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Hi! Long time listener and donator. I´m from Sweden and I´m not enjoying being citizen of canary country. But thanks to freedomain radio I´ve found a fantastic girl, we´re engaged and recently moved to the country side from one of the major cities. I spend alot of my free time drawing and designing. My t-shirts My art I´m hoping to get to know some decent, rational folks here, since my country has a deficit of them. Cheers guys!
Thread for posting links to, and discussion of immigration related crimes in Sweden.
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In a resilient attempt to vaporize the hopes of anyone who have even a modicum of respect for sanity, the Swedish government has decided to try and help the lost and lonely refugees better acquaint themselves to Scandinavian lifestyles by giving them a full on taxpayer funded arms training course. Just in case you had any questions as to what the level of depravity and insanity is when it comes to those who wield the power of the state. Here you go.
Hi, I am a young man in my early 20's living in Sweden, the nation of IKEA and progressive dreams. I discovered libertarianism about five years ago and still find it appealing. Going through various videos and discussions on boards, I saw Stefan's name mentioned once in a while and decided to check it out. Since then, I have listened to his podcasts occasionally until a little more than a year ago when I started to give the call-in shows a chance. They lead me to the path of self knowledge and once introduced, I could not let go of these ideas. They were are contributing factor to my ending my relationship with a family member, which I don't regret to this day. The last year has been turbulent but emotionally rewarding as I am slowly discovering who I am and the life I would like to live. I created an account here to engage in conversation with people who also pursue self knowledge and deep relationships, both young and old.
Last year I decided to do something about my problems I have from my childhood and from the school years. I know it's problems that holds me back from reaching higher potetinals and goals in life. Things strated to happen positive on the emotinal plane as well, so I thought It might be try to sort things out. So when I heard Stefan talking his self warm, about psycoterapi. I decided to try it out. So I started to look up so called 'free market' practioners in that filed of practis. ...and that ended that someone where willingly to see me, in person. I reacted positivly after first treatment. So I really felt and understood that it was worth to continue. After that I try to concact this person sevral time and tried to book a new time, but in vain. Finnaly I ended up with an older woman, after trying to find some else. I started to go there three times. Then she also told me that I needed to take some antideressive like Zoloft and Prosac. I have allready had a very bad adventure with such struff in my early twentys. So I tried to argument the dangers and that is what not a good Idea, on every level possible, every time. But when she used the same sales agrument that I have heard from medical doctors in the past and now all of the Psycoterapist I visited it strock me that is was some type of sales racket. The same prases was used like... 'Anti depressives are harmless, we even used them sussesfully on school children' She also told me that I was not welcommed before taking drugs, and sign in to the ordinary Swedish healtcare system. So know I have given up that track. It's pontless to pay, to here bad sales arguments about half of the time. I know the health care system is rigged, and not in my favour. It's desiged to reduse care cost, not on getting good treatment. One more thing I discoverd during this long process was that approximatly 40% of the pyscoterapist have quit there professions the last years. A very strange phenomena in deed, but I think it has to something about a new political healtcare reforms that probaly has passed. So my questions and think goes like this, now. Maybe I shall seek healtcare in another country ? ...and maybe someone here on this forum can recommend a good free practsing pyscoterapist... or other good related practisioners ? I live in the shouther part of Sweden. I have also some Idea of maybe taking some heath vacaion, somewhere nice, and visit good healtcare professionals there ? What do guys and gals think about that ? To crasy ? or is it quit common these days ? Thank you for your time to read this not so good english. Happy Eastern, everyone.
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To all swedes out there, listen now! A facebook group called Freedomain Radio - Svenska lyssnare has just been created, meant to serve as a place for swedes/people who speak swedish to gather! So waste no time, go to facebook and request to become a member, and let the community-nizing commence! Ses i gruppen!
The Story of Your Enslavement, now with swedish subtitles!
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- the story of your enslavement
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Im new to the forum, I live in Sweden and I would like to have some input on this if possible. First I will explain the Swedish school system briefly: It is so statist like everything else here in this country I dont think people in other countries have any idea of how bad it is, The school is so in detailed steered by the government it dictates everything you learn in the Swedish school plan from 2011 with the exact amounts of lessons in the decided subjects and what exactly you should learn within them and how to run the school. (but of course you are "free" to choose your school) It is designed for everyone to be the same (not clever nor too stupid, and for everyone to be conformed), which of course isnt working. If you see the most recent PISA-result you will see that Sweden is at the bottom. The government thinks they are solving the problem with making it even stricter now, so now they will most likely make it mandatory to go to school at age 6 instead of age 7 (which all parties are for and its election this year) and if the socialdemocrats win they might make it mandatory to go to kindergarden from age 2! And they want to make it mandatory also to go to school until age 18/19! Sweden has got a lot of "free schools" which are often praised, but actually its all bull shit as there is almost nothing free about them. They have to follow the government curriculum whether its montessori, steiner, or whatever. The school form "Sudbury" is also banned here. And homeschooling is banned. (you can only homeschool if you child is dying or is severely handicapped and similar and then you have to follow the curriculum also!) This result is that there are a lot of children that dont get their needs met either because they have problems learning or they are too smart, so if you dont fit it you will still be forced to go, and even if the government promises in the school law that they care for every students need and to give them challenges appropriate for their own levels and be suited for each individual student these are very nice ideas but seldom happens. Children that has different psychological disorders of course have trouble in school and are suppose to get extra help which they usually dont because the schools dont have financing for that (The parents are never blamed of course..for the kids having these disorders which im quite sure comes from being stuck full time in kindergarden and then ignored by the parents for the hour they have with them before bedtime which is the case for the majority of 1 year olds which is because 99% of parents - everyone that isnt a slacker works and women and men are "equal" according to Sweden)) And the children that are clever gets forced to do the same as their peers although they already know that stuff which might make them naughty and of course bored and sap their enthusiasm.. because they dont get challenges. The dream of the Swedish school is "a school for all" which means everyone to conform to the same, so really this country doesnt want people to be better than other. You see that in the whole Swedish culture. If somebody is better off people get jealous. So Im really stuck in a bit of a situation. We found out you can teach your baby to read and maths when our eldest son was 8 months old, so we did that and by the time he was 20 months he could read anything in english and swedish, and he reads books himself now, knows how to use a computer, and is very good at numbers. He is soon 4 years old and we kind of dont really see the point of going to a school where he will do the same as other kids when he is 7 as he already did when he was 1 and where knows the stuff i had to learn when i was 8/9 years old.. We have also been receiving a lot of negative feed back.. a lot of people think we have destroyed our children with the reading thing, and that the children should only play until they are 7, but they dont understand that learning comes from play and that we have never forced our kids to learn stuff, we are just encouraging them to do things they like and the result of that is they get good at it. The government is insisting that they will give my sons challenges and that school is necessary but I hear from other parents about the horrible stuff that is going on, especially in the local school where I even has seen kids being beaten and the parents had to interfere because there was no staff around. I remember myself how the enthusiasm got sapped out, and how I had so easy to learn but nobody wanted to encourage that, and that because my parents where shit and my clothes were shit and most other kids didnt have those shit clothes and parents excluded me and my parents did nothing and I just had to suffer through it until I got older, i really dont want this for my kids. Me and my husband have been looking into homeschooling or finding a real montessorischool or sudburyschool or cooperative. None of this is allowed here, If you dont go to school (and the school has to be following the government curriculum otherwise it gets shut) then the government gives you hefty fines which is enough so you wont be able to pay, and if you ignore that they take your kids. Yes this has happened - just google Domenic Johansson. So the few people that really believe in homeschooling have fled Sweden. And homeschooling is such a radical idea anyway that almost noone knows about it so its not really a great chance of a law change since almost nobody is supporting this. I just cant get my head over that these stupid parents that have kids that get mistreated in school just keep sending them as they are forced to by the government. Bullys cant get suspended as they have the duty to go to school, not even if they seriously hurt somebody. Im just so annoyed about this having to be a problem.. I dont really want to have to leave the country as it has many good sides and that if we move we might not be able to have such a good standard of living in other ways that we have here. or we might not be able to move everywhere, like we have been looking at australia, nz, usa, and canada is the closest we can think to a good living standard and having a homeschooling culture. Does anyone know if we can seek asylum for being educational refugees?
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Hello! My name is Fredrik and I'm from Sweden, I'm currently studying abroad but will return to Sweden soon. I've been interested in asking the question "Why?" to basically everything as far as I remember, though it was around 2 years ago when I really started getting attached to the current state of philosophy in the world, and the first year I kept all the thoughts for myself and I didn't bother sharing them since I figured nobody had a similar interest (I'm currently trying to prove myself wrong by talking to people). What I found after a while regarding the state of philosophy right now, was simply that there wasn't much philosophy at all, I could summarize the "philosophy" in my social circles in this way. "If I get good grades, I will be able to apply for a good school/university and afterwards get a good job, so I need to study & learn whatever is thrown at me to live a good life". This way of thinking does not suit me at all, I get the feeling that it diminishes some very critical questions one ought to ask themselves before taking those things for granted. A couple of months ago I stumbled across one of Stefan's videos on Youtube and I can't remember which video it was, but I remember sitting in my chair with goosebumps because that was the first time I had ever heard another person bringing up similar issues I was concerned about to the surface. Ever since, Stefan's videos and podcasts have provided me with relevant facts and has given me a wider insight into different ways of thinking. And therefore I wish to thank Stefan Molyneux for enlightening me with certain issues in modern society. Kind Regards to everyone here at Freedomain Radio, - Fredrik
When the Swedish guy who was talking about not feeling connected to people was on, I kept expecting him or Stefan to talk about how much time he spent in daycare as a small child. Clearly, I can't know about this persons situation, but it is usual for children in Sweden to be in full time daycare from the age of 1, and that doesn't help much with the connection between child and parent. School starts at 7 years old, and it finishes quite early in the afternoon (although children can stay in school for a few more hours if needed), but maybe this person went home when school finished when he was 7 and so got some more time with his parents, and maybe that is why he mentioned from 7-10 years old. Lots of maybes in here, but I hope it is useful nonetheless.
I know, Sweden isn't socialist, not unless you stretch the definition a little bit too far!