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  1. Here I am in the middle of jolly old England, thinking stuff!I don't like the state or its pernicious device the government. It's a busted flush to my mind. But, oh my. we have a long way to go to drag folks out of this illusion. Much work to be done and soon (else we will be lost in a corporate money-power globalist designed one world superstate and freeing ourselves from that tyranny could be tricky).North America is far ahead in understanding this game, whatever it may feel like to you folk there. I know: there are those flag waving patriots, there are the fanatical religious zealots and there are those oh so constitutional constitutionalists (as though that will save the day). But there is a fire in the belly, the fire of Liberty. And that is a powerful foundation on which to build. There is Stefan and there is the Most Dangerous Superstition: by Larken Rose my favourite book.So I am here to feed on that good succour because I am hungry. I need to mend every single bit of statist thinking in my head and I have found almost all of that good healing thinking is coming from the other side of the pond these days.And then I find Stefan is right about the harm dealt to human society by this generationally repeating cycle of child abuse - yes the state is build on the threat of violent force but the cycle has to be cut at some point and ending the violence of the state will follow ending violence against the child (not the other way about).I do at times feel like a voyeur listening to the sad history of so many folk - it makes me weep - but every time I learn. And every time I am impressed with how our hero gets right onto the point. He is good.I have thought about my childhood and whilst my parents did not have a good healthy functioning relationship there was no violence or unpleasantness against me - and there was real love between them. Just an inability to express emotion from my father - which I guess has infected me a little too. Stiff upper lip. I am a family fellow who has two kids and been with my wife for 30 plus years who I love, we live in a nice old town house a mile from open fields, with a big running dog, a big faux-tough cat and a small cuddly cat. I work from home with some business interests including owning a therapy centre, publishing music teaching books and exporting cars.
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