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  1. Hey guys, Wanted to jump right in and say hello! My name is Matthew and I'm a recovering fundimental baptist Originally from West Virginia, lived in South Carolina, and have spent the last year travelling abroad (India and currently in Kazakhstan) after my wife of ten years decided to divorce me while living in Dubai. This event has been extemely painful and I've been trying to put the peices of my past together so that I will not make the same mistakes again. In addition, and around the same time period as the divorce, I informed my overtly beligerent religious parents of my non-belief and, well... you can probably guess how well that went down. FDR, among other wonderful recources like The Thinking Atheist, have been a real life line, in that, it opened a whole new world to me. A world where people appreciate, nay, THRIVE on truth, honestly, and virtue. I can't wait to peruse these forums... I, like many of you, am looking to meet like minded people to connect with, to cultivate friendships, network, etc... My professional background is in photography but have since persued electronic music production. I LOVE music! Maybe soon, I might be able to build up the courage to call into the show... Thanks for having me! Much love and appreciation, Matthew
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