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This is my argument The reason why people have a passion is because they believe that they can change something and that it is important. In fact, all emotions are true in such a way. Emotions are simply involuntary responses to our rational observations. A child observes what he is good at and that is how a passion develops. It is very obvious to a child. Everyone as a child had figured it out, but not many people actually followed their passion. Since all passions are rational, then if society is rational, following one’s passion will lead to prosperity. However, this is not the case with our current society. If I want to become a philosopher in North Korea, my prospects are very low or I will not make enough money to survive. This would never happen in a free society because passions are always valuable. However, state intervention prevents the pursuit of an individual’s rational self-interests. It subdues free will. There was a man who did a major in philosophy but who after regretted it because he hadn’t been able to make money from it. It as at this point that people break with their passions. He concluded that passions are not necessarily good and he implicitly accepted nihilism rather than recognising that evil was done unto him. It makes it hard for him to recognise it since sophism is state sponsored in philosophy departments. The majority of people share a similar story. Whether it is coercion from the state, or their parents, or their peers, an adult or child is in some way rejected for following their passions and the adult or child concludes that he cannot trust his emotions. This is the very essence of evil. It is why people did not trust the invisible hand of the free market for tens of thousands of years. Essentially, their self-esteem was so destroyed that they did not trust their own rational faculty. It is the greatest contradiction that ever existed. A virtuous man would find a work-around. He knows that his life is meaningless without passion. He knows that if he were to look back at his life without following his passion, he would regret it and wonder what could have been. There is no alternative for him. Every action we make is motivated by emotion. A person cannot simply think and do. They must think until they feel that they can do. An artificial line has been created between emotions and thoughts. Emotions simply are an expression of our deepest and truest thoughts that we may not even be conscious of. It is analogous to the arbitrary distinction between qualia and meaning. We see red because we associate it with everything else that is red. A person void of passion then, is a robot without free will, following the instructions of others without even being consciously aware of it. So, the virtuous man has no rational choice other than to find alternatives to the best of his ability. This does not mean that the virtuous man will be unsatisfied. The passion arises only from what can be done. If man finds that his passion is unreachable, his passion will naturally change. So, the virtuous man is a force that cannot be stopped by anyone or anything. It is as clear as sunlight what his objective is. A rock cannot turn into a tree, nor can man change his neurological predispositions, particularly once he becomes aware of them. Even if a man is destroyed for following his passions, he will never be the same. He will always be at ease, because he knows what must be done so he will inevitably build himself back up. He is the man who works. But if a man does not immerse into his passions, he will always live a shallow life not knowing what he could have been. “Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it” – Lao Tzu.
I found some intriguing videos about 9/11 a while back and wanted you to watch them and make a video on them. I know you're not one to believe in conspiracy theories, but I think after seeing these videos you might change your mind. WATCH IN ORDER FROM TOP TO BOTTOM!
I quit my job a week ago. I was supporting a proprietary industrial control system that was, as of six months ago, going to be phased out.The job was turning out to be a dead-end. This job represented a big change in pay and I was able to squirrel away alot of money in savings. This job also was teaching me new skills and entrusted alot of customer relation aspects to me to figure it out and make it work. I liked that aspect and received regular feedback that I was able to satisfy customers while resolving complex technical issues with out-in-the-field technicians. The company troubles started when the founder of died. A few days after he died, the R&D dept. (for our next gen controller) was axed. They had just finished final testing and were about to start field testing with clients who were willing to participate. I can not make business sense of the timing. After this happened our engineers and higher up managers basocally stopped coming into work except for a couple of days out of the week. Things were looking really bad and our customers were starting to stop engaging with my company. It seemed like this company was nearing the end of the road, everyone knew it but nobody would talk about it or address the problems with the company. We woukd always get the fake corporate double speak of "great changes" and "just about to turn the corner" while doing nothing different or having a plan of recovery. Anyways, months ago I let my boss know that I was looking for new employment and my boss surprised me by saying he was as well but not to tell anyone. I said I would let him know when I found a new job. Well things kept deteriorating and people started getting petty and stressful. Every molehill was a mountain. I finally had to quit because the stress was way too much. Now Im getting nightmares about conflicts between my old boss and a different nightmare of being stuck in Japan due to a massive volcanic eruption. How do I make these stop? Im already under alot of stress and its very difficult to have a normal sleep cycle. I need to study and focus because I would like to make my resumé look better with some technical certifications.
I had a conversation on YouTube this morning and some interesting thoughts were exchanged. I thought I would share them in this forum. When I was younger, I studied music at the university and my teachers told me that Berkeley was the best school for musicians but it was way too expensive for most of us. It was still the dream of most musician to go and study there. Now, today we see Antifa, BLM, feminists, snowflakes who have taken over the university. Just today, we saw images of random people being beat up by mobs and had piss pored on them. Some people paid over 20 000$ per semester to study there. At the end of their studies, they will probably have a 6 figures dept. Now think for a minute when these people will look for a job and on their resume, the name Berkeley will be writen on the piece of paper. I think the employer will say ''thanks but no thanks. We are here to work and we dont want no trouble makers here''. So a diploma at Berkeley will have a negative value. I bet that in the coming years, Berkeley will have a hard time economically because no one will want to apply at that university. Berkeley will go down in history as a synonyme of failure.
Good Sunday Afternoon, Fellow FDR Comrades for Anarcho-Capitalism, Peaceful Parenting, Rationality, and Stefan Molyneux Please Notice Me Senpai! Since I've noticed a few other listeners/forum-ers have posted similar topics about how helpful FDR and Stefan-senpai has been, I decided it was high time I shared my experience (from after graduating high school) and how Stefpai was instrumental in my success. During the Summer and Autumn of 2016, I had greatly pondered whether or not to go to college. You see, I want to be a novelist. That means writing books and convincing someone I'm worth his time and my product is worth selling. What does college have to do with that? "Maybe the piece of paper would magically grant me opportunities"... Or so I thought, until I watched what Stefpai had to say to similar ex-kids my age. I decided I'd be wasting time and money (and I mean lots of time and money!) if I decided to get a "Liberal" Arts Degree and risking my sanity if I purposely put myself in an environment where everyone (or at least the majority) think in ways I am diametrically opposed and probably even want me dead for the crime of being a heterosexual White male with Rightist politics. And so from late December to mid January, I followed Stefpai's wisdom of actually entering the Free(ish) Market I claimed to uphold and defend and also beat the temptation of living my youth as a welfare parasite. In six weeks, along a schedule like this: Mondays; Talk to employers/manager's on the phone I've met or yet to meet; Wednesdays; Spend from noon to 6:00 pm knocking on every store from mom-and-pop's to smoking dens (cough cough) and Target to find a job (or at least seduce the employer into expediting my hiring). Thursdays; Review with my therapist (which I got on the advice of the Stefpai) what I was doing and how I'm doing it; Saturdays; Plan out what I'd be doing the following week. Eventually, after being to literally 90-something shops (with some repeats where I felt a little more time and persistence could get me a job) my resume was finally reciprocated by a young and wise Pakistani business owner who wanted someone to train and teach as a protege so he could expand his already successful enterprise. What was this enterprise? I had no idea. I forgot I even I submitted my resume to him. However, the morning after the call I followed Stefpai's business mindset of remembering it was the customer whose weight sustains the business, and respecting the role of my future (and now current) employer whose own energies had turned a dusty and empty space into a workshop full of technical gadgets I couldn't even begin to name. I knew nothing of technology (beyond vidya games) or how to repair them (I never break them), let alone how to do web designing, security, or finances. And yet, the man hired me. I knew he would too. When asked the loaded questions of "what would you do in X scenario" I gave answers that both my employer and his financial partner liked, which seemed to greatly compensate for my non-existent work history or experience in tech. And by God was this an opportunity; I went, nearly overnight, from parasite to workingman. However, this was just the beginning. I spent the last few weeks in training (unpaid but free, 30 hours a week) and now with only one week left I'm confidant in saying I now know what an LCD is and how to unscrew the multitude of tiny screws on iPhone 6S + Gorilla Voodoo Machine and finally secure not just my first job but something that could lead to a pretty stable and financially secure groove from which I can devote myself to my true career as a novelist. And so, with the security of employment and the persistence that promises Victory, this young bachelor's story begins. Now I just have to put in the work and learn what I can, seeing how far I can go while doing what I love (writing) so that once that's done I can start again the process of persistence and tenacity (redundant emphasis, I know) to actually sell what I've spent 6 years working on since I was 12. That was my FDR helping IRL for business and careers story, what about YOU?
I'm looking for anyone philosophically or scientifically minded in gwynedd or liverpool, I'll be traveling to liverpool for a short stay in the near future but my current residence is in Gwynedd. I'm also looking for work, so if any of you want a smart, competant and committed philosopher/scientist to work for you, I am here, waiting for your call / message / email. I'm pretty desparate for work at the moment, I'm really poor and I'm in a bad situation which I'm trying to get out of so that I can live a more virtuous life.
In my web browsing and IFTTT alerting it has come to my attention that there is currently a great work from home job editing scientific papers for clients in academia in Asia. They are looking for people with at least a masters preferred with expertise in different fields such as bio-medical, engineering etc. This may be of use to some people here more qualified than I am. Not sure of the pay, but it looks promising for people looking to work from home. Looking for qualified editors compensation: Working Home, No age limitation employment type: contract Harrisco is a scientific paper editing company which edits research papers written by non-native speakers. Harrisco was established in 1996 to meet the increasing demands of Asia Universities for high quality medical and scientific editors. We continue to specialize in this area and today are providing this service on an exclusive basis to the leading Asia universities and medical colleges. Now, our company is expanding our area to the world, fast. So. we're looking for editors in all fields, including Medical, and Life Science; Physics, Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Virology, Microbiology, Geology, Psychology, Sociology, Physiology,Mechanical, Material, Chemical, Nuclear, Civil, Computer, Architectural, Environmental and Electrical Engineering; Semiconductors, Electronics, Information Technology; Biomedical, Biochemical, Biomechanical, Bioelectrical, Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, and Mathematics, etc Working for Harrisco is an exceptional experience. There are no age or geographical limits for our work. You can do the editing work as part-time, full-time editor, or anything in between. Anywhere you have some free time and an Internet connection, you can do this. We are looking for qualified editors who can give us good work and establish a long-term relationship with the company. Harrisco has been doing good work for over 15 years, and many of its editors have been earning good money for most of that time. Editors qualification we want is as following, Foreigners whose native language is English. (American,Canadian,English,Ausrailian,etc) Full-time worker preferred. Working time is 9 am to 6 pm or Flexible and Negotiable Payment: negotiable. To part time editor I hope you could think our work as possible forever work or hobbies at your later future. 1. Over master degree is preferred. 2. There is no limitation of age, gender and location. 3. Retired researchers and professors are welcomed. 4. Internet access is essential. Contact way Send your resume to following email, [email protected]
Title says it all really. I'm a philosopher trying to find sanctuary in a world of zombies. If any of you live in Liverpool (in England) or know of any accommodation or anyone hiring, please message me; I am looking for a flat and income... although the purpose of the income would be just to pay rent! So if anyone wants to give me a room for free, I won't need to find a "real job". I am currently working as a handyman doing odd jobs, this brings in enough money to sustain me but I need to get away from people in my life who are toxic to my happiness and sanity. Please get in touch with me if you can help, send me a message or post a reply.
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Some of you may have read my previous topic where I have described my current career situation. I have been thinking for a long time about this and I am now proud to announce that I have decided to liberate my consciousness from the moral implications of being a Police Officer. Yes - I am quitting. Undoubtedly, this will have a huge impact on my life. I have a degree in Criminology which I have chosen for the very purpose of being able to advance through the ranks quicker, which of course now becomes useless. Also, having to pay off around £30000 for that degree and not having a very clear idea where to go from here isn't very motivating to say the least . I need a new job, that's for sure. Any advice on possible career paths is highly appreciated! The bottom line is - whatever happens, I will not regret my decision .
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I would like to give back to the FDR community by sharing my experience and research in locating, applying, interviewing and excelling in the workforce. Everything from corporate, to small/medium businesses, information companies, to the service industry, telecom, hidden organic co-ops in Washington DC, and even gardening and fundraising where the possibilities are endless. Yes the economy is a disaster, but there is still money to be made, skills to learn, networks to leverage and life to be lived. Let's break out of our mental chains, get focused and productive and prepare the freethinkers and peaceful parents for this economy! "Maximize your mobility between sectors, skills and ways of earning income, Trust the network, not the corporation or the state." (see article below) I will be posting in the bronze, silver and gold sections so if you have not already please donate to see more posts! or pop over the post office and mail in a money order. Please comment or post your questions below. To start my posts on this topic I would like to share a section from some excellent articles re-posted to by Charles Hugh Smith about an emerging group referred to as Mobile Creatives: " Mobile Creatives. This is an emerging class that ranges across many income classifications and thus cannot be described by income alone. Some earn Upper Caste incomes, others are Working Poor. This class is self-employed, free-lance, entrepreneurial, sole proprietors with adaptive skills. They may collaborate with other Creatives rather than have employees, and may have part-time jobs. There are roughly 5.5 million incorporated self-employed people in the U.S.; these tend to be professionals such as attorneys, engineers and physicians. These self-employed are generally members of the Upper Caste. The Mobile Creatives (which include small farmers, craftspeople, independent programmers, etc.) number around 10 million, or 8% of the workforce. I use the word mobile here not to suggest mobility between physical places (though that is one factor in this class’s flexibility) but mobility between sectors, skills and ways of earning income. Members of this class might take a short-term paying gig if the pay and circumstance is attractive, and then return to self-employment. They tend to foster multiple income streams and in general operate by the principle trust the network, not the corporation or the state. Some members of this class joined the cohort involuntarily, as the result of layoffs; others pursue this livelihood for its freedom, flexibility (important to parents of young children or those caring for elderly parents) and potential for self-expression. This is the “wild card” class that falls outside all conventional class/income hierarchies. It includes those seeking outlier wealth and those who have chosen voluntary poverty as a means to an independent life that they “own” lock, stock and barrel. Though this class wields little conventional financial or political power, it has a potentially large leadership role in social and technical innovations. This is the 4% Pareto Distribution that can exert outsized influence on the 64%. The other eight classes are hidebound by conventions, neofeudal and neocolonial arrangements and a variety of perverse incentives, false choices and illusions of choice, including democracy itself. " Read more at
A group producing philosophical texts in Spanish and English are looking for someone to help with the translations. The contents are heavily FDR related so a person from this forum would be optimal for the job in order to deliver the message correctly. If you are interested, send me a message and I will forward the contact information for you!
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Hello, I'm writing this because I'm at a time in my life when some important decisions have to be made and making them without this community's input seems imprudent. Like most people, I have had many hobbies which I was passionate about yet one of them evolved from being something I wanted to do to something I needed to do. Drawing (or illustration) is my passion and it is that by which I quantify time. Time spent drawing is time well spent. Time spent doing anything else is time not spent drawing. It's always at the back of my head. Currently I work as a surgery intern, or a surgeon in training to be more clear. The job is not that bad and it promises a great future but it's very time consuming, and a future in which I'm spending less and less time drawing doesn't sound that great of a deal to me. People basically work really hard, for a really long time in order to enjoy lavish long vacations. I myself spend my vacation time catching up with all the drawing I didn't do because I was working for so long. I'm not putting this forth as a complaint, I'm just pointing out I would rather draw than go on a vacation. It's my first job (first statist-esque job that is) and I'm only 8 months into it. I got it in my head that after one year I should spend the next one solely focusing on turning my hobby into a job. Does this seem wise? Please keep in mind that this is not a money issue, you will laugh out loud at how little I make as an intern thus my reluctance to give up my current job does not stem from that. A lot of success stories are of people of working in some job they don't particularly care about to sustain themselves and after a long painful haul they finally turn their passion in a career. So I've been thinking, doing things you don't want to do is just training yourself into doing those particular things you won't want to do in your "dream job" but which are essential for success. Basically, is the job the catalyst that might help you succeed in your passion, or is it the thing that's holding you back? Do you go to work thinking you would much rather do anything else? Is this the "normal" mindset of having a job? If it's not, how did you achieve the opposite mindset? How did you manage to get a job in which the reward is the job itself? Another thing I'm thinking about is that maybe I'll be much happier working as a doctor. It's a concept that puts a smile on my face, but if that's true I might not be able to succeed as one because my current passion is what's holding me back. If I had the same drive in my current job that I have in drawing I would easily be on top. Maybe I'm not working in the field I should be working in, or maybe I'm just confusing the temptation of doing whatever I want with the drive to succeed. Maybe success is just willpower with rare sprouts of motivation. I really want other people's input on this.
Hello, I recently started a cryptography company. We can't talk about the details right now, but we are looking for a very talented and versatile artist who can draw everything from icons to logos to mascots. The job will require someone who has a very unique and distinct art style. We want all of our logos to be timeless, not trendy. This isn't a one time gig, but rather a very long term job (5+ years). All skill levels welcome. Payment to be discussed individually. --- Mail: [email protected]
What are good/bad fields to work in, when you want to avoid interference from the state, and having the state as "customer"? What type of job minimizes the chance you will be placed by your employer on a gov. project, or required to implement unjust laws, or your company starts receiving massive subsidies, more than they loose in taxes, and they are becoming an agent of the state? Or when you already have a particular job, what is an advisable way to deal with this issue?
Hey everyone, I'm currently in graduate school for my masters in geology and am wondering about my job prospects and the moral implications surrounding them. Basically I have two options for work; the oil or mining industry. Since oil geologists don't have to be away from home at weeks/months at a time like mining geologists often do, I feel this is the best choice for me since I plan on having a family in the future. I would never want to have kids if I knew I had to be away from them for extended periods of time. Now that being said, there are moral concerns I have with working for a large oil company. Oil spills are something that come to mind and I don't know if I should feel at all morally responsible to a certain degree if one were to happen at the company I work for. My job would be most likely be to help find the oil resovoirs and primairly its the managers that cheap out / cut corners who are primarily responsible. Other than spills, there is general pollution surrounding oil, but I am not convinced global warming is substantially manmade. The other negative moral implication is that I'd be working for a corporation which is shielded by state power. As Stef has mentioned, if these companies mess up (like cause a spill), the exectutives are safe, backed by the government and don't have to pay for most of the damage they created. Now I understand without government, it wouldn't be like this, and fundamentally the companies are not the issue, its state power. That being said though, if I work for them I don't know how morally connected I would be to everything. This same relationship of state power and coprorations exists also in the mining industry as well, just not to the extent that it does with oil. Beside the percieved negative aspects morally of working for an oil company, I think there are some moral positives. Oil is obviously something we use every day. Anything we use has to be shipped using oil. Its something society relies on and I feel it would be would be rewarding to help find reserves. Let me know what you guys think about all of this. Do the positives outweigh the negatives in your view?
I have just graduated university, my BA degree doesn't seem to be making much of a difference in finding a job. The thing that I can do is take a 1-2 year course to get my paralegal certificate just so that I have more practical job experience instead of general philosophy or general psychology. I live in the GTA in Ontario. What I wanted to ask is, whether anyone has worked as a paralegal or lawyer? If so what was it like? Did you enjoy the legal profession? Do you have any complaints about the legal sector or words of advice for someone considering this career path who is also interested in FDR/Philosophy? Thank You I would appreciate any other information or experience about the legal profession and the difficulties that may arise..
Hello. I wanted to share this with the board, in the hopes of someone might have advice they could share with me. Be warned though, this could very likely be a very messy post, because my thoughts are all over the place. My situation today: I am in collage, studying at the moment two REALLY easy courses, which gives me in a sense, all the free-time in the world. This has been the case for a month now. My weeks have looked like this basically: Go to the gym 3-4 times a week, listen to pod-casts on FDR, work as a volunteer at my union's union-house as a chef's apprentice and as personal when there are night-clubs, go to parties with my friends, work within my fraternity, hang with my two closest friends in my dorm. However, the last week or so, I have noticed something that consumes enormous amounts of my time: Sitting in front of the computer, doing practically nothing. Basically pressing F5 while on facebook. And for the last few days, my mood has deteriorated. I have felt apathetic, powerless. Imprisoned within my own room, and I am my own guard. Or, my anxieties are my guards. Well, that's a hypothesis I have at least. Could be wrong of course. What I mean by that is, that I am running short on money. I am, for the first time in my life, approaching a situation where I MUST find myself a job to pay the rent and put food on my table. Problem is, I have extreme anxiety around the prospect of applying for a job. Essentially paralyzing me when I for example, try to write a resume. Today, just 20 minutes ago, I took out my camera, and recorded myself for 30 minutes straight (I used to do my journaling text, but now I am trying out video-journaling and I find it easier actually), just blurting out stuff. Stuff like ''Alright, I am really frustrated because I want something to do! But not just something to pass the time, but something I have a passion for! Something that I can devote almost all my time to, make a living out of, have as my life-goal! I want a purpose! I want meaning!'' My mind was racing at this point, I wasn't sitting down recording, but pacing about, starting to breathe like I had been running for 30 minutes as a not-so-fit-person (basically, I hadn't done anything physically that would make me breathe like that). I would stop talking during that time and start to sing instead, that I didn't know what to do with my life. I also noticed a few thoughts pop up in my mind, which did not make sense to me. Thoughts like ''Your life is over, it's to late to achieve anything, you had your chance but you passed it up!''. Even though, intellectually, I know that I still have time. I am only 21 years old, and I have passion! I have good health! But I don't know where to put all my potential! I don't know what to do with my life. Sigh. I am sorry if it is all over the place.
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Got my first sales job starting on Monday. It's telemarketing for a company that specializes in SEO, branding, internet presence, etc. Anyone with sales experience wanna recommend books or videos for commission sales people?
Hello hello to anyone that takes time out of their day to read this! I'm rather new to the forum and I am trying to get feedback on this question I have regarding education. I recently have taken great interest in philosophy and am considering getting a B.A. in philosophy. I just have no idea if I can acctually get a job with a B.A. in that field. What jobs are open to me if I were to pursue this goal? Thanks! -Jeremy
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The Project: Starship Corporation started off as a project of passion by just one developer, found a huge following in a successful crowdfunding campaign, has recently been greenlit and is now looking to build up a small team of highly motivated freelancers. About the Developer: My career started off with 3D animation for advertising, then moved on to character animation for the game company Jowood (Neighbours from Hell). After that I changed to self-employment and created and sold the Lasertag company LazerCombat. I had no programming experience prior to starting this project except a little scripting in Adobe Director and Flash, but I quickly learned to use the excellent tool GameMaker for my plans. The project has grown way beyond my initial expectations, and will be the foundation for many cool projects in the future. What I can offer: get paid for what you would do for free anyway work independently and from wherever you live be part of an groundbreaking and exciting project and the founding members of a new game company a partnership with mutual respect and the will to always improve communication and workflow to boost each others´ happiness and the quality of the game Needless to say, I am very passionate about this project and I am not looking for employees, but rather long-term partners who share my enthusiasm to create the outstanding first part in an exciting future game franchise. More information:
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Hi everyone, Thank you for taking the time to stop in read. I am currently updating my resume and I have a huge gap in job history that I don't know how I could possibly answer to a potential employer. The gap is from late 2011 to currently. It's not that I haven't worked but, I've made many bad decisions over the last year in a half to either get fired from a workplace or to just not show up at work. The reason for that is I keep choosing places that for the most part are really bad work environments. One example is that I was a cook at a resort. While working there I would undergo constant verbal abuse from my manager. he would get in fits of rage and throw things across the kitchen. I'll try not to go too much into detail but,one time in particular I went on break without first getting his approval, which I should of in that regard. He walked by me eating and looked at me and then the food and proceeded to splash his near boiling tea water all over my food and a little onto myself. He then began yelling at how he wished he and the rest of the cook's could eat and after his rant he then sent me home. That was an extreme example of similar job experiences I've dealt with. So, I'm not sure what to do on my resume that would excuse this gap in my work history. Should I just go ahead and put it down anyways?
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I am 24 years and have never kept a job for a year. I have had jobs, but for various reasons (school became overwhelming, schedule conflicted with other obligations and others) I have left my past jobs before the one-year marker. I am not making much money at my current job and feel very tempted to start looking elsewhere, but come February, I will have been there for a year. Would you guys recommend sticking it out until then?
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