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Found 3 results

  1. I shared the excellent recent interview with Simon Roche here on the Sam Harris subreddit https://redd.it/6bvfgw The responses I got confirmed that Leftists there will deny, make excuses for, laugh about, enable and ultimately execute political violence, especially genocide. One leftist responded I will be the first one to drop the guillotine when that day comes. Sam Harris is the guy who talks about meditation all the time and debates free will. I would think that his community would be a place that you could find reasonable liberals (if such a thing exists), yet it's quiet the opposite, it's just a den of the most cynical, nihilistic, insulting people. As Mike Cernovich said, these people would put us in concentration camps if they could. (If you have a reddit account feel free to vote it up, maybe we can red pill a few of Sam's followers)
  2. high paid lefties that benefited from social housing that is supposed to home the poor... Big earners living in council houses or flats and paying cheap subsidised rents are to lose the perk in a Budget crackdown this week. Sky News understands George Osborne will announce that anyone earning over £40,000 in London or £30,000 outside the capital will lose benefits and have to pay the full market rent. The crackdown, which will save taxpayers £250m a year, is aimed at the likes of Frank Dobson, who still lives in a council flat near the British Museum, despite serving as a Cabinet Minister under Tony Blair and earning a six-figure salary. The late Bob Crow lived in a council house in east London, thought to be paying just £150 a week in rent, while he was the militant leader of the RMT union with a pay and perks package of more than £140,000. When challenged, he said he made “no apology” for living in social housing. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/crackdown-rich-council-house-tenants-221350191.html
  3. Came across this interview with an ex-KGB officer about the hidden warfare against freedom and truth as a whole. It's eerily prophetic seeing how it's from the 80's. It even makes strong allusions to the social justice warrior movement we see everywhere today. In the second video he presents in more detail this process of moral erosion. After watching these I feel like I'm living in a slowly sinking ship.
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