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  1. Hey! I'm Travis, 18, and a freshman attending the University of Utah, probably majoring in Philosophy and something else. I'm still open to majoring in something else, knowing that I'll have to deal with this left leaning, largely post-modernist school of thought, and the fact that it might be a little frustrating to be a professor of philosophy for a living.I'm a multi-instrumentalist, like some sports such as slacklining and frisbee, I also like weightlifting, etc.Utah is a pretty barren place for sound philosophy, or people having any sense of much of it, so FDR is a really good resource for me. I've been listening for about a year and a half, and finally got around to getting on the forums. Oh, and something interesting I participated in this summer; I played quads, in the drumline
  2. My name is Tim. I'm 19 years old. I'm from Massachusetts, USA. I've been listening to the podcasts and youtube videos for 3 to 4 years now, bouncing around and looking for possible connections to things that have happened in my life(my childhood and my family, my relationships with my friends, prospects for things I may be able to do in the future for work and schooling, etc). I have found a lot of the content to ring true in an abstract sense, but each time I try to apply philosophy to my life, it becomes difficult for me. By joining in on the conversation(as apposed to just listening in), I hope it becomes easier. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and learning from you all.
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