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*The following is intended as the basis for a discussion in a local philosophy group I intend to hold. Opinions and feedback much appreciated* Why Study Philosophy?There are many reasons to study philosophy, from moral, to practical, to hedonistic/Epicurean (the philosophy of pleasure associated with 3rd century B.C. garden philosopher, Epicurus), to scientific, to even religious.Once we recognize that we don't know the ultimate answers to the most ultimate questions about how we should live, and the nature of the Divine and reality in general, the remaining desire to live a morally good life, a pious life, a happy life, of even simply an honest life, seems to compel us, as the great philosopher, Socrates, (who said 'All I know is I know nothing') famously maintained, to devote ourselves to this quest. In fact, as Plato famously argued, our ordinary, pre-philosophic beliefs are similar to living in a dark cave never having once glimpsed the light; we simply grow up acquiring beliefs much like an uncleaned shelf acquires dust over the years, never inquiring into the their ultimate basis. We are like a tree already with a trunk and branches but poorly formed roots. Thus often our self-value and sense of meaning in life is very precarious, because we are literally living a lie. This is the ultimate source of much of the rage and despair we see in people today. Even if the quest for an ultimate basis of our beliefs may turn out to be partly elusive, it seems that human beings, or at least some of them, have a great longing for such a basis that compels us to make this quest for the satisfaction of our own conscience, a quest that can be enormously therapeutic and by which we can come to know what Leo Strauss called 'the true human community', which due to the inherently separate and private nature of the body, can only ever be a community of thought, of ideas, or of the mind.Science today, just like religion in the past, claims to be an authoritative source of knowledge. It claims to be unlike religion in being based on a rigorous method of experiment and observation which all but guarantees its validity. However, until we have thoroughly investigated such claims in the light of ultimate questions about what knowledge is and how it can ever be securely obtained, it cannot or should not have any binding force over us. In matter of fact, there is widespread dispute and controvery even within the scientific community itself about the reliability of much of the research published even in its most eminent journals, especially regarding the social sciences. And stories of corruption abound. Therefore, while certainly an important part of our culture that has led to many technological and material advances, it does not seem that 'Science' is a very sure foundation of knowledge. And this is even more true in the domain of values, of which science itself generally admits to being an incapable arbiter and in which the biases of Power and Custom still heavily distort things.Yet the notion that Facts and Values are totally incommunicable with/ irreducible to one another is a highly dubious, if not outright fallacious modern notion that we must be sure does not go unchallenged. in order to create or discover values that are in accord with our ultimate happiness, to realize our true will, to be effective in the world, we have to understand the nature of the machine we are dealing with as best we can. And that includes, most crucially of all, the machine that we ourselves are. One wouldn't try getting into the cockpit and flying a plane if one had never studied it, so why do we think we can operate the most complex machine in the known universe, the human brain, without similarly studying and coming to understand human nature? And the nature of society which has shaped us, and provides much of the domain for meaningful action? That is why these are questions which have long dominated philosophy as well as more recent modern day 'Science', and we shall be paying particular attention to them in our own inquiries.Thus, philosophy is not merely a moral or scientific imperative (though it certainly is that), but essential to our own happiness and sense of mental and physical well-being. It is not really some specialized 'discipline', as it is often distorted as today, (or merely a collective endeavour in the manner of 'Science'), but actually a crucial stage in all of our individual and collective development. That is also why it has often been described as 'a way of life', since the questions it raises are deep waters which one can easily devote a whole life time to trying to unravel; and thereby doing, one will undoubtedly perform a most invaluable social function, an 'archetype' (to quote C. G. Jung) of acting as a guide to truth and the best manner of life for others - for according to many, the function of a philosopher, as he who views 'the Truth' as it really is, is almost inseparable from spiritual leader or law-giver for a whole society, or even, nowadays, the whole of humankind. However, we seek to have as many 'leaders' as we can! Particularly for the young (although potentially at almost any age), it marks their coming into their own and discovering themselves anew, after a life time of socially inculcated programming, permitting a form of direct and intimate connection with the truth, with reality that can be hugely inspiring and empowering, rather than the extremely mediated manner, via institutions of power, which we are used to. This is one of the reasons why philosophy or the life of free thought is often put forward as the good or happy life, since it allows for an almost 'god-like' sense of self-sufficiency and spiritual independence on the part of its practicioners that makes them a blessing to both themselves and to those around them. That is why I do not urge people to simply become 'readers of philosophy' deferring to tradition or popular currents but active philosophers in their own right relying as much as possible on their own steam; in other words, since the nature of reality is individual, the quest for meaning itself is not an abstract, bloodless quest that others can do for you, but fundamentally the most vital and potentially life-changing question of all: 'what is MY meaning?', which though some may find challenging and can certainly be informed by the thoughts of others, (as we will do very much in this course by studying the Great Works), the beauty of it is that it is also essentially a matter of harking to responses of one's own heart, which many of us have suppressed for far too long to the detriment of our own sense of self-worth and happiness. Lastly, the love and facility for questioning and multiple perspectives and answers it opens up acts as a tremendous vaccine against censorious fanaticism, to which we as a society today are becoming increasingly once again prey, as we have so many times before. This is just one more reason why it is so crucial that all young people today be taught philosophy, which in a supposedly 'free society' represents the basis of true, (rather than merely ideologically stated), freedom and sense of mental and even physical well-being.
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Hi all I've become a big fan of Stefan's podcasts over the past 6-12 months. He, along with other prominent thinkers, has opened my eyes to powerful ways of viewing the world. I've attempting to start contributing some ideas of my own. I feel like I am merely pulling ideas of intellectual 'giants', but it has been fun nonetheless. I've been doing this primarily on the blockchain blogging site It's a great concept and I recommend supporting the platform. My latest piece on there is titled 'The Case for Freedom - Welfare Edition' Feel free to check it out Cheers Ryan
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I have posted a thread asking the question a while ago "which country is best?" It was meant to be a completely open question, and I received a lot of replies. Most emphasised the importance of NO GVERNMENT as a prerequisite for a moral society. So I have been doing some research and reading Practical Anarchy and Everyday Anarchy to broaden my horizons. Here are the countries I have narrowed down my search to, and would like to get a few opinions on which is truly the closest candidate. Here are the largely undisputed data. Please add a few criteria if there are any. There seems to be 5 main requirements for an ancap paradise: (I deliberately used data only from wikipedia, as they have the lowest possibility of being controversial) 0. No government. Everyone fails this one, so I won't include it. 1. Freedom of education. This is pretty hard to quantify so I only gave them general rankings. 2. Economic freedom. This is probably the most important one. Sadly, there is only quite unreliable data out there. 3. Absolutist ideology. Sorry, so far any form of atheism is not one. Only contemporary powerful ideologies count. 4. Moral population. Respect for the NAP. 5. Strong Population. Not gross strength, but strength per capita in the given geopolitical predicament . What good is a society if they can't defend themselves, amaright?
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]Metpaoltical members here about convicne others ab Question about the community W the possibiltiy of a small mocment ith Family members.... They tend to not be very brithg with regards to of laws.... They woudl have been basically RINOs had and his brother telling them to vote for Trump last year (I am using the term year a bit losley thoug... 1 year and three or so months ) A way to help people (and by this I mean only loved ones, friends, and itnitmate, not strangers) realize that the "elephant" of Law has no clothes (white elephant, elephant in the room, emperor with no clothes... I mixd them all together apparently) People who live their live honestly believing for because they don't know any better... .. The legalism is written too deeply into their to see the freedom Ala the "Philosophy of Freedom", minus all of his Insane New-Age woo Garbage. they are only interest in the benefit towards their own group... Of a PSubset of Libertartianism..... I hav ebeen trying to contact distant Friends as well as former contacts of a certain organization, abotu the psosibiltiy. I fear that their may make them immune to .......the others tend to be insanely liberla about many thigns, but they sense abo
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- anti-legalism
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For a while, I've been exploring the subject of freedom and lately I have immersed myself in the topic of liberty and the libertarian philosophy. I work as a pharmacy technician to pay for my university. At work, as in every waking hour, I am a guy that keeps talking and analyzing questions and situations. Sometimes I feel like I talk more in a day then Stephane =P. For the past few months I have decided to analyse everything through a libertarian lens and I have found that everything (politic, economy, right/wrong, family, education...) becomes so clear and easy to understand and the solutions are simple to find. There is no more relativism. Like the universal preferable behavior tells us, an action can not be good and bad at the same time. So I have started to observe the reaction of people around me. - I would say that 90% of people dont give a shit about freedom and about living in a moral fashion. All they care about is earning $$$, having a house and a car, and to have fun. - A small minority, mostly women, want everything and everyone to be regulated and control by some dictator. - And then there are people who do not have a backbone. Who do not mind if freedoms are taken away from them, they dont care if small injustices are done to them. As long as they are taken care of, they are fine. I can count on my fingers, the number of people who truly care about their natural rights, who cannot stand coercion in any form and who are intelligent enough to see that we dont need a big government, we are even better off without the presence of the government. Very few believe in the free market and most believe that capitalism is a F word. This has become so bad, that I believe that I am turning into a libertarian snob. I'm my mind, I just cannot accept that someone who doesnt give a shit about his rights and freedoms can be my equal. What kind of birth defect or mental retardation has led them to be such agreeable slaves. This is when I take 2 steps back and realize that I am going into a bad zone. I realize that it is disgusting to look down on people. That I am wrong. But at the same time, I realize that they are contributing to the problem. They are grown this cancer call the government. They are the ones who are going to deprive my future kids of their freedoms. Sorry to leave you guys hanging on this question, but I have not found the answer to this dilemma yet. =(
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First I live in Calgary, AB, Canada. In the last 5 years, we have moved from relatively free to as close to communist as we can get. The debt that our province has added in the last 2.5 years is at the fastest rate ever in Canadian history. I might be delusional but I have decided to take the plunge and run for city council - Cities do not have the gangster like issue of political parties. I would appreciate thoughts on what issues would be the GATEWAY concepts to FREEDOM... Please understand that anarco capitalist ideas will not win an election... Please share your 'Gateway Drugs to Freedom'. I want to promote freedom, increase accountablity, and help people wake up to the fact that big government reduces all we are and can be. What were your red pill concepts. Thanks Mark
From: This almost perfectly describes my childhood into adulthood. In common with the author, I have begun recovery on my own terms and I am now in a very good place. The best standard of life I have ever had. And, just like him, there can and will be no going back. I am posting this out of the hope that it may help someone else here. Also, I would greatly appreciate comments from anyone else that has gone through this themselves or is learned in the subject. I think it can be hard for many to understand the carnage such an upbringing can bring and that it can perpetuate into the future. That is, of course, unless an individual, like myself, takes the measures necessary and does the work necessary to change the script. I have alot of hard graft under my belt and I approach the future on my own terms. THE ABSENT FATHER AND THE DEVOURING MOTHER January 17, 2014 The title of this post comes from the first two chapters of the book – Going Mad to Stay Sane: The Psychology of Self-Destructive Behaviour by Andy White. It is one of my favourite books as it explained my parents to me so well and so clearly that there were moments when I wondered if the author knew them as I did. He also helped to explain myself, my behaviour, self hate, self-destructiveness, and otherwise, to me and show me the roots of it and how to deprogram myself. The book is out of print, hard to find and expensive if you do find it. However I have written to the author and he replied to say that he is about to publish a new book and is also working on getting Going Mad to Stay Sane reprinted and perhaps also available as an ebook. His publishers might need a bit of encouragement regarding the reprint based on supply and demand. I did consider starting a petition… I will let you know if and when the book is available in case you are interested. I feel slightly guilty for recommending it to people because of how important a part it played in my self-therapy, but I don’t regret recommending it and I hope you’ll soon have access to it at an affordable price. The author uses mythology – The story of Midas – to give insight into the psychology behind self-destructiveness. This mythological perspective is invaluable for those who are children of Narcissists, because Narcissists are living a mythical life. They are living a lie, but that lie is very grandiose, larger than life, of mythic, epic and legendary proportions. The use of mythology was the difference which made reading this book clarify my confusion. I have read a lot about Narcissists and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The best information I have had has come from children of Narcissists who have written about their experiences. The information which comes from psychologists I have usually found to be too clinical and logical, reflecting the professionalism of the author and their need to appear professional, detached from and above it all, sane and healthy, and show that they understand the subject and the patients affected by it. But this is not helpful to those affected by those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder because there is nothing sane or logical or clinical or healthy about it. Not when you live with it as a victim of Narcissists. It’s a confusing mess which seems impossible to clarify and tidy – a Gordian Knot. As much as other authors have captured the basics of Narcissists, Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Narcissistic parents, they rarely understand what it is like to be completely screwed up by it and fight to stay afloat in a quagmire which is both outside and inside of you. They never explained Narcissistic Personality Disorder as a living and breathing experience. And they certainly never captured what it feels like to grow up in such an environment where you are a tiny thing being lorded over by giants who think they are gods who own you, and who create a surreal version of reality populated by mythical quests and mythological creatures that you have to carry out and conquer for the Narcissists. And they never charted the course of the child’s psychological development as it tries to cope with the illogical reality, the paradoxes and irreconcilable conflicts, imposed on it from the moment it is born, and how to survive that child must split itself and deny itself, and learn to loathe itself, and sacrifice itself on the altar of its parents fantastical illusions and imagined greatness. “The awful contradiction in expectations that Gordius (ed: Midas’ Absent Father) and Cybele (ed: Midas’ Devouring Mother) have of their son, coupled with the utterly polarised views that each parent holds of Midas, threaten to tear him in two. He cannot succeed in the eyes of one parent without damning himself in the eyes of the other. Gordius relates to Midas as a failure. Cybele relates to him as a personal saviour. Gordius uses his authority to dismiss, Cybele uses hers to possess. Gordius withholds his blessing because Midas has fallen short precisely in those realms that Cybele demands that he must fail, in his autonomy and individuality. Gordius is cold and disinterested, utterly dismissive of Midas’ fate except that he should divest Gordius of his depression and low self-esteem. Cybele is the opposite, hysterical and invasive, holding the threat of her wrath over Midas should he have any aspiration towards his own independence, crushing his free spirit with her neediness and anxiety. If Midas embodies the hero demanded of him by Gordius with its connotations of personal mastery, ingenuity and leadership, those qualities personified by the transcending spirit of Alexander (ed: who slices the Gordian Knot with his sword and inherits the kingdom), he must betray Cybele whose covert injunction it is that he live life in her service. If he renounces his independence and personal potency in order to kindle his Mother’s affections then he fails in Gordius’ eyes and earns only his father’s contempt. Midas is caught in a trap. His true self is not only under attack but also caught in a crossfire. His only hope is to internalise this crossfire and to make of his soul a battlefield where the remnants of his own authority are firmly trampled into the irreconcilable mud of a profoundly self-destructive neurosis.” – ©Andy White – Going Mad to Stay Sane – Chapter 3 Self-Hatred: A Legacy. When the father is absent, physically, mentally, emotionally, etc, from the child’s life it leaves a void. This void isn’t empty, it is filled with longing, yearning need. The child seeks to make a connection with the father in some way, any way possible. Whatever the child has to do to win the father’s love has to be done even if it means sacrificing everything that belongs to the child as an individual being and becoming someone else to please the father. The space left by an absent father gives the mother more space in the family to take over and devour the child in whatever way she pleases and chooses, usually driven by the mother’s needs for which she seeks fulfillment by and through the child. The child has to allow the mother to devour it because it is the only form of love and connection it can have with the mother. And it is the only way to survive with a mother like that. She devours the child whether it is willing or not, being willing makes it a little bit less traumatic, but not by much. When confronted about his absence by the child, the absent father often plays the victim and blames the mother – the mother may be at fault, probably is, as she often shares with her child her grief and anger at the father, making the child responsible for it and for her emotions and needs – the child of a devouring mother and absent father may be turned into a surrogate spouse by the mother. However when the father blames the mother for his absence, he also blames the child. He is basically telling the child that it must challenge and fight its mother to win the father’s love and attention because the father is too weak to fight the mother to be with his child. What is the child to do? When the mother is confronted… not something the child does very often due to the way she reacts, but should the child be bold enough to do so, the mother blames the father, thus blaming the child. The mother quite likes these sorts of confrontations because it gives her another opportunity to devour her child and to justify the devouring. She had to fill the space vacated by the father, play the roles of mother and father, the child needs to be eternally grateful for the invasive devouring love of the mother. The child owes the mother its life. And then she points out that the father obviously does not love the child or he would be there for the child regardless of how he feels about the mother and how she feels about him. She has tried to protect the child from the awful truth that the father does not love it, but since the child has confronted her, all must now be revealed. What is a child to do? The extract from Going Mad to Stay Sane above completely describes my relationship with my parents and how it affected me. I’ve spoken about it at length in many of my posts so I won’t elaborate on it here. Even when I cut off all contact with my parents, the dynamic continued inside of me threatening my new life, and inspiring self-sabotage of myself and of any relationships I had with others. It’s been a long, hard and exhausting battle to free myself from my legacy of self-hatred, to stop my urge to self-destruct, and to deprogram myself from the cult of my family, my absent father and my devouring mother. It’s become less of a battle now and more of a jousting contest. It’s been worth it. If you have been affected by parents like mine and similar issues as those which I have and have had… don’t give up on yourself, you have great strength and a very resilient spirit. You have a rich reserve within you of personal power, and once you tap into it, your life will become yours, gradually at first, baby step by baby step, and slowly it will pick up momentum. The hardest step is the first one, that’s when you cross the threshold from victim into victor. The victiory will take time and the campaign will be a long one. Have patience with yourself. Be determined. You may falter at times. Be gentle and compassionate with yourself. You will make it. Trust yourself. The process to heal yourself and your life is painful, difficult and challenging, but one of the gifts in the curse which your experiences have given you is the knowledge that you are a survivor, you can face anything if you want to, and now you are ready to thrive. Take care of yourself.
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- Narcissistic parents
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I was looking at the riots in Venezuela. There was a police truck that rammed a group of protesters and when it backed off, there were people stuck under the truck. I was talking about these events with my family and my father said something that made no sense whatsoever. To make a short summery of the conversation, I was telling him that people are oppressed and starving and that they are trying to leave the country to find shelter in Colombia, but that the Venezuela government is not allowing them. My father said that the government doesn't have a choice. My answer was that these people have nothing to loose. They are desperate. The Venezuela government is tyrannical because he is denying them their natural rights (in this case, the right to seek refuge in order to preserve their life) and that this government is doing it through coercion using the police and army to oppress the people. This brings me back to the words of John Locke. That every men possesses natural rights. These rights are to have freedom, to own property and the ability to pursuit happiness. If a government uses coercion to deny an individual these rights, then the government must be altered or replaced. There are some parallels to be made with the presidency of Ab Lincoln. Lincoln took control of the state for his own self interest. He had all the senators that opposed him arrested. He arrested the journalists that denounced his tyranny. And through Lincoln's madness 800 000 Americans died. It can also be debated that he was going to restart the war in order to stay into office. One man took the principals of John Locke to the letter and blew the brains out of this tyrant, thus saving what was left of the country. John Wilkes Booth took it upon himself to replace a government that used the coercion of the army on it's own people. BTW, nice shot John =) So, to the people of Venezuela. If I was to give you an advice concerning your situation, I would quote the words: ''Sic Semper Tyrannis''
- The US gov has seized one of the most popular crypto exchange sites "" I personally used it for its wide crypto selection and ability to quickly exchange cryptos. I had around 1% of my net worth on there for convenience since I do trade crypto a lot and like to take risks. Luckily from the Mt. Gox experience, I learned to store the bulk of my crypto on cold storage and never keep large amounts of crypto on these exchange sites. The US gov is also claiming Mt Gox and this website is connected. I have a few friends who lost a lot of their money due to this. Here is a petition if anyone here cares to sign I dont know how active Crypto is in this community. But the US government seems to be in full attack mode., the main US exchange site has been asked by the IRS to hand over customer data. I used to use coinbase until they asked for my ID. Bitcoin has also been expecting a fork soon. Overall, its pretty excited to see how this all plays out.
I sent an e-mail expressing interest, received return interest in working together, and we made this; the internet is our Guttenburg Press. This is both me showing-off and an offer for anyone else whom would like to collaborate in combating political correctness and insanity from this contemporary culture war.
Hi Stefan, Let me start by saying that I love your podcasts and that I find them absolutely necessary to cure this world from madness and to bring back reason and evidence. These past few years I have tried to turn back the tide that is threatening the west by debating and having discussions with people online and in my everyday life. I have observed that when I argue with them, even the strongest leftist or the most stuck up conservative can accept their share of truth until you reach a wall of what they are no longer able to accept. I am still convinced that we can heal this world in a none violent way with the weight of good ideas. Like they say, the truth will set us free. At the same time, I have unsubscribed to some channels that fear monger everyday about urgent news that we are under attack from the deep state that we need to pray and be ready to fight for our freedom. It might be true, but it is not in my power to go stand next to Trump with a shotgun to protect him and he is able to hire more qualified people to protect him. This fear baiting that Alex Jones does paints a very negative view of the world and I believe that it is only draining the energy of the conservatives. We also have to understand that if we live in a constant state of fear, like we have known during the cold war, that this creates more r selection type individuals. No, I believe that change is done in the way we live our lives every day. It could be argued that by being an example that seeking truth, to coexist peacefully with your neighbours, to be fair and just, and basically to be a pillar of your society, by doing that you become the evidence that libertarianism and conservatism is a successful way of life and you have a greater impact on the future of your civilisation that some nut that runs to the enemy with his rifle in hands screaming ‘’GOD WILLS IT’’. Through my debates and discussions I came to the conclusion that, even if you debunk the idiotic ideas of the left, you are only holding back the tide and not pushing it back. I came to the conclusion that we are either missing something in our argumentation or we are doing something wrong. So this summer I have focused on the topic of freedom. I have read the ‘’treaty of the second government’’ by John Locke, ‘’The Law’’ by Frederic Bastiat, I’m currently going through ‘’the liberal mind’’ by David Boaz, and through ‘’the universal preferable behaviour’’. I have notice a reoccurring libertarian concept that is not regularly touched on that might be more essential then we think. This concept is that in a free market economy, the market auto regulates itself. This concept is often called spontaneous order. This idea that the consumer and the producer have a constant exchange in which one adjust its prices to what the other consider a reasonable price for the item and the service and adjust their prices to the cost of production and to generate a profit. This spontaneous order can also be applied to ethics. If a company produces cheap good, but have a terrible work ethic, abuses children, or destroys the environment, then the consumer might decide to pay more for the same good provided by a company with more ethics. I believe that the concept of spontaneous order is essential to debunking the left, because the argument they regularly hide behind is that ‘’the right doesn’t care for the poor; the right doesn’t care about the environment; if there was a free market, you wouldn’t have welfare for the poor’’. All these assumptions are false. In a free market economy, the market more quickly to the needs of the consumers and, with fewer regulations, it generates more wealth, thus less poor people. As a scientist (I’m a student in biochemistry) I understand that, for the left, spontaneous order seems as magical as the concept of spontaneous generation. I believe that historical facts about the free market need to be brought back to the light of day as evidence of the existence of the spontaneous order. I have watched your presentations called ‘’the genes war’’ and ‘’the fall of Rome’’. They were both brilliantly presented. And the message is clear. The welfare state produces a false sense of abundance that triggers an epigenetic mechanism that favours the r selection type organism. These organisms are unable to identify threats and have no in-group preferences necessary to combat these threats. So before we become the next Rome, we must increase the number of K selection types in our population. With enough K types in our population we will be able to vote sensible laws that will fix our borders and return to a free market economy. Then the hostile migrants will have no choice but to return to the 3rd world being unable to earn a living in a competitive economy. I believe that libertarian ideas are the only way we can affect the r/K balance in our society.
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I'm building a MobileApp similar to Uber which will enable everyone to have access to all forms of security services & become a provider themselves. The goal is to change the monopoly of Government provided safety services, by building a decentralized (unstoppable) safety services exchange w/ service provider reputation, similar to Uber. What Uber has done for taxis UberGuard will do for safety, including "collective defense" or large-scale threat mitigation. This system will implement ideas based upon: DROs - Dispute Resolution Organizations - typical 3rd party arbitors which can used by freemarket participants to define who will resolves disputes Safety centric Insurance - restitution for all losses, provides public records (similar to credit scores) for thieves so they are motivated to pay back their debt from theft or breach of contract Independent Bodyguards - this service will provide a complete exchange & reputation system so anyone can provide bodyguard services for those who desire them. Security guards - larger scale security operations for corps or neighborhoods Private investigators (PIs) - function as they do today, but without constraints of current gov controls, they are responsible to you & the market. Fire services - similar to today, however they will be much more efficient & likely organized by or funded by insurance plans We'll have more on the development as it matures, along with videos every step of the way to explain it to other developers & the users. Our goal is to build all the freemarket solutions necessary to actually implement freedom today. By using the leverage of market realities, we will drive people to behave rationally (non-violent) as they will not be able to compete / survive in the world, unless they do. Our decentralized p2p centric solutions will build a system of incentives & disincentives which drive non-violent behavior & irrational actors will be priced out of the market & forced to adapt. Join us: Like, Subscribe, Share, Donate to fuel the development of Freedom, today.
Interview with Adam Kokesh: shares his Solution for Freedom - #Freedom2020 campaign to Peacefully & Orderly dissolve the #US#Government. I'd love everyone's thoughts, feedback, & comments on the video, the interview, & my show in general- thanks!
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- Adam Kokesh
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Stefan, You want to engage with people... I'm telling you, you can engage with people BETTER!!! 1) Put ads on your videos 2) Film your videos in an actual set. Don't put a blank, white, wall and your handsome face as the only thing I am seeing. 3) Get decent lighting. These are things that I am demanding as a subscriber of over 6 years! If you want to spread your message, stop creating crap for people to watch (no criticism here regarding the substantive message) and start generating revenue so that you can increase your viewership. Get real!!! My preferential suggestions: 1) Paint your wall a bold color. 2) Adjust lighting so it illuminates one side of your face more than the other. 3) Put framed pictures of philosophers who influenced your life on the wall behind you. 4) Use studio lights to illuminate those pictures exclusively while keeping the painted wall in shadow. 5) Place the camera so the pictures behind you are slightly out of focus but still recognizable while your head and shoulders are perfectly in focus. 6) Put a sofa with some pillows in the background, under the framed pictures, in order to demonstrate that your channel is a place of comfort for your viewers. 7) Use rope light behind the couch to illuminate the frame of the sofa so that it is easily visible for your audience. These changes will dramatically increase your number of subscribers. PUT ADS ON YOUR VIDEOS TO FUND THIS!!!!!!!!!
Hey FDR community! I am reaching out today because I am extremely interested in starting a small community of developers, hackers, technologists and futurists who share the same values. I think a community of highly intelligent, capable and passionate individuals - in both tech and freedom - would be awesome. Not only can we get to know each other and make friends with others who share the same interests; but we will also have the opportunity to talk about newest innovations, projects we ourselves are working on and even collaborate with others! Ultimately I would love to get to know you, get a chance to work with great people on cool, liberty-oriented, money-making, open source projects. Let me know! Slack link:
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- technology
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Man is this election cycle interesting and sort of exciting. Now, don't get me wrong...I'm an anarcho capitalist so this changes none of that but I enjoy observing and interacting with the statist to try to get them to think amongst the chaos. I have actually succeeded in not only getting through to some to get them to actually listen (maybe not agree but have a pleasant convo) but I had a few of them actually step out of the statist indulegence of political advocacy and at least peak behind the door of anarcho-capitalism. I rarely reveal my 'persuasion' unless they ask me directly. I keep it ambiguous and simply stick to the mental exercises to snap them out of the rhetoric. I will share some of my tactics. And I go in with low or reasonable expectations. I don't expect them to go from statist to non statist by the end of the conversation. I go in hoping to give them pause, thought and insight that will hopefully carry with them and be a beacon in their brain even after the fuss of elections that will draw them towards their path to find their answers....which of course I hope will be anarcho-caplitalism or 'worst case' libertariansim. And this was mostly with Bernie supporters! Here's how I did it, this is my general forumula: Bernie supporter: I don't support him because of the free stuff.... (we've all heard this one) Me: So you voted for Ron Paul in 2012? Bernie Supporter: No, why? Me: He was basically Bernie without free stuff.. Bernie Supporter: ..... oh Me: Yeah, it's best to not look at which party line these people choose to run on because of the Commission of Presidential Debates. BS: the what? Me: The Commision of Presidential Debates, it's common knowledge for those who follow actual anti-establishment candidates as they have been known to expose this outright or at least the symptoms of it. Look it up and make your own judgment but it's the reason why Donald Trump, or your guy Bernie Sanders is even running on main party tickets and don't really have the 'freedom' to run as a third party, so it's odd that Bernie doesn't point that out and Trump actually has, Ron Paul has, Ralph Nader has. You can see how they treat people who expose this and Trump is actually getting further than any of the others, which is incredible and will expose the level to which the establishment will go to try to shut him down or steer people away from him. BS: I'll look into it. Me: yes. Look...I don't agree with B.S. but I wish he could run in whatever party he seems fits his platform the best. I loath the 2 party monopoly and I would rather work together with all the voters on this issue than bet on the horse-race. Exposing this would liberate voters from the 2 party monopoly and liberate future candidates so they can run on any party ticket they want without being blocked from media and getting their message out and they can speak as frankly and be their genuine selves without having to be P.C. all the time. BS: Makes sense. Another approach: BS: Free the poor....bla bla bla...I'm donating to BS Now! Let's do this! Activate your friends...get them to donate, buy merch.! Me: Wow, that's incredible how much effort, time and resource such as your money or expertise and energy to rally people to voluntarily give their money to a man for a cause you believe in. BS: Yes....we really believe he's the one to finally...bla bla bla Me: Great. Tell me, have you ever put this much effort in actually helping a poor person or the poor or needy in general? BS: ............avoids question completely. Me: I mean I look at Bernie. He has a lot of interesting things to say, he's seems like a nice and likable guy, he knows how to rally young people, he cares about the disenfranchised and you guys are willing to help him in this cause and you work together, voluntarily to raise him hundreds of millions of dollars! That's incredible! BS: It really is. I mean when you care about these issues you do whatever.... bla bla bla Me: I get it. I guess my only question is, how many poor people could this effort to raise his hundreds of millions actually help if it was given to them or given to the proper organizations directly? How many studen loans could this campaign money pay off? How many private school tuitions for poor kids could this pay for? How many medical bills could this pay off for people? BS: ..........How much time do you put in to help the poor? Me: (gives list of my effots) BS: Well...there aren't many people like you and why we need....bla bla bla Me: But wait...there are. I mean Bernie's campaign proves how many there are and there are MORE because I don't support BS and do my share and know many others, that's the point. BS:...... Me: I just find it to be a charity with high overhead BS: what do you mean? Me: Well you put in all this time and effort and get everyone involved to raise a LOAD of cash for the guy you want to solve the inequality problem. Then you hope he wins the nomination and dump more money into his campaign. Then you hope he wins the election and dump more money into the campaign. Then once he's president you hope Congress will pass his policies and if he does, it's been several hundreds of millions and then they need to tax everyone to make this plan work when he had people willing to VOLUNTARILY work and donate to help poor people but refused to open a charity with the guy or use this momentum to actually go out and do it. Every month that he brings in tens of millions and it doesn't go to poor people or uneducated people is another day of hypocricy. BS: I..... I mean.... yeah but.... I don't even know what to say. Me: Me neither. Ther eis no reason you and all of his supporters can't do this as an actual charity rather than (and this applies to all campaigns) go out and use the same effort and cooperation and volunterrism to solve the issues you find most important. But you are rallying for political power and force to help when you already prove the voluntarism WORKS, otherwise the guy wouldn't have a dime to his campaign. BS: ......... stunned silent. Me: If you have more to respond later once this sinks in, i'm available to listen but never forget how well voluntarism has helped you help him to help the poor...but it's a WHOLE lot of overhad and risk that has no or little guarantee when you could just the poor. And another one: Me: How will we pay for all of Bernie's plans? BS: Wallstreet, taxes and future generations. Me: Having the future pay for it doesn't bother you? BS: No, why should it. that's very common thing and guarantees we can get what we need and what' sbest...bla bla bla Me: Well, then you are simply enslaving the children. Could you look a child in the eye and at least explain to them the implications and ask their permission before you sell their future wealth? BS: oh that's ridiculous. Me: I know, so you are taking without asking or you couldn't live with yourself to have to face them in the eye while you take their future wealth knowing they have no idea what's going on or the implications. Me: tell me, do you enjoy now having to pay for past decisions that use your tax dollars today but you receive no benefits for? BS: Huh? ME: Well, most of the income tax goes to interest on borrowed money and this is for things that were voted on when you and I were too young or not even born yet and certainly couldn't vote on. Those benefits have been used up, are not available for you and me and we are still paying for them. And you are sitting here complaining that our generation is out of money or it's unevenly distributed and we have no benefits or not enough. Don't you see the problem you are repeating? BS: yea but the money is spent anyway so what does it matter ME: that we can have some moral, ethical integrity and disciple to at least be the generation that stopped this cycle. Our elders sold our future and we feel now what that is like and you have no problem doing the same to the future? Are you giving any guarantee that they future who will be held to pay for this will have anything left for them or how long do you want this cycle to go on? BS: I guess I can see how paying for the past decisions I wasn't a part of didn't work well for this generation. Me: Exactly and if you have kids or think of having kids, this is the exact posiiton or feeling you will be heiring to them. Now you call yourself moral and good and altruistic. Do you think our elders were moral and good and altruisitc when they made these decisions for you to pay for? BS: absolutely not. Me: ok. so you can feel moral and good now but when your children grow up, they will see you as freeloading jerks as we see our elders. Bs: yea...I guess that's true. Sometimes I ask if they think money is private property. leftists do...they ask me WHY I'm asking. That is so they can scan and try to sniff out any advantage and wiggle and move the goal posts. But I just ask them again until they leave the conversation or answer me. of course it always ends with them realizing that taxation is theft. Doesn't mean they will instantly switch to libertarianism or anarcho-capitalism but at least they have come to terms with taxation is theft. ...always a good start.
Precious Metals, Preserving Freedom! Updates
shnugwa posted a topic in Listener Projects
Hello, folks! I'm dedicating the entirety of 2016 and beyond putting my full force and creativity into a project I believe many of you will appreciate. On Jan 5, 2016 I launched TTcoins, a website where I advocate for precious metals ownership, liberty, and anarcho-capitalism. I use this platform to continuously upload educational and entertaining content on subjects which I am passionate about, namely Precious Metals and Preserving Freedom! I will be keeping a running update of content I produce in this thread, and encourage you to check out the site and tell me your thoughts! All comments, critiques, criticisms, rebuttals, and compliments are welcome and appreciated. Latest Articles: How to Buy Silver For Spot! (melt value) Paper and Sound Money | 1776 vs 2016 Are Silver Dollars Considered "Junk Silver"? NO! Here's Why: Fiat Currency: The Gold Standard of Insanity Should You Clean Your Coins? NO, NO, NO! Here's Why: Which Type of Silver Should You Buy? Here's where I have a presence on social media: Here's a link to my YouTube channel (with deviously hidden subscribe tag) 1 reply
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Question: How high is your IQ Mr. Wolf? Answer: High enough to survive the Winter you Silly Wabbit / Ravishing Rabbit / Great Grasshopper Can someone please walk me through the origin or share data points on how and why Classical (Greek/Roman) civilization was able to come up with and value ideas and principles like Self Defense, Property Rights, and Freedom of Speech? How about voluntary exchange aka Capitalism, when exactly did that originate, rather than just warfare or self-sufficiency. Or do these ideas come from a mix of ancient tribes and groups, and which groups specifically how and why?
I saw this on Facebook. A woman's first-hand account of how freedom was lost in Austria under the Nazis. Sounds eerily familiar. “I cannot tell you that Hitler took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history. If you remember the plot of the Sound of Music, the Von Trapp family escaped over the Alps rather than submit to the Nazis. Kitty wasn’t so lucky. Her family chose to stay in her native Austria. She was 10 years old, but bright and aware. And she was watching. “We elected him by a landslide – 98 percent of the vote,” she recalls. She wasn’t old enough to vote in 1938 – approaching her 11th birthday. But she remembers. “Everyone thinks that Hitler just rolled in with his tanks and took Austria by force.” No so. Hitler is welcomed to Austria “In 1938, Austria was in deep Depression. Nearly one-third of our workforce was unemployed. We had 25 percent inflation and 25 percent bank loan interest rates. Farmers and business people were declaring bankruptcy daily. Young people were going from house to house begging for food. Not that they didn’t want to work; there simply weren’t any jobs. “My mother was a Christian woman and believed in helping people in need. Every day we cooked a big kettle of soup and baked bread to feed those poor, hungry people – about 30 daily.’ “We looked to our neighbor on the north, Germany, where Hitler had been in power since 1933.” she recalls. “We had been told that they didn’t have unemployment or crime, and they had a high standard of living. “Nothing was ever said about persecution of any group – Jewish or otherwise. We were led to believe that everyone in Germany was happy. We wanted the same way of life in Austria. We were promised that a vote for Hitler would mean the end of unemployment and help for the family. Hitler also said that businesses would be assisted, and farmers would get their farms back. “Ninety-eight percent of the population voted to annex Austria to Germany and have Hitler for our ruler. “We were overjoyed,” remembers Kitty, “and for three days we danced in the streets and had candlelight parades. The new government opened up big field kitchens and everyone was fed. “After the election, German officials were appointed, and, like a miracle, we suddenly had law and order. Three or four weeks later, everyone was employed. The government made sure that a lot of work was created through the Public Work Service. “Hitler decided we should have equal rights for women. Before this, it was a custom that married Austrian women did not work outside the home. An able-bodied husband would be looked down on if he couldn’t support his family. Many women in the teaching profession were elated that they could retain the jobs they previously had been required to give up for marriage. “Then we lost religious education for kids “Our education was nationalized. I attended a very good public school.. The population was predominantly Catholic, so we had religion in our schools. The day we elected Hitler (March 13, 1938), I walked into my schoolroom to find the crucifix replaced by Hitler’s picture hanging next to a Nazi flag. Our teacher, a very devout woman, stood up and told the class we wouldn’t pray or have religion anymore. Instead, we sang ‘Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles,’ and had physical education. “Sunday became National Youth Day with compulsory attendance. Parents were not pleased about the sudden change in curriculum. They were told that if they did not send us, they would receive a stiff letter of warning the first time. The second time they would be fined the equivalent of $300, and the third time they would be subject to jail.” And then things got worse. “The first two hours consisted of political indoctrination. The rest of the day we had sports. As time went along, we loved it. Oh, we had so much fun and got our sports equipment free. “We would go home and gleefully tell our parents about the wonderful time we had. “My mother was very unhappy,” remembers Kitty. “When the next term started, she took me out of public school and put me in a convent. I told her she couldn’t do that and she told me that someday when I grew up, I would be grateful. There was a very good curriculum, but hardly any fun – no sports, and no political indoctrination. “I hated it at first but felt I could tolerate it. Every once in a while, on holidays, I went home. I would go back to my old friends and ask what was going on and what they were doing. “Their loose lifestyle was very alarming to me. They lived without religion. By that time, unwed mothers were glorified for having a baby for Hitler. “It seemed strange to me that our society changed so suddenly. As time went along, I realized what a great deed my mother did so that I wasn’t exposed to that kind of humanistic philosophy. “In 1939, the war started, and a food bank was established. All food was rationed and could only be purchased using food stamps. At the same time, a full-employment law was passed which meant if you didn’t work, you didn’t get a ration card, and, if you didn’t have a card, you starved to death. “Women who stayed home to raise their families didn’t have any marketable skills and often had to take jobs more suited for men. “Soon after this, the draft was implemented. “It was compulsory for young people, male and female, to give one year to the labor corps,” remembers Kitty. “During the day, the girls worked on the farms, and at night they returned to their barracks for military training just like the boys. “They were trained to be anti-aircraft gunners and participated in the signal corps. After the labor corps, they were not discharged but were used in the front lines. “When I go back to Austria to visit my family and friends, most of these women are emotional cripples because they just were not equipped to handle the horrors of combat. “Three months before I turned 18, I was severely injured in an air raid attack. I nearly had a leg amputated, so I was spared having to go into the labor corps and into military service. “When the mothers had to go out into the work force, the government immediately established child care centers. “You could take your children ages four weeks old to school age and leave them there around-the-clock, seven days a week, under the total care of the government. “The state raised a whole generation of children. There were no motherly women to take care of the children, just people highly trained in child psychology. By this time, no one talked about equal rights. We knew we had been had. “Before Hitler, we had very good medical care. Many American doctors trained at the University of Vienna.. “After Hitler, health care was socialized, free for everyone. Doctors were salaried by the government. The problem was, since it was free, the people were going to the doctors for everything. “When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full. “If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries. “As for healthcare, our tax rates went up to 80 percent of our income. Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. “All day care and education were free. High schools were taken over by the government and college tuition was subsidized. Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as food stamps, clothing, and housing. “We had another agency designed to monitor business. My brother-in-law owned a restaurant that had square tables. “Government officials told him he had to replace them with round tables because people might bump themselves on the corners. Then they said he had to have additional bathroom facilities. It was just a small dairy business with a snack bar. He couldn’t meet all the demands. “Soon, he went out of business. If the government owned the large businesses and not many small ones existed, it could be in control. “We had consumer protection, too “We were told how to shop and what to buy. Free enterprise was essentially abolished. We had a planning agency specially designed for farmers. The agents would go to the farms, count the livestock, and then tell the farmers what to produce, and how to produce it. “In 1944, I was a student teacher in a small village in the Alps. The villagers were surrounded by mountain passes which, in the winter, were closed off with snow, causing people to be isolated. “So people intermarried and offspring were sometimes retarded. When I arrived, I was told there were 15 mentally retarded adults, but they were all useful and did good manual work. “I knew one, named Vincent, very well. He was a janitor of the school. One day I looked out the window and saw Vincent and others getting into a van. “I asked my superior where they were going. She said to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a trade, and to read and write. The families were required to sign papers with a little clause that they could not visit for 6 months. “They were told visits would interfere with the program and might cause homesickness. “As time passed, letters started to dribble back saying these people died a natural, merciful death. The villagers were not fooled. We suspected what was happening. Those people left in excellent physical health and all died within 6 months. We called this euthanasia. “Next came gun registration. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law-abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long afterwards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily. “No more freedom of speech. Anyone who said something against the government was taken away. We knew many people who were arrested, not only Jews, but also priests and ministers who spoke up. “Totalitarianism didn’t come quickly, it took 5 years from 1938 until 1943, to realize full dictatorship in Austria. Had it happened overnight, my countrymen would have fought to the last breath. Instead, we had creeping gradualism. Now, our only weapons were broom handles. The whole idea sounds almost unbelievable that the state, little by little eroded our freedom.” “This is my eyewitness account. “It’s true. Those of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity. “America is truly is the greatest country in the world. “Don’t let freedom slip away. “After America, there is no place to go.” Kitty Werthmann
Hi, My name is Julien (or Julian), I was born in Birmingham, AL and for most of my life have been living in Bordeaux, France. So France is this wonderful country *cough sarcasm cough* where being an entrepeneur or having your own business is the hardest and most depressing thing because of endless licensing, massive regulations etc... a place where cops can legally harass you anytime, where the free market is seen as the enemy and laws and government as solutions for any problem. The problem is: the vast majority of people here have this way of thinking in which they inevitably think that any problem, small or large, can and must be solved through government action. For example, I heard of this law that is going to pass to FORBID all you can drink soda fountains in restaurants, and when I talked about it with a friend, she said it's a good thing because "people are getting fat" which made me laugh because, French people ? Fat ?! But then I felt sorry for her thinking that violence is the solution... The point is that when I want to spread the message of peace, libertarianism and the NAP, what usually happens is I either get booed, or I get accused of wishing for an apocalyptic disaster, even if I only talk about less government in X or privatization of X (like water & electricity, the horror). Nobody here admits that taxation is theft or that laws are only enforced through violence (few do, but say it's "justified"). More rights to protect yourself ? "You're an American gun nut". Enough with the labor unions, licensing and regulations on businesses ? "You just want workers to be exploited". Privatize the schools ? "You just want the poor to be uneducated". This is what I'm up against. So I would like to know what y'all think: is there anything I can do to be more convincing to folks with this set of mind ? Is there any way to make people here look into libertarianism and peaceful resolutions ? Or should I give up on Bureaucracyland and go back to America to finish my studies ?
I would like to give back to the FDR community by sharing my experience and research in locating, applying, interviewing and excelling in the workforce. Everything from corporate, to small/medium businesses, information companies, to the service industry, telecom, hidden organic co-ops in Washington DC, and even gardening and fundraising where the possibilities are endless. Yes the economy is a disaster, but there is still money to be made, skills to learn, networks to leverage and life to be lived. Let's break out of our mental chains, get focused and productive and prepare the freethinkers and peaceful parents for this economy! "Maximize your mobility between sectors, skills and ways of earning income, Trust the network, not the corporation or the state." (see article below) I will be posting in the bronze, silver and gold sections so if you have not already please donate to see more posts! or pop over the post office and mail in a money order. Please comment or post your questions below. To start my posts on this topic I would like to share a section from some excellent articles re-posted to by Charles Hugh Smith about an emerging group referred to as Mobile Creatives: " Mobile Creatives. This is an emerging class that ranges across many income classifications and thus cannot be described by income alone. Some earn Upper Caste incomes, others are Working Poor. This class is self-employed, free-lance, entrepreneurial, sole proprietors with adaptive skills. They may collaborate with other Creatives rather than have employees, and may have part-time jobs. There are roughly 5.5 million incorporated self-employed people in the U.S.; these tend to be professionals such as attorneys, engineers and physicians. These self-employed are generally members of the Upper Caste. The Mobile Creatives (which include small farmers, craftspeople, independent programmers, etc.) number around 10 million, or 8% of the workforce. I use the word mobile here not to suggest mobility between physical places (though that is one factor in this class’s flexibility) but mobility between sectors, skills and ways of earning income. Members of this class might take a short-term paying gig if the pay and circumstance is attractive, and then return to self-employment. They tend to foster multiple income streams and in general operate by the principle trust the network, not the corporation or the state. Some members of this class joined the cohort involuntarily, as the result of layoffs; others pursue this livelihood for its freedom, flexibility (important to parents of young children or those caring for elderly parents) and potential for self-expression. This is the “wild card” class that falls outside all conventional class/income hierarchies. It includes those seeking outlier wealth and those who have chosen voluntary poverty as a means to an independent life that they “own” lock, stock and barrel. Though this class wields little conventional financial or political power, it has a potentially large leadership role in social and technical innovations. This is the 4% Pareto Distribution that can exert outsized influence on the 64%. The other eight classes are hidebound by conventions, neofeudal and neocolonial arrangements and a variety of perverse incentives, false choices and illusions of choice, including democracy itself. " Read more at
- Thank you Stefan, thank you for rubbing it even deeper into my face. It's not like I had to listen to enough shit already, just today I got this lovely quote from my "politics" "teacher". "Oh, and you'll have to deal with the refugee children, for the rest of your lives" Do you have any idea what it is like living in a country where the native population has less than 1.3 children per woman and you already have one fifth of people with a migrant background. 0-4 is like 30% non-german, 70-74 age bracket contains barely any non-natives. Germany is screwed, its been flushed down. Will I just stay in bed coming tomorrow? What can I even do?
Ill be attending an anarcho-punk concert in Tampa early November a d would like to hand something out to promote FDR and Adam vs The Man. I've sent emails to operations here, Carl Green, and Adam so far. This will be an excellent opportunity to reach out to young minds whom already identify as anarchists or are at least distrustful of gov. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. The bands are Leftover Crack and Daze n Daze. Thanks!