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There are many playful coincidences found in nature that appear to tease the question of intelligent design. Probability is a scale of measuring what we can reliably know to be in existence that begins and ends in an illusively infinite place.
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- God
- intelligentdesign
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Hi guys, I have recently found this young man's channel on YouTube: He does conservative satire and I found his content pretty clever and entertaining. I think it might be nice to give his channel some love and attention because goodness knows, leftists have full monopoly when it comes to political satire and comedy. Byron P.S. In case you're wondering: No, I'm not him and I don't even know who he is.
Would love a video about the "Ohh Shit" guy. His story is evolving and the truth is a tragic comedy. Now it seems that, not only is he doing treasonous acts, but he was also asking how to commit them on a public image board site known as "reddit". The reality of this 'Clinton farce' is right in your face and it must be really hard for Americans and many others to swallow.
I love the art of comedy, but I feel most people aren't interested in going to comedy clubs. An inkling tells me this is because most clubs need to change; may it be food, prices, structure, whatever. I'd appreciate you to take time out of your day to help me understand this issue more deeply. If you have any suggestions feel free to post them!
So, I found this video and I want to share it with the FDR community. It's most connected to religion and how it traditions seem to be carried out in early human history. I hope you all enjoyed it!!!
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- vikingatheism
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Hey everyone! I apologize if I'm lambasting a sacred cow here, but I just came across a video about Queen's lyrics that was pretty funny. I hope you guys enjoy it!
The site itself: The one with Stefan in it:
I like It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia because of the memorable characters, unique humor and just outright bizarre mentality of the show. Favorite character is probably Mac. Do you like the show? If you do, favorite character? If you haven't seen it yet, it's available on Netflix and season 10 starts on January 14 at 10PM EST on FXX in the United States at least. Thanks for reading and have a great day!
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- iasip
- stefan molyneux
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My assertion is that comedy and quantum mechanics have a common basis. I was listening to Stefan's thoughts on comedy or humour (the Canadian spelling), as well as those on sophistry and first principles (great descriptions). There is always a hidden element to our actions and feelings, and Stefan works to discover it - always relying on first principles. My question to anyone who might be even slightly interested is whether or not my assertion at the top works through first principles, and is not just sophistry? My steps in this argument are: 1. I need to show that there is a definable relationship between mathematical symbols and those of language. My answer is that the relationship is the difference between what is "fungible" and "non-fungible". Example: money is fungible since it is used for anything. Equally, numbers and mathematical symbols, in general, are "fungible" or "universal" for what they refer to. On the contrary, linguistic symbols are "not fungible". For example the noun "dog" refers only to dog, and is not a universal symbol for anything else (other animals, etc). Thus, mathematical "strings of information" are based on a system of fungible symbols and linguistic "strings" are based on non-fungible symbols. This is why we can tell stories with linguistic symbols but not so with mathematical symbols. 2. Quantum structure can be extremely complex depending on the number of elements in the given structure. However, the simplest form of such structure is one in which there are only two elements. Example, each photon (of light) has two forms - "particle" and "wave", and they are paradoxical in their forms. No one has ever been able to define the relationship between them, even though they refer to the same phenomenon. This is the issue of wave/particle duality. We should be able to say that we are looking at the same thing but from a different angle or perspective when one changes to the other. However, no physicist has every been able to do this. There is no way to define the smooth mathematical transformation between these two perspectives. The best even Einstein could do was use the phrase "spooky action at a distance" - not exactly a mathematical description. 3. Humour (comedy), also has as its basis two parts that are paradoxically composed but refer to the same thing. For example - Question: what did the Zen Master say to the hot dog vendor? Answer: "make me one with everything". There are two meanings that have no relationship to each other yet refer to the same thing - the single request by the Zen Master. We laugh as a pleasant (but nervous) form of response to the relationship we cannot interpret rationally. Both of the above examples (one of quantum structure and the other of humour) have two parts that are incongruous or paradoxical (the juxtaposition of the incongruous). The quantum structure is based on a system of fungible symbols and the humour is based on a system that is not fungible. My conclusion is that these two examples share a common basis of internal structure, and the difference between them, in their common structure, is the flipping of relationship for the property of "fungiblity" (from fungible to non-fungible). Looking at this in a very large philosophical perspective (it might be sophistry, but I think not), this small example hints that our entire universe, physical and in experience is one entity which we view from individual paradoxical perspectives. This is what creates the great diversity of life, but it is all linked as one, no matter how unrelated the parts appear on the surface to our observation.
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- comedy
- quantum mechanics
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A comedy sketch that epitomises the effects of US foreign policy.
- Foreign policy
- US
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Has anyone watched this great Canadian dramedy series called Being Erica? It's about a 30 year old woman who is too bright and beautiful for the dead end jobs she works at, and still single--meanwhile, the rest of her friends and family are beginning to piece their careers and marriages together. Lagging behind them and getting stuck in a rut of disappointment, she meets Dr. Tom; an insightful therapist who has the power to send her back in time. She begins by writing a long list of regrets, and in each session, she gets to undo her mistakes--while sometimes even making new ones that rewrite her history. Ultimately, whatever she's dealing with in her present life, the past regrets she gets to revisit are reflections of lessons she needs to learn and apply. The greatest thing about it...the therapy sessions sneak up on her unexpectedly! She'll be going about her business, but once a problem in her present life arises, any door, anywhere, and at anytime could lead into Dr. Tom's office. For anyone who is interested in self knowledge, therapy, and philosophy in general, and of course enjoys watching some meaningful entertainment, I would say that Being Erica would be right up your alley. Every episode is an epiphany that touches upon the philosophical principles we learn here at FDR; from Real Time Relationships and Universally Preferable Behaviour. The show explores human relationships, personal ambition and personal integrity quite realistically. IT...just has some of the most powerful writing that not many shows can compare to. ANYWAYS, that's enough of my salespitch, I've been enjoying watching it and just wanted to share.
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Sometimes, when the feminist propaganda gets unbearably crazy, it helps me to remember that all this is ripe for satire. To this end, I have created a character called Ms. LonelyHearts, who appears from time to time on my channel (The Critical G) Rather than invent feminism strawmen, Ms. LonelyHearts simply reads feminists' own words with a little more drama than they might have intended.Here's hoping it gives you a few laughs!Dramatic Reading of "Schrödinger's Rapist" by Miss LonelyHearts Reading of Adria Richards' Donglegate Blog Post by Miss LonelyHearts Dramatic Reading by Miss Lonelyhearts: "PIV Is Always Rape, OK?" (Witchwind) -- Alexander
This humoristic sketch might be helpful to those who want to share this unpopular idea that hitting children is wrong. WKUK - Season 5 - Spanking Dads