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Found 11 results

  1. Hi guys! So I enrolled and was accepted to do a post-graduate diploma in journalism at a local university that has a decent reputation. Yes, I know what I'm getting into in terms of Left wing lecturers and the like, I can handle it. My plan is to just bite my tongue and ask good, well pointed, questions. I have already completed two degrees and know the "rules" so to speak. I've looked at the course and it looks solid. I really just want to learn how to be a good journalist, in terms of researching topics, making podcasts/video blogs and things like that. I have thought long and hard about this and it really is the career I want. I enjoy discussing and debating politics and current events and feel like I am a good enough communicator to build a name for myself (with a lot of work obviously). Plus I feel like there is a world of opportunity for journalists/commenters who are not "mainstream" Left wing types. I am also a sport nut, so that's always an option too. I have published a few articles (ten in one, two in another, with a few waiting to be published) in a couple of local magazines. Here are three of them: Hillary Clinton Takes a Stand against bullying. Clementine Ford Hates Words. (Clementine Ford, for those who don't know, is a hard core, over the top, feminist, arguably Australia's biggest. Google her, she's horrendous). Massive Drug Bust to Save us all from Ourselves. I have also started a Facebook page (I am learning how to make good meme's to go with current events), have a minds blog and started a twitter (although this will mainly be for trolling Leftists for now, hah): https://www.facebook.com/MattysModernLife/ https://www.minds.com/MattysModernLife https://twitter.com/MattysModernLyf I also have a YouTube account and will be making videos in the future but I need a lot of practice (lol) - It's here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSrSHgtPBYf4w5j5tXPL_yQ Anyway, I know how much work I'm going to need to do to make it, but figure I can only go one step at a time. Would be awesome to get some feedback and support along the way from like minded people as I know I am going to get plenty of hate.
  2. Here are some notes I wrote on Facebook. I've gotten some positive feedback, including people letting me know that I got them thinking differently. That was very rewarding. Hope you enjoy! https://www.facebook.com/notes/damen-easton-liebling/i-hope-you-are-not-annoyed/10153925659376800 https://www.facebook.com/notes/damen-easton-liebling/message-for-my-bernie-maniacs/10153886968176800 https://www.facebook.com/notes/damen-easton-liebling/on-noam-chomsky-and-anarcho-syndicalsim/10153886948011800 https://www.facebook.com/notes/damen-easton-liebling/anarchy-for-liberals-and-everyone-else/10153653398281800
  3. FYI, I stumbled across this organization/blog led by Dr. Mark Brady who translates social neuroscience into digestible information for parents. What he says strongly corroborates the peaceful parenting message promoted at FDR. ...Future guest? The Three Primary Practices: http://www.committedparent.com/IntroFirstPrimaryPractices.html Committed Parent Blog: https://committedparent.wordpress.com/
  4. Hello good people, I made a new blog post called 'Being Honest About Being Honest'. It's my first real blog so don't give me feedback... okay, maybe a little. If you like the writing you can subscribe at http://unconsciousconnection.com ~Matt
  5. This is a blog I started recently. Feedback is greatly appreciated! www.ftrhuman.blogspot.com
  6. Hello genius philosopher people! I need your help and guidance on a new project I'm undertaking. I'm setting up a website for the thousands of people who are newly being inducted into rational philosophy, psychology and voluntarism through resources like Freedomain Radio. It's going to be a blog, a podcast, a listener call-in, meetups in the UK, a monthly bookclub and in time also a forum. The focus is on living with integrity to our values and connecting both online and offline to build community between us everyday philosophers. First things first, the name. The one I'm liking the most at the moment is Ethical Canary, with the tagline "Virtue is the air we breathe". The name should hopefully capture our shared values of philosophy, self-knowledge and freedom but also focus on connecting as a community. What do you guys n gals think of it? Does it work? Can you think of anything else I can call it? One drawback of my idea is that it requires that everyone understands the metaphorical reference to a canary being used in a mine to test that the air is breathable. I'd love to gather your ideas and put together a poll to so we can vote for the best one. Thanks in advance for your ingenious input! I will no doubt be asking many questions like this in future so I can put the website together using the best suggestions we agree on.
  7. Hi everyone! I started my own website last week and have the goal of increasing traffic and expanding my audience. It's a personal blog about sexual development, paraphilias, fetishes, child development, and self-knowledge. I update it every weekday with new or continuing articles or personal accounts. It was something that I'd discussed with my therapist, and she thought it was a wonderful idea. She felt - and I agree - that I could be a helpful voice for others who have had sexual trauma inflicted upon them and/or have developed a paraphilia or sexual fetish. It really is something I feel I need to offer the world and I want to be successful in doing so. I have to start somewhere and I figured that here is a better place than any to begin. Sometime down the road, I am hoping to start an anonymous "Share Your Story" section of the website. Does that sound valuable? Please, take a look. It's quite nascent and isn't very pretty yet. Not to mention, I'm still working on my writing skills, and I still have much more work to do in regards to self-knowledge. But I hope some of you find it worthwhile, valuable, or useful. Here is the link: http://www.onemoredeviant.com/ Thank you all for taking a gander at this post and hopefully my website! -Greg
  8. Hello guys! I've started to post on my blog again, so thought I'd plug it here since I will be posting stuff on self-knowledge and book reviews Check it out @ http://yeravos.wordpress.com/ !
  9. I wrote an article on why government consumer protection is a danger to society and why private systems would be safer and more efficient. Tell me what you think, you can find it here.
  10. I started a blog before I started reading these forums, but I had stopped when it seemed like I had nothing to write about - writing anything invariably felt like I was plagiarizing somebody around here since the active members seemed better-acquainted with philosophy, voluntaryism, atheism, etc. But I decided to start up again. If you'd like to read the blog and tell me how you think I might be able to improve, I would welcome and greatly appreciate your opinions. http://anarchobenchwarmer.tumblr.com/post/73590034869/liberal-hypocrisy-or-why-i-can-no-longer-stand
  11. http://dinnertimedebates.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-worship-of-reason.html I'm having a debate with my cousin-in-law on the merits of reason and he directed me to his blog. I have a lot of opinions about it, but I'm curious as to what you all might think. Be gentle - he's nice, but misguided, like most Mormons.
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