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Found 2 results

  1. Trump's lack of consistent culturist thought hurt him tonight. My new article places him in the racist Alt-Right / culturist Alt-Light spectrum. In summary, rather than consistently being culturist and saying Islam and black thug culture are horrid, he pussyfoots and tries to avoid being called 'racist. Trump be CULTURIST! This article explains more: http://alternative-right.blogspot.com/2016/09/alt-right-alt-lite-and-fuzziness-of.html#disqus_thread
  2. Hi All, I am an American academic refugee, living and teaching in Korea. And, sad to say, even here, an American tried to have me fired for my political views. I am primarily a promoter of the philosophy of 'culturism'. Culturism is the opposite of multiculturalism. And, I suggest, when people call us 'racist,' we don't just deny it, we explain that we are 'culturist.' If the Left admits cultural diversity is real, we should be clear to rationally discuss it. More on this topic can be found on www.culturism.us. I am also a promoter of the first person to be called a 'culturist,' Matthew Arnold (1822 - 1888) . He was a great British culturist. And, he has a lot to teach us today. More on him is at www.matthewarnold.us. I happened upon Stefan Molyneux like everyone else. I love so many of his videos. I turn to him for news insight and buy books on his recommendation. His work especially helped me by introducing me to r/K theory. And, of course, his thoroughness itself is inspiring. Nice to meet you all, John Press
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