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  1. I've been listening to the show much less this previous year, so I can't mark exactly when the change happened. It's been a few weeks now that every time I listen to the show with my earbuds, the sibilance (S noise) is very harsh. I know my earbuds are somewhat sensitive to this issue, which is a common audio issue, but I listen to many podcasts and audiobooks without issue, so it's not the earbuds. I suspect Stefan either uses a Mic that's harsh on sibilance, or just the post-editing should have at least some de-essing done, which is a common post-production edit these days. Especially with audiobooks. Are others using earbuds suffering from this too? I find myself having to listen to the show only when in private, through speakers, sadly. Thanks for the consideration.
  2. I sent an e-mail expressing interest, received return interest in working together, and we made this; the internet is our Guttenburg Press. This is both me showing-off and an offer for anyone else whom would like to collaborate in combating political correctness and insanity from this contemporary culture war.
  3. I was listening to podcast FDR3047 Conquering Stefan’s Ancestors - Call In Show - August 7th, 2015 and I noticed I had trouble understanding what Stef was saying, because his voice was very boomy and the overall sound was quite muddy. My suggestion is to use for example this following tutorial to do a high pass filter EQ. I'm sure you do editing on the voice, but this podcast was very boomy and muddy. I was using a pair of Genelec G Two's behind an Roland UA-25EX for the listening. http://music.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-process-vocals-for-podcasts-or-voiceover--audio-6969
  4. I've mentioned this before but it's been awhile, and this is the first time doing so on the forum I believe. My preferred way to listen to podcasts is audio only via rss feeds I play in iTunes. I listen to almost every podcast FDR publishes and occasionally a video. I have noticed a considerably large variation of audio levels in the podcasts published over the last year to 16 months. The differences are pretty easy to notice. "Normal" levels can be heard on any podcast where Stefan is the guest speaker (Peter Schiff for example). I consider the audio level of those podcasts to be normal because it is very very close to 4 or 5 other podcasts I listen to regularly. Has anyone else noticed this? Why do you suppose the levels are so low on so many of the FDR podcasts?
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