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  1. Hiya! I explore. (Like you I imagine.) Specifically, whether literal, literary, or alliterative, I seek confluence. In philosophy, I followed confusing outflows of thought from various places before, following hyperlinks like a Victorian explorer seeking the source of the Nile, I eventually found Freedomain Radio. I'm an artist by trade. Specifically, I record dialogue, compose music, and craft sound effects for interactive mediums (which is a fancy way of saying video games). No other medium I know has as high an aptitude to accrue a sense of agency in an active audience. It is therefore a frontier of both promise and foreboding. (True of art in general, but it's particularly potent in play.) I've much to learn and much to teach. Specifically, as my forte is in metaphor, my current deficit is in facts. My goals here at FDR are to read the facts, discuss the possibilities, and contribute to the course of humanity. I welcome correction, of course. (... course correction...) Thank you for your time and attention.
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