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  1. So I called into the show Wednesday September 4th, 2013 (podcast 2474) and asked Stef about romantic relationships and finding the right woman. Here is the podcast. My call starts at about 1 hr 4min.http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/FreedomainRadioVolume6/~3/mo7sxiqZzcM/FDR_2474_Wednesday_Show_4_Sep_2013.mp3 I listened from podcast 0 to 500 before that show, and after, 500 to 1190. Needless to say I have a lot of tools to work with, thanks to Stefan and this awesome community. Since that call, I found a wonderful woman and fell completely in love with her, and she with me. Now in all my relationships prior, I used the relationships as a way to not be alone. I didn't do that this time. I was always 100% honest and open, curious, and empathetic. She reciprocated the whole way. Throughout our relationship we never had one fight, but did disagree on a few occasions. We'd tell each other when we got hurt and talk through it. It was by far the most fun I have ever had and the most happy I have been since I was maybe 5 years old. Due to circumstance beyond either of our control, and to the heart break of us both, we realized we had to end our relationship. I've lost my best friend and confidant, and the most amazing person I've ever met. In my prior relationships, I could always look back and see all the horrible mistakes that I made which contributed to the ending of those relationships. In this case, though, while I was not perfect, I feel like I gave everything I had. I was all in for the first time. Neither of us did anything to cause the other person to want to end the relationship. I feel like I've overcome my pattern of seeking out broken women to be in a romantic relationship with and then hiding from them. I feel older. My question is this: Basically, how do you deal with loss when you did nothing wrong? I feel I trained for the Olympic swim team, broke records in qualifying, and on the day of the final meet, broke the world record by 10 seconds, but before I reached the end of the swim they turned all the lights off and closed down the Olympics forever. This is all still very raw for me so I apologize if it's rambling or grandiose or disjointed. Any help on what comes after a healthy yet painful break up would be appreciated. I've never had a healthy break up before. Thanks again FDR, Nathan
  2. I'm writing to inquire if I'm in a healthy place or even on the right path. After reading UPB, RTR, and On Truth, I embarked on listening to podcasts. After 100+ (which I know isn't many), I decided to take action and embark on an exploration of my IFS. Upon doing so, I quickly became disinterested in many things around me. I no longer want to watch movies or documentaries, music can make me extremely emotional, and other than being around co-workers during a work day, there is no social life. I should mention that this timeframe saw the end of a 2 ½ year relationship with my boyfriend. I'm not seeing a therapist, as this isn't something I can financially afford right now, so I'm trying to do this on my own. However, my fear is that I've slipped into a state of depression. I first felt this might be the case, when I kept having this recurring thought that there isn't any point in trying to socialize, as it would be a waste of time since most people around me in my daily round are ghosts. Is it normal to isolate one's self while in this process?
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