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Found 5 results

  1. Came across as I was doing research (amateur, I'm no scientist) Worth a read here (infogalactic) Mind-boggling, fascinating. Barnsley
  2. Hey everybody, just had an idea for a couple shirts... One would be a white shirt with black font, all caps, saying "K-SELECTED" Another would be "Logical AF" Maybe put the FDR logo somewhere inconspiciously on it if that's cool with the team. So I live in China, and can produce these myself, you can make everything here, but I was wondering if you guys had any interest in these too? Maybe crowdfund 100 or so and then ship em out to someone in the US who can further distribute? I'm gonna make em and wear em here!
  3. I listen to The Art of Manliness Podcast every now and then and I came across this interesting conversation about biological origins of male aggression. I immediately thought of the FDR shows I've heard on the topic and wanted to share. What do you guys think? http://feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/173724074-artofmanliness-86-demonic-males-with-dr-richard-wrangham.mp3
  4. Greatest lecture I've seen clarifying what TRUE depression is. He even mentions childhood issues towards the end.
  5. I wasn't exactly sure what sub-forum to put this in, but this seemed like a decent one. http://m.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2013/11/why-we-fightand-can-we-stop/309525/
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