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Found 5 results

  1. Hi everyone! I went to see Stefan and Lauren's talks in Melbourne and made a vlog about it, figured people here would enjoy it. Here:
  2. Hey guys, 5 confirmed to meet on Thursday 10th July at 7pm in Melbourne CBD. http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio-Melbourne/events/191936842/ I would love to meet you all! And if you're in Melbourne then you've got no excuse! Cheers Timur
  3. To my fellow Melburnian FDR fans, If you haven't heard, there's going to be an FDR meetup in Melbourne on Thursday 12th June at 18:30 in the CBD. Check it out at Meetup.com: http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio-Melbourne/events/187836702/ Hope to see you there!
  4. Hey guys, I've been FDRing for about a year and Objectivising for about 7 years, but I've only just gotten into verbing nouns! I'm down with the anarchy and the atheism and non-violence in all aspects of life. I'm 29yo marketing analyst living in Melbourne, I freakin' LOVE music. I think music was pulling me out of the matrix long before I ever got into philosophy. I was a metal-head in high school through university but not so much anymore. Now I'll listen to anything that comprises real performing musicians (as opposed to electronics) playing skilfully and from the soul. I've just started a Melbourne Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio-Melbourne/events/173049702/?comment_table_id=330683272&comment_table_name=event_comment Meetup coming up this Wednesday, I'd love all Melbournians here to come along! Actually I'd love you all to come along! I'm extremely pleased that this community exists and look forward to contributing! Cheers Timur
  5. Hi guys, I've taken it upon myself to start a Melbourne meetup group and there's one on this Wednesday. http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio-Melbourne/ It would be great to see you there! I'd really love to know how many FDR listeners there are in Melbourne and meet as many of you as possible. I haven't been able to find a forum post about this so if you know of one please link me. Cheers Timur
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