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  1. I'd love to hear some thoughts on Lawrence Lessig's talk given at the Sydney Blockchain conference in December 2015. I was in attendance on the first day of the conference but sadly missed the second in which Lessig gave this talk: Deja vú all over again: Thinking through law & code, again. Lawrence guides the listener on a walk down memory lane to the genesis of the Internet framing it as a remarkably similar inflection point to where we find ourselves today in 2016 with blockchain technologies. He hammers home his point that the state is by no means obviable in context of "purely private contracts" (e.g. Etherum based agreements) while never touching on any of the more volatile topics around the monopoly on the use of force in any sort of human ethical context. Peaceful parenting is nowhere to be found ... if you were curious. Following the conference, I've learned that Lessig's talk was one of the most revered among many attendees ... both via personal discussions with attendees and conference recaps that have been published around the web. This gives rise to a bit of concern on my part over the feeling that we don't have very strong philosophical minds on the ground in the blockchain space at this crucial time in the development of this technology. I know Stef has been present as a speaker in past bitcoin/blockchain conferences which I'd love to see more of. I feel I did my small part with the few folks I spoke with at the conference to raise some critical and remarkably unasked questions to those within earshot. I suppose deja vú is the soup du jour at the "Philosophy of Humanity Café"! Hemlock anyone? With the recent launch of Bitnation [Estona e-Residency Program and Bitnation DAO Public Notary Partnership Announcement] and the myriad other blockchain based products and services being launched, the stage is set for a unique showdown, in my opinion, between the former and the future generations ... one that pits a generation that seems to value loose, ambiguous, and corrupt with strict, clear, and uncorruptable. Obviously there is a unity of these opposites that will ultimately unfold, however I can't help but to feel that an inter-generational battlefield is the "reality" that we actually inhabit. Depending upon the personal lens you view the world through each day, what it might mean to be on the "winning side" of history has never felt more critical to understand at a personal level to inform daily life. It's remarkable, exciting, and enervating all at the same time. Thoughts, observations, suggestions of other content ... all very appreciated! Good day to you all...
  2. Hello from Sydney, I new here but I have noticed it has been a while since one of these went out, so i thought i'd do it. Are there any people in Sydney on these forums or giving a search? I've noticed that a quick search of the forums shows, that none of the posters from the last thread have been active in the last few years, so im going to give it a shot with this one. Thank you, Charles Turner Me culpa, just realised this should have been in the meet' n greet.
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