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  1. Hi everyone! Background: I try to keep it as short as possible. I would title my problem with my family at the moment with "To ignore accomplishments"; I suffer middle/heavy depression (without psychotic symptoms) for a few years now, with better months and ... bad months. I'm at the moment in the process of re-normalizing my life: Job hunting, slowly building up a new social life and of course re-building self-esteem. Besides psychotherapy I take medication and after switching and taking a higher dose, the meds finally assist me in my endeavors ... less so my family. Acute problem: My problems with the illness are either fully ignored or downplayed to the point of absurdity / laziness, despite being diagnosed by 4 different doctors, taking medication and obviously showing nearly all symptoms of depression. I get (indirectly) called a liar, lazy, non loving and my job type is of course the wrong one ... well here I am. I don't want to suffer any longer under those charges and sacrifice the small energy I have ... but on the other hand I am not ready to deFOO. I don't know how you can help me out here, but I have to try to find some answers. Thank you very much.
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