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Found 3 results

  1. My wife and I are having our first child (due July/August). We know a fair bit already (and are down with the peaceful parenting), but - TELL ME EVERYTHING! There's no beginning to end how to manual out there, and so much misinformation. No matter how much we learn and discuss, it never feels like we know enough.
  2. Hi FDR, We, my partner and I, are expecting a tod (delivery date: Mars 2015) and we're thirsty for all kinds of knowledge: How the baby develops throughout the pregnancy and what to think about in different stages, how the environment and emotions/stress-levels of the mother affects the fetus, what to eat/avoid, exercise that prepares for delivery, facts about nursing, how to create a stimulating/safe environment for the baby's development to thrive, etc. etc. Basically anything that you found/could be helpful during pregnancy and the first year(s) with the baby. That is: What books, blogs, YouTube-videos/channels, studies, etc. would you recommend? FYI: Currently in week 10. We're in our mid twenties, have a cat, live in an apartment in the city, don't really exercise on a regular basis but try to live healthy, eat mostly vegetarian (some fish and occasionally meat from "happy" animals), we're going to unschool/radical unschool, mother's a psychologist (father's a passionate bum ). Oh, and we're living in the socialist Mecca, Sweden, where unschooling is illegal, so we have to emigrate (better sooner than later), do you know if we could get political asylum anywhere (U.S/NZ/AUS/Canada). Thanks in advance, lampan
  3. I remember watching an upload where Stef had an "interview/conversation" with a woman about child raising and the woman mentioned that she had a book that came with a bow so that it was perfect for a baby shower gift. I browsed the youtube uploads but have not been able to find that "episode". Can anyone help? If they have a link or remember the name of the woman or the episode? Thank you!!
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