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  1. Stumbled upon this emotional video, it's extremely intense. Things seem to be escalating very quickly here in Europe, every day there are more and more people speaking out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omRK9k36gS4
  2. Just an update on things happening in Australia, it's pretty big news here but I haven't seen a thread on it so, here's some back-story (and some things I think are related): On September 15th, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and other speakers held a conference in NZ to talk about, among other things, Snowden's revelations on how the New Zealand, Australia, Canada, USA and the UK Governments collude on spying, and how they to ignore every single guideline of the privacy laws against their own citizens: The Moment of Truth: (Starts at 22:00 mark; Snowden at 1:00:00 mark) ...Just two or three days before this conference is due, Australian Government decides to heighten it's "Terror Threat Level" to "High", a ridiculous gesture to scare the public, and frame in Australian's mind How Much They Need Their Security Agencies: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-09-12/australia-increases-terrorism-threat-level/5739466 It has not gone down as yet: http://www.nationalsecurity.gov.au/Securityandyourcommunity/Pages/NationalTerrorismPublicAlertSystem.aspx ...One week later, police call a suspected Islamic radical on his mobile and ask for a meeting at the police station - this someone who has posted pictures of himself in camo and a balaclava, in front of an flag of Islam, on FaceBook, apparently along with images of ISIS members. His posts include: "Lets not put the focus on other things. The main message I'm sending with these statuses and photos is to the dogs AFP and ASIO who are declaring war on Islam and Muslims" ...They do not approach this obvious radical with basic precautions - and both police officers end up being stabbed, with the man being shot dead. http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/terror-suspect-shot-dead-after-two-police-officers-stabbed-in-endeavour-hills-20140924-10l5d4.html Never Letting A Tragedy Go To Waste, Attorney-General Brandis has pushed for new National Security Laws, which effectively could make the whole of the Australian internet monitorable legally - makes whistle-blowers and journalists unprotected and liable for prosecution as law - and this is now followed by a push for 2 years of internet data retention. http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/consumer-security/parliament-bullied-to-pass-national-security-laws-says-greens-senator-scott-ludlam-20140924-10lir9.html The Greens party, some independents, and the only Libertarian politician with a seat (David Leyonhjelm, LDP), push a for modification to limit this massive over-reach for power - a futile gesture as both major parties, without exception (to my understanding), both voted in favor of the new reforms. Probably most revealing video on the attitudes of the current Attorney-General (by the commie Greens, but helpful to understand what's happening): Final Words as new reforms go through: Some other related videos: Data retention now the latest push: A year ago, the Australian security advisers refusing to even name the agency that's censoring websites off the internet, let alone what they are blocking. (Around 08:00 mark).
  3. I wanted to share with you a discussion I had with Larken Rose. Actually, I wanted to share another discussion I had with a libertarian friend, on the same topic. The short version is: Larken: I rather die than kill innocent people Me: If you take a human-shield, YOU are responsible for his death, not I ...and it goes to: "Eyal, one fine test of how stupid someone's philosophy is, is to ask, if the whole world shared that philosophy, what would things be like? Well, if the whole world believed as YOU do, as soon as ONE act of aggression occurs, there will be perpetual mass murder, as the victim slaughters innocents in the name of "self defense," and then some of HIS victims do the same, and so on, forever." "Larken, what you're doing here is a Red Herring, as the issue is not the universality, but whether we recognize Israel's bombing of Gaza as self-defense or not." If you find the topic interesting, I invite you to read from the attached screenshot(s) (I'll upload the other discussions/debates later) Screenshot: (debate with Larken) https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D7790656_95600811_928427 Screenshot 2: (debate with a friend and his friends) https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D7790656_95600811_929516 Screenshot 3: (debate with random anarchists on Jeff Berwick's wall) https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D7790656_95600811_937136 Screenshot 4: (debate with the same guy from screenshot#2, again) https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D7790656_95600811_938601 I also recommend watching this video by Pat Condell, which I posted in those debates: And this short video too And just for laughs: The entire situation in less than 1 minute video http://tinypic.com/r/2mmir9s/8
  4. An impromptu video I recorded yesterday when testing my new microphone; on a quote by Alice Miller and on the delicate subject of suicide in general.
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