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Found 6 results

  1. I recently discovered the concept of Positive Disintegration from a COMMENT written on a post on DangerandPlay.com (said post is linked below) https://www.dangerandplay.com/2014/08/20/challenges-of-being-a-gifted-man/ After lots of reading and delving into the concepts Dabroski describes, I immediately related with most of the specific ideas therein. When viewed through the lens of Positive Disintegration, my own life from age 21-24 came into focus and finally makes sense. During those years I experienced a period of severe depression that was disproportional to any actual problems in my life. I "cured" myself of depression through self knowledge, self education, and my own form of "mindset" training. ( I had not yet taken The Red Pill ) I now believe that it was not an accident that I discovered FreedomainRadio and other similar resources AFTER I went through the intense, volitional physiological development described in the theory of Positive Disintegration. I am very curious to hear peoples thoughts on this, and any related personal anecdotes are appreciated. This is my first post on FDR, so I apologize if I sound like a total "noob" in this post. Link to a good starting point for learning about Positive Disintegration: http://www.positivedisintegration.com/#overview Cheers!
  2. Hey FDR community! I am reaching out today because I am extremely interested in starting a small community of developers, hackers, technologists and futurists who share the same values. I think a community of highly intelligent, capable and passionate individuals - in both tech and freedom - would be awesome. Not only can we get to know each other and make friends with others who share the same interests; but we will also have the opportunity to talk about newest innovations, projects we ourselves are working on and even collaborate with others! Ultimately I would love to get to know you, get a chance to work with great people on cool, liberty-oriented, money-making, open source projects. Let me know! Slack link: technophilosophers.stamplayapp.com
  3. Hi, Stefan have presented so much good info about peaceful parenting during the years, that sometimes I get lost in all the material. Which podcast would be the best on info/facts about yelling at kids and the effect on brain development? Any advices? Or other links to studies? I have this Facebook-discussion currently with people claiming that yelling to kids is important when they "do not behave" and stupid arguments like that, and I will present only the best facts and direct them to best possible material/studies. Although, some of the people discussing with me, say "what if the studies are wrong" .. haha oh my, please help me guys, please help me :)
  4. Okay, okay my fellow Earthlings. I would say, that I am not the funniest guy in the world and to this day I am still looking for my funny bones. I mean I am so desperate to see a funny bone, come on please!!! (I heard the larger one is shaped like a clown's horn and the smaller one like a depressed and bitter stand up comedian) LOL I try, I try. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had some researched knowledge and understanding of global language delay/dyspraxia as a means of a diagnosis? As a child, I was diagnosed with the above and this indeed had a shaping on my life (I.e. physiotherapy, pencil grips, getting called out of class). Apparently, I was later than average (by how much? I will need to look that up) as an infant in reaching milestones such as walking, talking and more. So does anyone have any insights into dyspraxia/global language delay? Thank you so much, greeneyes
  5. When I was 8 I thought that the past was all in black and white.
  6. New video in the series on self-esteem: the development of self-esteem. What is important to the development—or misdevelopment—of one's self-esteem and to one's mental health in general. It's probably the most important video in the series so far.
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