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Please make a video on this worthless shit stain. The videos speak for themselves
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I'm currently working on Vox Day's comics project Al*Hero, which is being crowdfunded on freestartr. I wanted to give a heads-up to any comics lovers on the board. Now all that's left is for someone to start a movie production company and we'll get a pretty solid foundation in the culture wars.
I've done it! I've been exploring social justice at an intuitive level, attempting to discern some sort of universal human psychology that would allow for spontaneous manifestation. That's a fancy way of saying I've been trying to find something natural to humans that can create social justice without any outside influence. I've been entirely dissatisfied with Stef's contention that base desires like greed, envy, resentment and plain old failure can allow for the social justice virus to take root. Well, take root curated by propagandists and ideologues but I digress. No, I contend that this is entirely an internal process, requiring not even the existence of other people to manifest. I believe it to be an entirely personal phenomenon - which very much accords with social justice. Both with their narcissism and egomania but also with their projection. After all, the root of all projection is a belief about oneself, not a belief about others. So all that said, I located the source. I wouldn't be posting here after so many years otherwise. As the title suggests, it's been hiding in our language the entire time. Turns out, the dissolution of meaning in language isn't just an effect of social justice (or cultural Marxism, whatever name you have for it). Rather, that dissolution is responsible for each of their 'positions' and not the other way around. I use quotations though since through this perspective, these 'positions' are transformed ONLY into ex post facto justifications, rendering what you probably recognize as the core of the ideology as basically a denial matrix. In essence, what you understand as social justice is really a network of excuses that developed out of logical necessity. A logical necessity borne from a deeper, more primal axiom that necessitates these excuses, lest reality challenge and ultimately disprove it. One that they don't recognize but operate on regardless. To say it plainly, social justice is an enormous ex post facto justification acting as a defense mechanism, both for their own peace of mind and against external challenge to it. It is, practically speaking, a system of denial. That said, this is why addressing these ex post facto justifications is so ineffectual. You're addressing only their excuses, NOT the belief those excuses are designed to maintain. Their ultimate rationale as a SJW isn't predicated on these 'positions' nor are these positions properly concluded. I mean to say that they are arrived at only by virtue of necessity, not reason. Whether it's their economic foolishness, their political beliefs, their rampant sense of victimhood, everything. It all comes back to this single source found in the corruption of language. So I'll say it now and make the largest claim I can make here: I can link EVERY SINGLE SJW belief and behavior to this common origin with an uncanny consistency. Not because I'm some great intellect, but rather because it's the truth. It's so consistent because it's true. Period. I've been obsessively robust regarding this matter. Frankly, I wish I were just speaking big - I'm not. I'm more desperate to be proven wrong as this obligation, without actualization, is killing me. I need substantiation. I'd prefer to be wrong but dammit if I haven't figured this out. It even goes so far as to explain the nature of political binary and the nature of the Christian religion too. I'm sure you've noticed Stef's 180 on Christianity over the years. Well, I can provide the answer as to what Christianity is alluding to and for that reason, why it's been so integral to both maintaining and creating Western civilization. And why SJWs hate it so much. For those of you in the know, Christianity is an enormous allegory (metaphor?) to philosophical INDIVIDUATION (for the love of God, this is the answer to EVERYTHING). To that point, Jordan Peterson is correct when he submits that the Genesis story is explaining the manifestation of consciousness, given consciousness is predicated on, or the other way around, individuation. It's a 'Chicken and Egg' sort of thing at that point. The only reason I managed to figure this out is because individuation turns out to be the OPPOSITE process employed by SJWs. Or rather, their denial necessitated by their axiom requires them to take on the exact opposite process to individuation. You basically understand this as mere denial, but it's more particular, precise, and complicated. Think 'perfect denial'. Yes, such a thing exists and I call it 'nebulization'. If you're only interested in the axioms at work and their interplay, see this video (visuals included): This will give you God, consciousness, and social justice on a silver platter. It's intuitive, given that was the methodology of my work. Also, if you're one of those math wizards, you'll notice that my presentation of the process of individuation parallels the construction of the Surreal Number System. I'm not going to state that my position has some mathematical proof to it, but it's absolutely the same thing. It's up to you whether or not maths and philosophy must remain separated. I admit it excites me, given the implications. Consider the following video an introduction covering the superficial concepts in a more entertaining format: If it means anything to you, I've shown my face and outed myself. I'm prepared to live honestly in that regard. This is as different and new as any theory out there, though of course I argue that mine is the correct position. So if only for curiosities' sake, I invite you to delve into this matter. I guarantee that at least one perspective you have will be replaced with something you consider to be more true. That alone is a benefit, I think. Moreover, you'll find that this hardly challenges anything you believe. Instead, it will add on it making you MORE RIGHT rather than proving you wrong. Basically, your observations and conclusions will be preserved. You'll just have a far greater understanding of those conclusions and their implications. You'll also know the kryptonite to social justice, free of charge. Take it. I owe Stef that much. So here are the two links you can best put to use: Entire Treatise: Introductory Version PDF: Introductory Version Video: Listed above is a secondary introduction that's more in-depth than the video I posted prior, but if you're interested at all in my work, read the treatise instead. I admit that due to your understanding already, the first 4 chapters may come as a bit of a refresher albeit more in-depth, but I promise you nothing but revelation after that point. Truly, I have to set up a lot of dominoes before I can prove myself as thoroughly as I intend. When it comes to what I call Antithesism (the best label IMO), all should be made clear - and I mean that. To you, there will be no double standards, no hypocrisy or irrationality left in the social justice warrior. You'll understand their motivations to a tee. Nothing will seem strange anymore. Of course, I can only relate to you my experience of this perspective, but this is where I'm at. It's over for me. I want to bring you to where I am. I don't want some vain distinction. I want you to know what I know and if not here, then where would something like this find purchase? Please, read. Now, I can answer what questions you may already have, but if you've interest in a new perspective you're best to read the treatise itself. You'll find the answers in there and anything you find contentious in my reasoning, especially regarding the perspective of the SJW, remember that it is only how THEY need to think. It doesn't have to follow necessarily from reason nor accord with your particular understanding of consciousness or psychology. Yet from that point, the consistency must be maintained. I'm glad to be informed of any errors. Hell if I'm mostly right, I'd love this to become a collective effort of FDR itself. Show the world what we can do. Thank you for your consideration and don't give up.
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- social justice
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Just see how this promoted video on YouTube is TANKING in the ratings. There's a lot of hope here. This video is promoted by YOUTUBE - EQUAL EXPOSURE to all user of YouTube. Next time someone starts boring you with hopelessness and nihilism, show them this picture. We only feel lonely because of the silence of our peers, not because we don't have any.
LONDON (AP) -- Corruption will never be eradicated from soccer and officials in the English-speaking world should try to be humble rather than pompous when they talk about ethics, a FIFA vice president said Tuesday. Upcoming World Cup location: Russia, Qatar
Two recent homicides motivated a revenge killing in Dallas by Micah Johnson.To seek justice, the sniper, Micah Johnson applied the logic of social justice: (1) collective punishment, (2) all whites are guilty; (3) all white cops doubly so; (4) the scales of justice are balanced by killing cops in Texas whenever civilians are killed by cops in Minnesota or Louisiana. The principles of America are to hold individuals responsible for their own actions in a political system that operates from Blackstone's formulation: it is better to let 10 guilty men go free than one innocent men be punished. There is no room for the presumption of innocence or individual justice in the mind of an SJW who asserts races or classes of people are guilty at birth.
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Hello. I am a fairly intelligent white male and find myself fairly ostracized by society. I understand the MGTOW movement via living near a college campus for a while, and inner cities to that previously ( my sexual market value was low in both places, despite Stef's arguments. I think his age and location have insulated him from the degree to which younger women in the US have been propagandized and advertised to pursue one of three categories: the non-white, the weak (read SJWs that are rail-thin), and the dirty ( skeezy men )). Much like the last show's caller, the guy who moved to Cambodia, I get the idea of being low to middle income in America (relative to an area, NYC obviously having heavy competition). Women seemed to really get off on having some dumb-ass or clearly deficient person to have around, and really seem to get excited in my opinion when some decently put-together person comes along. It seems like they get off on the nihilism of knowing they can always throw themselves after the next person who comes along, or pump out a kid and latch onto the government. I get the impression that associating with someone who can hold a conversation and is intelligent is fundamentally off-putting as it conflicts with their narcissism (the better looking ones). Obviously, the more attractive women are agreed with by the desparate white knights, which greatly decreases their incentive to have good contact with reality, speaking probabilistically. The basic dynamic I see is that they would rather associate with someone who is easy to control than not. In any case, the underlying intent of my post is to query the wider group as to whether they think rage is a reasonable response to this. In my personal experience, I once attempted to hold a woman to account for being dishonest and was attacked by a swarm of sycophants and white knights. It shared a disturbing parallel to a childhood experience where a best friend in grade school, a female before puberty (I'm male), whose parents were wealthy and professional (medical) but leftist wrote me off abruptly for being middle class and plunged into an exploration of who I viewed as fairly abusive, underhanded people who played the class card very hard. I suppose a related tangent is along the lines of the degree to which white western women have totally abandoned their own kind, and feel no shame about doing horrible things to the people who work insane hours and give up years of their primes in study carrels to dig through fascinating but dry details of how to get an iPhone (fundamentally a sex toy for girls) to work. I get the impression that Stef, as an actor originally, and hailing from the great white north, misses much of the experience of the rest of us, sailing above on an early hit of wealth, acting training for interacting with people before learning the tech stuff, etc. Just fishing generally for ideas. I suppose, with Trump and whatnot, to what degree are we being cowards in suppressing our rage for fear of career and personal life problems. I've lost a couple jobs and relationships already from sticking to FDR-type principles, but this one about confronting women about their unethical behavior is I think an edge case even for the free-thinking community.
There has been a video up about false guilt for a while. Now, I think it might be time for a video on false grievances. This story has over 3,000,000 views just on YouTube and has widely circulated the internet, yet the main stream doesn't pick up on it. Imagine if a white man had assaulted a black woman telling her he couldn't straiten her hair because "it wasn't natural". The entire campus would be shut down with rioting. Why the fuck don't white people care about their own race? More importantly, what the heck is wrong with these people that they think they're in the right because of "social justice"? This is blind fascism and nothing more.
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There is a petition at Change.Org with over 83,000 signatures to get Roosh's books banned from Amazon's website. Frankly, I've grown very weary of all the man shaming in this world. I am a victim of rape, genital mutilation, gender segregation, violence, and worst of all, the lies of feminist-Marxist culture. I am a man, and I am not afraid to fight back. I will not be cowed into keeping my head down and my mouth shut! I will be buying a copy of every single one of Roosh V.'s books in a show of male solidarity. Let's fight the lies of the social justice warriors! Who is with me? Who has the bravery to stand up for your gender? WAKE UP MEN!
If you were offered the option of taking 1 billion US dollars to swop you life for the life of an-other SJW (you would become them, forget your former self and take on their persona and beliefs), would you: a) Take the offer or refuse? b) What is your reason(s) for taking the offer or refusing? c) What would taking the offer or refusing it (you only have this decision to go on) suggest about your psychology and/or personality?
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- psychology
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Wishing you all a happy SJW christmas Ahem Victim hell, victim hell, victim all the way, Oh what fun it is to be an SJW to-day, Oh Victim hell, victim hell, victim all the way, Oh what fun it is to be an SJW to-day, Burning through state cash, In a man-drawn open-sleigh, Over mens graves we go, Laughing all the way, Rape in chorus we sing, Making manginas to fright, What fun it is to lie and spin, A slimers song to-night, Oh, victim hell, victim hell, victim all the way, Oh what fun it is to bash patriarchy to-day, Oh victim hell, victim hell, victim all the way, Oh what fun is pat-reon for an SJW today, A day or two ago, I thought I'd take a ride, And soon miss Fanny Bright, Was seated by an editors side, The man was hipster lean and lank, Misfortune was his lot, He got herpegonosiphilaids, And then he got a shot, Oh, victim hell, victim hell, victim all the way, Oh how lucrative for an SJW to-day, Oh, victim hell, victim hell, victim all the way, Oh what a free-ride it is to be an SJW to-dayyyyy.
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