" kind of guy. As a teenager, I always tried to get him to take my side, but he protected my mother and said that I just had to do what I was told and stop making her mad (as if it was my fault). It was a very difficult decision to move home two years ago, but with my looming debt, and my health drastically failing because I was not managing my own stress, eating habits, while I smoked a pack a day and drank to fall asleep. I have since gone through a great deal of therapy and life style adjustments and I have never been healthier, happier, and mentally sound. It was my father gave me the option two years ago, and said that my rent would help him retire, while I could live close to work and get healthy. My rent didn't help him retire, instead it bought him a motorcycle and a couple of cruises. At 71, he has no intention of retiring. But here's the situation right now. He supports me and says that no matter what decision I make in life I'll always be his son and will support my decisions. I am the only one who can find happiness for myself. To make this transition smooth, I asked if it was possible to lower my rent to just utilities ($300 a month) from $800. When I explained to my mother why I was asking she lost her temper, said that I am just like her, bi-polar, and that this phase I'm just throwing away my secure job as a public school teacher. I told her that it was irrational to project her label onto me without any empirical evidence. The only truth to my situation is that I am working for something I do not believe in, and the past seven years in the school system has been trying. She ended the conversation by saying that I was always just using them. I kept my cool, and said that I would have hoped for a non-emotional extreme response and some parental advice and support. She stormed off to her bedroom and I probably won't see or hear from her for a week. I do not need their approval at all. Reducing my rent would have been extremely helpful. I'm thinking that the next 5 months I have to live here (proximity to work, and I have five months left on my contract at the school before I can move back down to the city) is going to really uncomfortable, but I might just give them what I can ($300) and if they decide to kick me out, the ties will naturally be cut. What would someone do in this situation? I'd appreciate any advice. C
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